A positive path for spiritual living
Meeting address: 4277 Columbus Pike (US Rte 23) Delaware
Mailing address: PO Box 593, Delaware 43015
Rev. Joanne Blum, Minister

Winter Weather Statement:

Whenever there is a Level 2 Snow Emergency for Delaware County, church will be cancelled. Check our Unity Church of Delaware Facebook page for updates.

This week's service:

Rev. Joanne Blum

"Crucible Moments"

Sunday, Jan. 19 at 10:30am

Music: Carisa Holmes & Michael Kontras

Alchemists of old used crucibles to melt down base metals, hoping to turn them into gold. In our lives there are crucible moments, times when we undergo pressure, or discomfort, not unlike a kind of heat. And often it is such moments that transform us into something stronger, purer, and more golden.

Join us in person at 4277 Columbus Pike, or join our live stream on Youtube at: https://www.youtube.com/@unitychurchofdelaware3247

All previous services and events are also archived on Youtube.

Last week's service:

Elizabeth Betzel, LUT, on

"Leaning Into Imperfection"

Sunday, Jan. 12, 2025

Music: Joe Lambert & Joanne Blum

Have you made any resolutions heading into this new year? If so, you might want to consider how ambitious they are. Striving for perfection - in anything - is not only impractical. It can be downright disheartening. Instead, let's allow for a little imperfection. In fact, let's lean into it.


Facilitator: Tamara Leeper

Sunday, Jan. 19th at 12 noon

After a guided reflection on our visions for the New Year, we'll create a Vision Board Collage. Poster board and glue sticks will be provided. Participants can bring markers, scissors, and magazines to share. However, plenty of materials will be on hand as well. Donation basis. Gratitude to Tamara Leeper for coordinating this visionary experience.

Sign-up sheet on back table at church, or email us about your intention to participate at: unitydelawareohio@gmail.com

Unity Church of Delaware's mission is to cultivate our oneness with God through love, learning, prayer and service.

Unity offers practical spiritual teachings that empower kind,
abundant, and meaningful living.

PO Box 593
4277 Columbus Pike
Delaware, OH 43015
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