Return of the Gods

National Exorcism of the USA

"I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world." John 16:33

Then what is the fall? In one word, the fall is departure -- not departure from power or position or a certain understanding, but departure from the very love of God that we have been talking about. The perfection of men hinges upon that particular love, and once there is a way to obtain that love for man there will be perfection. Obtaining that love of God leads to perfection for everything. SMM, The Will of God & Thanksgiving, 2/12/78           

Hello Richard,

Hyung Jin Nim started Sunday’s sermon by reading Joshua 22. After 7 years of battles to conquer the promised land the 12 tribes were settling down in the lands designated for them, but there was a central point for the nation where ritual offerings could be made, the tabernacle in Shiloh. Providence works through a central point. All Israelite men were commanded to go back 3 times per year to participate in the meat and sin offerings.

The religious leaders were expecting that the Messiah would rule over the kings of the earth, but Micah 4 refers to other kingdoms at the same time worshipping their own “gods.” Freedom is a critical aspect of the mechanism of love. While the culture in God’s Kingdom will be Judeo-Christian, there still will be freedom of belief.

In Matthew 19, Jesus said to go to speak to your brother if you have a complaint. In Joshua 22, the ten tribes hear of 2 tribes of Reuben and of Gad and the half-tribe of Manasseh, building a new altar separately on their land on the west side of the Jordan river and thought these tribes were making their offering at a new location on their own land. They were ready to go to civil war. Fortunately, the ten tribes sent representatives to the tribal leaders of Reuben and Gad to find out the truth.

Don’t listen to gossip. If you hear someone sharing gossip. Ask them, “did you go to talk to the person to find out if this is true?”

In Korea, there were different competing Sanctuary groups. Hyung Jin Nim told them they have freedom to choose and responsibility. As long as they respected the core tenets of True Father’s teaching, brothers and sisters could decide which churches to attend.

Next, he spoke about a new book by Jonathan Cahn, Return of the Gods. Cahn argues that America is inviting back the pagan gods of Moloch and Asherah in its promotion of transgenderism. Second wave feminism encouraged women to abandon marriage as an oppressive, patriarchal institution. In Matthew 19, Jesus said “did you not know that in the beginning, God made them male and female. The man will leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife.” The fires of sexuality should take place only in the fireplace of marriage.

The Rockefeller Foundation funded feminist studies in colleges around the country. President Lyndon B. Johnson launched the Great Society program that subsidized low-income mothers as long as they were not married. Black families in the USA had an 80% rate of marriage in the 1950s, but that declined to less than 30% in our time.

He spoke about the story of the baseball player Derek Jeter, who called home saying the training was so hard! His mother urged him to come home to relax, but his father told him to overcome and persevere. He persevered and went on to 5 world championships.

The value of Martial Arts training is that it gives you intensive experience of being humiliated. Even Joe Rogan, a Martial Arts champion and Black Belt, shared testimony of being dominated by a Jui Jitsu purple belt. It is a big wake-up call where you have to face fear and adversity, and abandon self-delusions. You also learn about the just use of force.

 The scripture talks about a “spiritual battle” where you have to persevere no matter what. Learn emotional self-control, which is useful in parenting. “Just parenting” means don’t use the “rod” out of anger. Otherwise, you’re “ruling” like a Communist.

 In ancient Israel, at age 13 the boys would join the men to begin training to fight in the militia. True Father warned that using alcohol or drugs makes you act emotionally and out-of-control.

When Judeo-Christianity comes into a nation, it does a “national exorcism” of pagan practices like “temple prostitution,” ie. the selling of women’s bodies for wealth and power.

The term “sacred prostitution” was an oxymoron. In the modern context it’s actually a pagan cult that exploits the female body including the huge mega-industry of pornography. The rabbit hole of porn starts with images that addict, with loads of dopamine followed by the adrenaline provided by hard, violent porn involving abuse, rape, etc.

Sexual liberation led to “unwanted” fatherless children and the “need” for abortion. Women’s “healthcare” = killing children. In ancient cultures women would carry their children to the high priest to be thrown into the fire. Today women go to an abortion "healthcare provider." Leaders in the abortion movement have been involved with the occult. Several wiccan leaders say that abortion is a sacrament in their religion.

The rainbow was given by God as a promise of His covenant (Genesis 9:8-17), not as “pride” in fallen behaviors.

The sacrifice of children for the benefit of adults is the opposite of Jesus, a grown man, choosing to give his life as a sacrifice for the human race. In the ancient world, national exorcism required tearing down the temples.

We should seek not just a spiritual revival. There should be changes in the law so that the defilement of children is punished. If we do not sit in the judge’s seat of authority then Satan will sit there. Our goal is not just engaging in a spiritual war, but in taking dominion to create a Godly nation and world.


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by William Brunhofer

Called an “excellent apologetic for the 2nd Amendment” and “handbook for dealing with some big mistakes people make when talking about this Amendment, self-defense and limiting the power of government,” Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, urges citizens to read the “Rod of Iron Kingdom” by Pastor Hyung Jin Sean Moon. For, as we have witnessed again and again, most tragically in school shootings, such as the Parkland, FL mass shooting described in this book, we cannot rely on mere local, state, and federal law enforcement nor politicians, schoolteachers, and or administrators to protect our children and communities from evil. 

And what we also find here is a plea to reacquire the Judeo-Christian principles inscribed within the founding documents of the nation, designed to protect freedoms and liberties of the American citizen. And in the spirit of the ‘Black Robed Ministers’ of the pre-Revolutionary War within the original 13 colonies - who led many of the first militias in this country which defended Lexington and Concord - Pastor Moon takes up the cause of also defending the natural God-given rights of all Americans under attack today from the radical Left. 

First, Pastor Moon analyzes the ‘Civil War’ in America, as a battle where the “existence and authority of a Supreme Being, God, stands against a belief in an ‘enlightened’ class of ‘experts,’” who compete at the local, state, national, and global levels, too. In this analysis, he sees a small cast of self-described experts usher in this era of “Left-Administrative Branches threatening the democratic consensus of the people, and the very foundation and fabric of this Republic.” And, what can happen when “people replace faith in God with secular ideology,” he points to the estimated 150 million civilians who were killed by their own governments in Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, Communist China, Cambodia, Turkey, etc. during the 20th Century alone. In all these nations, the citizens were disarmed, leaving them largely defenseless against these mass murders.

(Read rest of Rod of Iron Kingdom book review)

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Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President

World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

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"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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