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August 3rd, 2020

DACC Senior Students and Families,

We are excited to welcome all of you to the Delaware Area Career Center and the 2020-21 school year! We are busily preparing for the opening of school and getting ready for what will surely be another extraordinary year. This year will continue to challenge all of us to teach and to learn in ways that are new and different from traditional approaches.

Whatever we face this year and no matter whether we are working face-to-face with students or through remote learning, our goal is to provide a high quality and engaging experience for all students. 

The purpose of this communication is to give students, parents and guardians important information about the start of the school year. This year we will not be hosting Schedule Pick-Up and Acceptance (incoming students only) events like we have in the past. 

Please know that we were on course to plan and implement these events, but decided that we needed to continue to consider the safety of our students, parents and staff and work through this process remotely this year. 

In order to have a successful and efficient start to the school year, we have a few “to do” items that we need all students and/or parents to complete over the next several weeks.

In order to make sure you are accessing the most up-to-date information, we have posted this important update on our web site here in a printable document. Please feel free to use this document as your checklist. If you have already completed any specific item, please check it off and move on to the next one. 

Also listed in that document are important informational items for the first week of school and general operating procedures.

Only our Level 1 students will be attending classes at DACC during the week of August 24 - 28. Our 1/2 day (lab only) students will return to their home school midday while our full day students (lab and academics) will remain on campus all day. 

The students will rotate on our “Blue/Green” schedule this week. We will not have any classes on Wednesday, August 26. This is the only week we will do this as our intention is to help orient our students to our programs and interact with our academic teachers face to face before beginning remote learning.

Our level 2 students will begin August 31. From that point forward we will be on our “Blue/Green” rotating schedule with academics on full remote learning. 

As you review the rotation for the first two weeks, please pay attention to your programs’ specific schedule.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions. We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students and parents to another great school year. Enjoy the rest of your summer - we will see you soon!
Jim Gaskill
Delaware Area Career Center
We understand that each individual family is unique and will have questions not addressed in the district-wide Return to School Plan. Please use this form to submit your questions so that the appropriate staff member may contact you with more information.
The Delaware Area Career Center (DACC) affirms that equal opportunities are offered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, military status, national origin, disability, age and ancestry of person. No person shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any educational program or activity conducted under its auspices. This shall extend to employees therein and to admission thereto. Inquiries concerning the application of the policy may be referred to the Superintendent or designated coordinators. This policy shall prevail in all Board Policies concerning school employees and students.