Blended Worship
(Traditional + Contemporary)
in the Sanctuary
9 & 10:40AM
Contemporary Worship
in Fellowship Hall
9 & 10:40AM
Street Church
Location for April:
1662 SE Skyline
Watch the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall services online starting Sundays at 9AM
This Week's Sermon: Doug's Final Series
Sunday, April 24
What Matters Most #2

Job 38:1-18
Pastor Doug

The best response to the perpetual problem of suffering and evil is humility. God is God and we are not. Faith, hope, and love thrive when we accept God’s sovereignty over all life. Our unwavering confidence in God’s love lies at the heart of this conviction. God’s love ensures justice, quiets our anxiety, cultivates our contentment, and generates our confidence. Job’s story reveals both the limits of human reasoning and the limitless love, wisdom, and power of the sovereign Lord.
Sermon Reflection Questions available on the Small Groups page of the website Friday evening.
Highlighted Events
Resurrection Reunion Night of Worship
THIS SUNDAY, April 24 @6-7:30PM | Fellowship Hall
One service is not enough to celebrate the life-changing impact of the resurrection! Featuring special food, inspiring worship, community and a message of encouragement.
Good Kings Come in Small Packages
Sunday, May 1 @9 & 10:40AM | Sanctuary

With song and dance, our 3-8 grade choirs will bring to life the story of Josiah, the child King. Special sermon by our Middle School Director Chris Watkins.
National Day of Prayer
Thursday, May 5 @9AM

Come pray for the world and the nation as there are so many needs. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Doug Rumford and he will be speaking on “The Audacity of Prayer”. Join us for coffee and a continental breakfast.
Upcoming Events
Registration required for some activities. Sign up online or on the app.
Contact: Theresa

Congregational Meeting Sunday, May 1 @4PM
We are meeting to vote on dissolving the call of Pastor Doug Rumford (effective end of June), hear announcements from the Pastor Nominating Committee, and information on pastoral leadership during the time of transition. Childcare available.

Explorations Class Friday, May 6 @6PM- 9PM | Fellowship Hall and Saturday, May 7 @9AM- 2:30PM | Fellowship Hall
If you are thinking of joining Trinity as a member (covenant partner) please join us on Friday night and Saturday to hear more about Trinity’s vision, meet the pastors, and see how you fit in. You can register online.

The New SoulShaping Journal is Here!
An edition of Pastor Doug’s SoulShaping Journal without dates enables you to journey toward spiritual vitality on your own timeline. Copies are available for $10 at the church office during business hours and on Sunday at the Welcome cart.
QUICK LINKS: Join a small group
Contact: Mona

PrimeTimers 50+ Seniors Tuesday, Apr 26 @10AM | Fellowship Hall
An introduction to pickleball. Lunch with be served. Contact Muriel Morse.

Man Night Presents: The Huddle Wednesday, Apr 27 @7-8:30PM | Fellowship Hall
An intergenerational evening with food, fun and conversation. Pastor Mike will speak on Living Life on Purpose. Cost $10 for dinner. Register online.

Man Night at OC Rescue Mission Wednesday, May 11 @6:30-8:30PM | Village of Hope
Pastor Doug will speak on Who Tells You Who You Are? Cost $10 for dinner. Register online.

Celebrate Recovery Mondays @6-9PM | Fellowship Hall
Find freedom from hurts, habits, and hang-ups in a safe, encouraging environment. This Christ-centered program includes dinner @6PM, large group with live worship and teaching @7PM, and small groups @8PM. Contact CR.
Contact: Sandy

Two Concerts Sunday, May 22 | Sanctuary
Handbell concert @4PM presented by student & adult bell choirs and “Gospel Music & More!” @5:30PM presented by High School & College choirs. Refreshments served between concerts.

Chancel Choir & Orchestra Concert Sunday, June 12 @4PM | Sanctuary
Featuring selections from Handel’s Messiah (Easter portion) and contemporary works.

Announcing Our First-Ever Summer Musical!
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Open to ages Middle School thru Adult. More info on the Worship/Music events page online.

Ushers Needed
Are you willing to serve as an usher for a worship service? It’s an easy and important way to help people feel welcome. There’s flexibility in how often you serve. Contact Sandy.

Follow us on Instagram.
Contact: Laura

Young Life Capernaum Club Friday, May 13 @7PM
Love to have fun with local teens with intellectual and developmental disabilities? Your help will make a big difference in their growing faith. Contact Alyssa Burgess.

OC Rescue Mission Serve Day Saturday, May 21 @9AM-2:30PM | Double R Ranch
The Double R Ranch property needs your help in reviving its new facility. From landscaping and gardening to painting walls and hammering nails, there are plenty of opportunities to serve. Volunteers must be 16 yrs old. Register online.

Short-Term Mission Trip with JOY! Brazil July 2-12
Our mission partners, Edgy & Kathy Ribeiro, are inviting young adults to be part of their outreach camp for unchurched middle and high school students in Brazil. You will teach games, songs, and beginner-level ESL classes during camp. Deadline to apply is April 30. Register online.

Follow us on Instagram.
Contact: Mary

Blood Drive Friday, May 6 @11AM-4PM | Munzing Hall
To donate, you must be older than 17 and weigh more than 114 lbs. Contact Parish Nurse Kim. Register online.

Samaritan Care Center is Open Monday-Friday @9:30AM-12PM
Prayers, encouragement and support are provided to those in need. Medical equipment available for loan. Contact SCC.
TRINITY KIDS Contact Diane
Littles Infants-Kindergarten Sunday School @9 & 10:40AM | EC Building
• Trinity Kids Sunday School Sundays @9AM | The Center and 10:40AM | Room 201
• Family Worship Sunday May 1 | Sanctuary
Hear a special message from Chris Watkins and support our children’s choirs as they perform selections from Good Kings Come in Small Packages. NO Sunday School for grades 1-5.
• Bible Sunday May 15
Our 2nd graders receive their own Bible! It’s not too late to join in now and every Sunday as we prepare for this special milestone.
• Summer! Forest Home camp is FULL. Gopher Gulch and VBS are filling up fast. Register online soon!
Follow us on Instagram.

• MSM Sundays @9-10AM | Backyard
Talking about transitions and getting ready for next school year.
• All MSM Attend Worship May 1
We’ll attend worship to support our MSM choir’s presentation of Good Kings Come in Small Packages.
• EPIC Tuesdays @6:30-8PM | Plaza
Games, worship and connection with friends!
Follow us on Instagram.

HIGH SCHOOL Contact Joel
• HSM Sundays @10:30AM-12PM | Backyard
Our new series, Can I Ask That? Real discussions around questions we have about faith. 
• WELL Wednesday, Apr 26 @7-9PM
Guys — Join us for The Huddle in FH.
Ladies — Join us for DWELL, (daughters WELL).
Follow us on Instagram.

• College Group Thursdays @7-9PM | Backyard
Worship, fellowship, and growing together.
• Breakfast Club Sundays @10:10-10:40AM | The HUB
Coffee, donuts and fellowship! Then we'll attend the 10:40AM service together.
Follow us on Instagram and GroupMe.