August 11, 2020
Drum Roll Please...

Join us at 11:00 am ET on Thursday, August 27, for Coffee Talk with Mike Singer with Careismatic Brands/formerly Strategic Partners. Mike's talk will focus on winning in tough times. Pre-registration is required for this FREE member benefit.

#MadeBetter: Giving Back

Landau believes not only in crafting better, higher quality products for healthcare workers, but they also believe in contributing back to the community, nation, and the world, to build a better community for generations. Learn more about how they give back.

Landau Announces New Product Launch

Landau Uniforms announced the launch of a new scrub collection – ProFlex with PWRcorTM. This launch is an upgrade on their most popular scrubs collection, Landau ProFlex, with their revolutionary compression technology, the PWRcorTM waistband, trademarked by Urbane Scrubs, part of the Landau family of brands. Read more about this exciting announcement>>
Hand Sanitizer 1
How 7 Retailers Are Responding to Covid
5 Months Later
Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor

With the prospect of the pandemic continuing for the foreseeable future, many retailers are looking for clues to how other retailers respond to Covid. A renewed focus is needed on the store experience, one that gives shoppers a reason to put down their remote, get in their care, and venture out. Read more>>
Another GREAT member-only benefit, the 2020 URA Virtual Trade Show will give you the opportunity to listen to several webinars from our speaker, David Avrin, on The Customer Experience Advantage, and still view products and services from industry suppliers in the comfort of your home. Mark your calendar and watch URA communications for more details as they develop!
Share Your Successes!
Do you have any success (or failures) you'd like to share with your peers? One of our most treasured benefits of the URA is the ability to network and learn from others. If you have ideas you think would benefit others, please send them to It's a great way to help fellow small business owners.
Are you ready to get involved? The membership committee is tasked with building and retaining membership and reviewing member benefit programs. The trade show committee assists in finding and reviewing potential speakers and programs. Committee involvement is a great opportunity to demonstrate your leadership skills and move up to board positions. Call (866) 775-0080 or email if you are ready to get involved!
Uniform Retailers Association

Phone: (866) 775-0080 or (614) 721-0777