We kick off this month with the Power of Order. This God-power is an essential part of developing our true potential. To cultivate harmony in our lives, we must align with universal, spiritual principles. Embracing and working in sync with the Universe's divine blueprint is the key that adorns nature with the beauty that is around us.
And guess what? When we open and allow divine order to establish in our lives, we achieve a beautiful, balanced existence as well. Come and celebrate the month of Order with Rev Robin Volker.
What could be more fun than to watch Jeanette and Rosie team up to sing "You are my Sunshine?" We'll just have to wait and see what they come up with next time!
Our beloved Jeanie Ward inspires us every time she visits. This time she explains how lifting others up doesn't slow down our own climb, it just makes it more enjoyable.
We all know that Jeanie loves to incorporate oversized and interesting glasses in her services, so this time some of her fan club decided to surprise her with fun "specs" of their own. Looking good, guys!
Correcting an Error in Last Week's Edition
We've been waiting a long time.....
So we are very pleased to announce that A Course in Miracles will begin Thursday, September 19, not the 15th as shown in last week's Mountain Spirit.
Our instructor, Linda Hall, encourages all to attend the first class, as she will start at the very beginning. Please let her know if you plan to take part in this immersive experience. You can call or text her at
Coming Soon- Details on World Day of Prayer
Pray Without Ceasing
My mind is now open, my heart is receptive and I am ready to receive my good.
Prayer requests are held in our Prayer Box for 30 days, then they will be sent to Silent Unity, where they will continue to be prayed over for another 30 days.
Meal and Meditation - Wed, September 4
Everyone is welcome to join us next Wed, Sep 4 at 4:30 pm ata local
restaurant. (To be announced Sunday.)
If you can't make it, you can still join us at the church at 6 pm for a relaxing hour of meditation and fellowship.
All are also invited to walk our labyrinth, relax at the picnic table or bask in the serenity of our Meditation Garden.
September Power of the Month - Order
The Spiritual Power for the
month of September is Order.
The divine idea of order is the idea of adjustment, and as this is established in man's thought, his mind and affairs will be at one with universal harmony.
The Apostle is James, the color is olive green, and the location is the navel.