March 23, 2020
COVID-19 Response Efforts

As the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation progresses—certainly making for unsettling times—we learn more each day.

Like you, we are following advice and guidelines from the CDC, WHO and our state government agencies surrounding precautionary measures. The health and wellbeing of our staff, members, and communities comes first.

We are all operating now in unknown territory, without a map. How long will this last? No one knows. What solutions can we come up with now? Working together, we will get through this.

As providers to the vital health care professionals, it’s important that you and your team stay safe during these times too. Many of you are taking orders over the phone and offering curbside delivery or promoting your e-commerce sites. We commend you on being pro-active and “thinking outside the box.” Share your ideas with us on Facebook or email – maybe you have an idea that others have not thought about yet.

We are open for business. We are moving forward with plans for the 14 th Annual URA Trade Show in San Antonio, October 25-28. We have great staff, a dedicated Board of Directors and great members. If we can move forward now, even in this national disaster, we will be a stronger organization in the end. And remember to take care of yourself!


Uniform Retailers Association

Phone: (866) 775-0080 or (614) 721-0777