Hello All,
Hello, I apologize the initial survey sent out is identical to the one in this email, with the exception of a few pertinent added questions (thank you Richard Conrad for bringing this to our attention). We will personally contact the people who already filled out the survey without those new qs.
Also Constant Contact initially gave me incorrect info which I passed on to you...the survey in the initial email did NOT retain your info were you to be logged out. Constant Contact neglected to tell me the survey only saves each page as it is finished. So we have now divided the survey into 6 pages of 10 qs per page (last page has 7 qs) and once you complete and submit the first page it will retain that page, etc. My apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused some of you.
And finally, some people filled out their surveys but neglected to put their name and fill out the identifying info. Unfortunately we will have to discard those surveys as we cannot use a survey without being able to verify the source (the person filling it out).
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill out the survey.
This email list is a mixed group, so I am dividing this news letter up into 2 sections. One for our new study, one for EMF news/actions (for those who are already in the loop this news may be slightly old).
Other EMF News/Actions..
We are very happy to announce we have a new study underway from the same team that recently decimated the myth that EHS is a psychological problem by producing the
ground breaking study showing EHS in pictures on an fMRI, finally making the invisible - wireless radiations affect on the brain - visible as seen below! This is allegedly what our government uses to look at effects on the brain and/or EHS from microwave targeting, such as with the American Embassy employees in Cuba, only they don't tell the public this is a way to see if your brain has been damaged by wireless radiation.
Exposure to wireless devices and infrastructure is believed to have been the cause of the EHS in the cases.
If you are EHS we hope you will participate in our new study. It's not an fMRI, it is only a questionnaire so we hope you will participate. If you know someone who is too EHS to use a computer please print it out and mail it to them. Please do pass this questionnaire on to any EHS you might know of.
There is verbiage before the questionnaire that we would like you to read. Because this email platform has very limited functionality, we had to format both the verbiage before the questionnaire (what was supposed to be a cover sheet) and the questions themselves (there was supposed to have been sub lists beneath some of the qs) differently than we had planned. Despite this set back we were able to fit our verbiage and questionnaire into their templates - albeit not as originally written.
The below link takes you to our cover letter which has a link at the bottom to continue on to the study/questionnaire...
2) Other News/Actions
For those who really keep up on this issue you may find these articles dated and sparse as there is so much activity right now on this. Our apologies but we are unable to provide a current events news letter on this issue as we used to.
Recent Turn of Events Regarding NTP (National Toxicology Program)/US Federal Agency Evidence of Carcinogenicity with Background Wireless Radiation
It is difficult to see how the wireless industry will try and spin this study. Already questions have been raised regarding the original brain cancer results going from statistically significant to non statistically significant...how did that happen post their press release? Despite this potential monkeying with the results, all of the below organs showed an increase in cancer when the animals were whole body exposed to wireless radiation.
Heart (statistically significant)
Adrenal Gland
Pituitary Gland (controls hormones)
Click here for a recent report from US NTP (US National Toxicology Program)
How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe
Dr Lennart Hardell Testifies Before Danish Parliament
Prof. Dominque Belpomme's Lecture on EHS in Krakow
New Mexico Rejects Smart Meters
How many other communities have these types of cancer clusters but just haven't kept track?
Glioblastoma Cancer Cluster News Report Number Triples
An ENORMOUS compilation of studies on EHS
A Plethora of New Studies on RF Showing Harm
We are in need of 3 different parents with children who are EHS to provide verbal testimony via phone call for an upcoming hearing on a case involving EHS children. If you are the parent of an EHS child and would be willing to offer your first hand testimony regarding this, please contact me and put "EHS Parental Testimony" in the subject line and I will get in touch with you about the details.
In case you hadn't already, please sign or pass on our
petition to WHO to make radio frequency radiation a Class 1 carcinogen based on Dr. Lennart Hardell's work now backed up by the US NTP study. Although there is surely enough evidence now to put this radiation into Class 1, you never know with WHO so we hope to supplement Dr. Hardell's or any other scientists push for Class 1 carcinogen by submitting this petition from the public to the WHO within the next month or so. We may also send a copy to the FCC.
Special thanks to Julia Lambert for her amazing support and input with the questionnaire.
Special thanks for research and articles from: Michael Bevington, Prof. Joel Moskowitz, Iris Atzmon, Dave Ashton
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