May 5, 2020
This week is a special time to show your appreciation for not only nurses but all healthcare workers! With the pandemic and forced changes to our "normal", we hope that you too, our scrub store retailers, find a renewed sense of love and appreciation for what you do every day. Thank you for keeping healthcare workers in uniform!
Register Now!
Retailers from around the world have been asking when registration will open. Well, it's now open!

In addition to a all the products and services you cannot wait to see on the trade show floor , we are excited to offer an optional workshop on Sunday presented by Diamond Data and Monday's education presenter is David Avrin . David knows all about the customer experience advantage and you will not want to miss his entertaining and content rich presentation. Register now!

PS - Yes, we know there may be a new "normal" in October due to COVID. We are prepared to make necessary adjustments if needed. And if the show cannot be held, your registration will be fully refunded.
Health Coverage Program for URA Members
If you missed our announcement last month, we are excited to offer a new member benefit program providing health insurance coverage to you and/or your employees and families individually.

You can do one of the following to get more information about these health coverage options:
  1. Call 888-988-5269 to speak directly with the URA/LIG team of licensed advisor about your health coverage needs.
  2. Visit to learn more about the program as well as schedule an appointment to learn more about this valuable URA member benefit.

If the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted you, your family, your business/ employees, and health coverage is a concern, please know that you have options, and the team at LIG can assist you.
Share Your Successes!
Do you have any success (or failures) you'd like to share with your peers? One of our most treasured benefits of the URA is the ability to network and learn from others. If you have ideas you think would benefit others, please send them to . It's a great way to help fellow small business owners.
Are you ready to get involved? The membership committee is tasked with building and retaining membership and reviewing member benefit programs. The trade show committee assists in finding and reviewing potential speakers and programs. Committee involvement is a great opportunity to demonstrate your leadership skills and move up to board positions. Call (866) 775-0080 or email if you are ready to get involved!
Uniform Retailers Association

Phone: (866) 775-0080 or (614) 721-0777