Crossings is pleased to announce that we are thoughtfully and gradually returning to the care of our community!

We anticipate a gradual and slow return with just a few of our practitioners having already started in the clinic. Meg, Jane, and Barbara have opened a very quiet and lean schedule. Please contact them directly should you wish to return to care. All clients are being carefully and individually screened.
Jane Grissmer , M.Ac, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac.

Coming Soon
As the data and the “dashboards” of this virus continue to change for the better you will see many of your favorite practitioners returning to practice, as well. We encourage you to reach out to your practitioner should you have any questions regarding care or/and are in need of support. Here  is where you can find their contact information.

New Ways of Being Together
There are several new procedures that are in place for all of our safety needs. We hope to make these new ways of “being together” as easy and as reassuring as possible. Early next week we will launch a video that will show you a bit of what you can see and expect when you come in!

Some things to know…
  1. You will be asked multiple times, starting with your appointment confirmation and reminder, whether you have a temperature, have been exposed to CoVid over the past 2 weeks, or have any CoVid-type symptoms. If you answer “yes” to any of those questions, you will be asked to re-schedule.
  2. The building is still secured, so entry is by the intercom by the side of the building door. Masks are mandated in the building, and only two people per elevator ride are allowed. 
  3. Before entering Crossings you will see a letter on the door describing the need for a mask to enter, and will see the repeated CoVid questions. You will also need your “client code” that your practitioner has given you. If you’ve forgotten it, please contact your practitioner.
  4. To create a greater contact-less environment we are asking clients to pre-pay prior to their session. Saving your encrypted credit card information in our secure software is the preferred method. This allows a lot less exposure for our front desk staff.  
  5. You will see that the reception area is clearly marked with social distancing signage and directional signage on the floor. Upon entering it is asked that you use hand gel. 
  6. Arriving early, or bringing family members or health aides is strongly discouraged. 
  7. Your practitioner will greet you promptly with full PPE and will escort you to your room. After your session, everyone maintains only one direction to avoid contact, and so you will exit out our rear door. 
  8. Detailed procedures of disinfection are in place in preparation for your visit, during your visit, and after your visit. You are encouraged to ask your practitioner about our procedures; and you are also welcomed to check everything out at the time of your visit.
  9. We have eliminated our cancellation policy. If you have any concerns that you may have viral symptoms on the day of your visit, we strongly encourage you to cancel.

Crossings ... offering seasoned care in a new world. 

Compassionate – Aware – Resource – Excellence – Sanctuary