“Who am I, why am I here?” is the question Admiral James Stockdale asked at the opening of the 1992 Vice Presidential debate with Dan Quayle and Al Gore. Every person eventually seeks an answer to that question, even if not during a debate for high office. King David asked the question another way in Psalm 8:4 when he asked, “what is man that you are mindful of him?” The purpose of our existence as stated in the lesson truth is to “serve and honor” God. From beginning to end the Bible reinforces this truth. John records the words of the twenty-four elders in heaven’s throne room: “Worthy are you, our LORD and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and are created.” (Revelation 4:11, ESV)
Genesis 1 is the beginning of it all and God is the Creator and Author of all. In Genesis we read the account of all life’s creation and the fall of humanity. Genesis sets the stage for the establishment of God’s covenant relationship with His people through Abraham. From this beginning we start to see the path that will lead to Christ and our redemption through His blood. We may choose to believe whatever theory of creation we wish, but our belief or lack of belief will not change the truth of God’s Word.
In verses 1-5 Moses outlines the first day of creation. “In the beginning, God” firmly asserts that God is and always has existed. This refers to the beginning of heaven and earth, not the beginning of the eternally pre-existent God. God created the heavens and earth out of nothing. Other theories about the origins of the world assume the preexistence of matter but struggle to explain how the initial matter came into being (BSFL Senior Adult Leader Guide, 32). God saw fit to give order to this dark, empty, and formless creation He had made. Even in this state the Spirit of God moved about over the surface of the waters. (Land was created on the second day. Gen 1:6-8) We see the entirety of the Trinity (Gen 1:26) was involved in the creative process. God begins to give order to this formless creation by separating the darkness from something new He called “light.” At this point there was no sun or moon to serve as a source of light. I can only think that this light existed as an expression of God’s presence. God then named these contrasting periods of light and darkness – Day and Night. This would later enable humanity to discern the passing of time. Even the first day there was a morning and evening.
From these first five verses we see God is the author and creator of all. God formed matter and gave each part a place and purpose in His creation. This is evident even on the first day and would become clearer in the following days and the progression of the creative process.
The lesson resumes on day six in verses 26-27. God speaks using plural pronouns referring to the totality of the triune God. Man is made in the “image of God” or imago dei. As image bearers of God humanity is the pinnacle of God’s created order. We see in verse 26 that we have authority or dominion over all other created life on earth. The note from the ESV New Christian’s Bible gives us insight in that men and women are made to represent God on earth. We are to exhibit God’s love and wisdom to the world as we care for it and steward it as God’s helpers. This image was scarred but not totally destroyed by our sin but we will be completely restored when Jesus comes again to heal the world and establish the new heavens and new earth.
I have to note as well that God created two genders – male and female. Within these roles God defined the family and biblical marriage as between one man and one woman. Even though our culture may want to blur (or redefine) these distinctions God’s Word tells us otherwise. The societal framework of gender and gender roles is consistent throughout scripture. Male and female were created as complements for one another. One is not better than the other, but males and females exist alongside one another to complete the other.
Verses 28-31 God tells Adam and Eve all the plants and animals - everything He has created is for them. They and their offspring were formed and made to “subdue” and have “dominion” over the earth. God created and gave us access to all we would ever have need of. This comes with a great responsibility to care for, preserve, and be good stewards of God’s creation. The arrangement as ordained by God is a picture of perfection. However, it only works when we continue to live under God’s authority/dominion. Unfortunately, humanity through our disobedience has tried to move away from divine authority. It is then we fail to fulfill our God-given purpose to “serve and honor” God.
Each day of creation God deemed what he had made to “good” with one exception. On the last day God had made man and woman, then God deemed all that He had made to be “very good.” Even though we marred the creation by our sin, God’s design and order are forever perfect.
Questions for reflection:
How would you answer the question “What is our purpose in life?” Can you give scripture references to back up your answer?
What does being created in the “image of God” mean to you? What are the characteristics of one who bears the image of God?
How may we as believers we help others to discover God’s purpose for their lives?