Rev. Heather Godsey Accepts Call

As CCC Senior Minister

February 9, 2024

It is my great pleasure to share the news that Rev. Heather Godsey has formally agreed to accept the ministerial call to Community Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Lincolnshire. Pending details of relocation, her first Sunday with us will be mid-March.

Thanks for all the effort to bring us to this point.

Please forward this news freely (and share or like the related Facebook post).

With appreciation,


Rev. Heather Godsey is a graduate of Vanderbilt Divinity School and spent 15 years in ecumenical campus ministry before serving the most recent four years as an intentional interim minister. The congregation in Lincolnshire is her first long-term call in the congregational setting. She's particularly interested in the history of American Christianity through popular art and film. Pastor Heather is also a story-teller. 

Heather is a native of Monroe County, Indiana (Bloomington), where she and her mother were a regular part of the faith community at First Christian Church in Bloomington. Her undergraduate degree in English is from Transylvania University in Lexington, Kentucky. She was ordained in the Tennessee Region in 2003. Her campus ministry positions were at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland through 2006, followed by University of Tennessee in Knoxville through 2018. During the Cleveland years, she was also Director of Children’s Ministries at Fairmount Presbyterian Church in Cleveland Heights. In Knoxville, on Sunday mornings, she was regularly out providing pulpit supply or serving as a part-time interim in Disciples of Christ churches.

In 2018, she sought her first full-time call in the congregational setting. The onset of COVID found her at Centennial Christian Church in Bloomington, Illinois, where she served as an intentional interim minister from April 2019 through the end of 2021. From there she moved to Champion Christian Church in Champion Township outside Warren, Ohio (Youngstown area), another intentional interim call. The Champion congregation has called their next Senior Pastor, and Heather’s term as Interim Minister was complete at the end of December 2023.

A mid-March start date is planned at Community Christian Church-Lincolnshire.