CBHA Advocacy Day
January 27-28, 2019
Sacramento, CA
Members Only
Spring Policy Forum
June 2020
Sacramento, CA
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October 24, 2019
From the ED’s Corner
Paul Curtis, Executive Director
In our efforts to stay connected to our members and the community, as well as keep you updated on CBHA’s programming and operations activities, I’ll be sharing my thoughts moving forward in this new blog, but this one will focus on our first conference!
BHCalCon, our new statewide conference that was open to members and the general public, was by all accounts a great success! This was a big undertaking for CBHA and our staff of five and planning and development had been in the works for over a year. We sold out the week prior to the conference and had over 200 attendees. There were over 15 vendors in attendance as well, sharing information on their innovative programs and services that are available to agencies and providers in our state. Feedback has been very positive, and we are very grateful for the support of our sponsors, including our Presenting Sponsor, Kaiser Permanente, along with Open Minds, Qualifacts, Nonstop Wellness and Each Mind Matters. I also want to thank our amazing Event Coordinator, Kevin Cohee, who did a wonderful job of pulling in all the various elements of the conference together. The overall program, which consisted of four general sessions and 30 workshops over two days was the result of a lot of hard work from CBHA staff, Program Committee and Board volunteers, as well as the collaboration of...
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Suicide Prevention, CalAIM, and Legislative Updates
Le Ondra Clark Harvey, Ph.D., Director of Policy and Legislative Affairs
Greetings Colleagues!
World Mental Health Day: Focus on Suicide Prevention
On October 10, 2019, the World Health Organization commemorated World Mental Health Day. The theme was "
Focus on Suicide Prevention"
. Statistics suggest that suicide is on the rise among young people ages 15 to 24 years old, as are incidents of suicidal thoughts. Suicide is also linked to the opioid crisis (National Institute of Mental Health). Studies indicate that suicide rates are much higher for some population segments such as American Indians/Alaska Natives are rising for others such as young black males. Despite the mental stress from dealing with persistent racism, discrimination and exclusion, young people of color are half as likely than the general population to get the mental health care they need.
Mental health services, social support, and connectedness are just a few of the approaches that can help prevent suicide. CBHA commends our member agencies who provide services to all populations at risk of suicide. Specifically, CBHA member agency,
Didi Hirsch
, has operated the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, CrisisChat, and other innovative...
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PRC (formerly Positive Resource Center) has been transforming the Bay Area for decades, helping those affected by HIV/AIDS, substance use, or mental health issues realize their best selves by providing the support and services they need to reclaim their lives.Having recently merged with the AIDS Emergency Fund and Baker Places, Inc., PRC’s newly interconnected services help over 5,000 clients per year on their path toward long-term stability and success.
Click here to learn more.
Amador County Builds Community College Pipeline For Mental Health Workers
Since June, the building has offered a fresh start to Amador County residents who’ve historically struggled to access higher education. On a recent evening, more than a dozen people gathered over strawberries and scones to sign paperwork for their first online semester at Coastline Community College, which has a campus in Orange County serving more than 11,000...
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New Laws Impacting California Behavioral Health Care Providers and Labs
As part of an increasing trend towards regulation of behavioral health, a pair of new laws have been adopted that will impact certain California behavioral health providers and laboratories, with two proposed companion laws vetoed by Governor Newsom but...
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Gov. Newsom vetoes SB 589 prohibiting false advertising by addiction treatment facilities
Governor Gavin Newsom has vetoed Senate Bill 589 by Senator Patricia Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) that would have prohibited an operator of addiction treatment facilities from providing any form of false advertising or marketing services. His veto message can be read here. Both the Senate and Assembly previously approved the bill unanimously...
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4,000 mental health clinicians planning to strike at 100 Kaiser facilities
The union representing roughly 4,000 wiser behavioral health specialists – psychologists, social workers, therapists and other professionals – announced Wednesday they will hold a five-day strike in November at Kaiser Permanente facilities around California...
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