As a business owner, we all have new or crazy ideas that come from customer requests, an offhand conversation with an employee or supplier. Middle of the night brainstorms about work are common too.
But do you do anything about the ideas or just leave them on the back burner to simmer or worse get cold.
I guarantee if there was an idea generated and not acted upon, it wouldn't take long to quickly determine life. You want to know if there is an ember of possibility or not. Blow on the ember and massive flames can come.
If the idea proves to not be viable then use it as a starting point. One idea typically begets another and another etc.
You could be sitting on a pot of gold. And if you are not prepared to take the idea to the next step, then pretty it up and use it to sweeten the deal for the prospective Buyer.
I will personally explore any idea you have on your back burner by tel. 416-270-2466 or in person if you contact me right now How's that for an offer you can't refuse.