September 8, 2023

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Construction of the retaining wall along the eastbound 91 McKinley Street off-ramp continues the week of September 11. Crews will continue forming bridge abutments that will help support the future bridge. This work will continue alongside underground utility work on McKinley Street.

A full view of columns being constructed on McKinley Street that will support the future bridge.

Ongoing Traffic Control on McKinley Street

The eastbound SR-91 McKinley Street off-ramp is reduced to one lane, but still allows for left and right turns onto McKinley Street. This new configuration is expected to be in place until late fall.

Lanes on McKinley Street continue minimized to one lane in both northbound and southbound directions from State Route 91 to Magnolia Avenue until construction is complete in mid to late 2024.

NOTICE: Eastbound SR-91 McKinley Off-Ramp Speed Advisory

Periodic traffic congestion is expected during peak morning and afternoon commute hours at the Eastbound SR-91 off-ramp onto McKinley Street.

We strongly recommend motorists traveling on eastbound SR-91 in outside lines to reduce speeds when approaching the off-ramp. Stay alert and reduce your speed to keep yourself and others safe.

Businesses Remain Open

While some access points to businesses along McKinley Street have been temporarily changed, your favorite local businesses are still open.

Your continued patronage of these businesses is appreciated.

Interactive Project Map

In an effort to lessen traffic impacts and increase motorist and pedestrian safety, we strongly advise motorists and large delivery or semi-truck and trailer traffic to use recommended alternate routes to access and exit the project area, avoiding McKinley Street where possible.

Using the detours will help reduce traffic while helping maintain patronage at local businesses until construction is complete.

We encourage you to view the latest detours, live lane closures, and progress photos, which are available to view on our interactive map at

Interactive Map
Project Overview

The McKinley Street Grade Separation Project is set to change the way you travel through McKinley Street.

City of Corona residents and commuters experience significant traffic congestion daily on McKinley Street. To improve this, a suspension bridge will be built elevating McKinley Street over the BNSF railroad tracks and Arlington Channel. Construction will extend from State Route 91 on the north side to Magnolia Avenue on the south side.

Once complete, the project will relieve traffic congestion, improve mobility and safety for both motorists and pedestrians, as well as improve emergency response times, air quality and noise. Expected project completion is mid 2024.

Neighboring Projects

15/91 Express Lanes Connector: RCTC, in partnership with Caltrans, is building the 15/91 Express Lanes Connector, which will link the 15 Express Lanes to the 91 Express Lanes.

91 Refresh Project: The Riverside County Transportation Commission, in partnership with Caltrans, is repaving lanes and making repairs to sound walls and associated concrete barriers along the outer portions of eastbound and westbound 91 in Corona.

71/91 Interchange Project: In partnership with Caltrans, RCTC is reconstructing the 71/91 Interchange in Corona. Construction will take place until 2025.