December 30, 2021

Dear SMES Families and Friends,
Current Omicron trends dictate our return to school on Tuesday, January 4, 2022 in much the same way as in January 2021. Fortunately this year we have the knowledge gleaned from our previous successful experience containing the virus, as well as the advantage of vaccines and testing opportunities.
Because of everyone’s cooperation with SMES protocols thus far, we have quickly addressed the cases that have arisen and maintained an in-person consistent, quality, learning environment. To continue that record, we want to remind everyone of community expectations. Besides understanding the CDC guidelines, please carefully read and follow these SMES protocols:
  1. Local and national case trends require SMES to heighten our enforcement of COVID-19 protocols. Everyone in the school building must be masked at all times. Unless pre-approved by the school's Health Assistant for entry, only students, faculty and staff may enter the building. Faculty and staff are all vaccinated to the extent possible. No adults may enter the building unless they are vaccinated. Parent Volunteers who are engaged with our students outdoors must be vaccinated.
  2. We strongly encourage students aged five and older, eligible for a vaccine, to receive one as soon as possible.
  3. Everyone who is aware of a close contact with another COVID-positive individual should be tested before returning to school. By CDC definition, close contact is considered a person with whom you have spent more than 30 minutes on a one-to-one basis without mask or social distancing who tested positive after contact.
  4. Should symptoms develop, students and other community members should quarantine at home until symptom-free for 24-hours or tested as negative.  
  5. For the time being, the faculty will be checking student temperatures at morning carpool. Students with a temperature of 100.3 degrees or above must return home and not return to school until tested as negative or free of symptoms for at least 24-hours.
  6. Students will not be permitted to exit the car at morning carpool without a face mask covering the nose and mouth. Students must have at least 3 extra masks with them to change into if necessary during the school day. Disposable face masks will only be given in the event of a mask emergency.
We will continue to monitor developments carefully. We hope that parents will do the same and to help avoid contagion however reasonably possible. We encourage parents to communicate with the school's Health Assistant, Jan Wilder, with questions or student health related concerns. With everyone’s cooperation, we will successfully navigate this pandemic stage in our community's best interest.

Thank you.

Charlie Sachs
Interim Head of School