Each week Revive shares news and encouragement for us all to rise up in new life, new hope, and new possibilities.  Please forward this to friends and neighbors so they can "Revive!" as well, and help us build this online community of faith!
July 13, 2022 || In This Issue:
  • From Pastor Hurst: Pentecost - "Arise and Shine!"
  • Meet Our New School Leaders
  • Worship Updates for July
  • Youth Update
  • FLCS Campus Center
From Pastor Hurst: "Arise and Shine!"
In these summertime weeks, taking stock and moving ahead
Arise, shine, for your light has come, 
and the brilliance of the LORD 
has risen upon you.
Isaiah 60:1
“Rise and shine!” I don’t know about you, but mostly I’ve heard this summons when sandwiched between comfy sheets in a darkened bedroom. “Aw, come on Mom! Just five more minutes, will ya?”

Yet the summons comes. “Rise and shine!” No matter how many times we hit the snooze bar, or promise to awaken some five minutes later, the insistent alert keeps on ringing, the day of work and study beckons, and the challenge to greet the day’s demands. 

Even during the often slower pace of Summertime. the call to rise and shine may feel a lot like a Monday summons we’d rather ignore, or put off for at least a while. Yet called we are: summoned to rise up as a people of faith and conviction, to shine bright and courageous as friends and witnesses to God’s mercy and justice in this so fragile, so broken world.

The above quote from Isaiah knows this, as these prophetic words promise a shining time of resurrection to a people beset and benighted by tragedy, exile, loss and grief — you know, just like us.

Some 500 years after Isaiah penned these summoning words, the early Jesus Community heard another prophet call out the very same summons — this time from the midst of the Roman Empire and the dark days of persecution and injustice suffered by those named by the Christ and called to his mission of love:

...You know what time it is, how it is now the moment for you to arise from slumber. 
For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. 
The night is far gone, the daylight now dawning. 
Let us then lay aside the works of darkness 
and put on the armor of light. (Romans 13:11-12)  

Even as we continue to practice prudent health precautions to keep one another safe and well, across the spectrum of our church and school ministries and programs — the call to “Arise and Shine” comes to us once more.

  • We arise — to come to terms with all about the world that has changed during these past two years, and remembering as well all we’ve learned during this time of seclusion, threat and change. 
  • We arise — to return to the familiar patterns of praise and prayer, Word and Sacrament – that we may be renewed in that faith and hope that was so severely tested during these challenging, unprecedented months, seasons and years. 

  • We arise — to renew those holy rhythms of daily service and care for all of who remain in the grip of darkness -- still waiting for someone to embrace, to engage, to stand alongside them as companions, citizens, servants and saints. 

  • We arise — and not because all the challenges are behind us, all the threats overcome, all the dangers dealt with. We arise because that’s what God’s people do. We arise in the deathless hope of the Arisen One — to claim anew his mission of justice and peace, to bless and illumine this benighted world with his never failing love for all.

Arise and shine, my friends — for in Christ we can truly shine, truly serve, and truly live — to God’s glory and the world’s good! 
With you in God’s good work,

Bill Hurst
Senior Pastor
Meet Our New School Leaders
Gifted educators take the helm of our award-winning schools
We are pleased to announce the appointment of three experienced and dedicated leaders to senior staff leadership of our weekday schools:
Ms. Kelsee Ready, Principal & Director of Weekday Education Ministries: Ms. Ready has been a part of the FLS family for many years. She began as a day school student, then as a Day Care Counselor, and then a teacher in our Transitional Kindergarten and First Grade classes for the past 9 years. She holds a Master’s Degree in Education, and will bring vitality and experience to the leadership of our day school students, faculty and staff.

Dr. Elizabeth Alpert, Academic Dean and Managing Director: Dr. Alpert has more than 20 years of experience as an educator and administrator. Liz holds a Doctor of Education Degree, and will bring her many years of knowledge, experience and wisdom to the managing and coordination of facilities, curriculum, finance, marketing and advancement.

Ms. Lanice White, Early Education Director: Ms. White has been our Interim EEC Director since July, and has now been named our permanent Director. Under her leadership, our skilled and experienced faculty and staff will continue their excellent care of children from Birth through Age 5. 

Please keep these leaders in your prayers as they assume these roles, and offer them your support and help as they lead our schools into the future.
FLCS Worship Updates
During June, reviving in faith and community
 As the pace and intensity of the academic year gives way to the “lazy, hazy, crazy days of Summer,” the many ministries of First Lutheran Church and School continue on apace.

  • Weekend Services Each Week:
  • Saturday 5:30pm – Living Water Communion
  • Sunday 8:30am – Classic Communion
  • Sunday 10:30am – Praise Communion

The upcoming weeks will offer many opportunities for us to gather for worship and celebration, to give thanks for all the many ways ministry happens in this place, and to plan and work in preparation for the ministry year ahead. Just look: 

  • Sunday July 17: Today we will hear the last sermon from our current seminary intern, Vicar Evangeline Dai, as she concludes her year of learning and leadership in our midst this month. 

  • Sunday July 24: This Sunday will be Vicar Evangeline’s last Sunday with us, and we will offer thanks and appreciations for her fine ministry in our midst. We will also pray for her future service as an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Courtyard receptions will offer us an opportunity to wish her well and thank her for her service here.

  • Sunday July 31: Today will be a great day of welcome here on our campus. We will welcome the Rev. Hitoshi Adachi, an ELCA Missionary serving in Japan who we support through mission support dollars. Pastor Adachi and his spouse will greet us, and share their experiences as a ministry partner. Also on this day, we will welcome our next Vicar, Seminarian Rebecca Laabs, to begin her year of internship in our midst. Vicar Laabs comes to us from Princeton Seminary in New Jersey, and we are glad to welcome her to a year of growth and service here at First.

  • August 5-7: Navajo Mission Yard Sale – After a two year hiatus, this event returns to the campus of First Lutheran, supporting the work of the Navajo Evangelical Lutheran Mission in Rock Point, Arizona. Check our website or church bulletins for information on items to donate, hours of the sale, and volunteer opportunities for setting up and staffing this important outreach, which for three decades has brought help and hope to our NELM partners.

  • Sunday August 21: FirstServe Summertime Band Bash will return to campus. This “Pastor & Friends” event will start at about 4pm, and will include a delicious barbecue dinner hosted by our Boy Scout Troop, a terrific concert of “Love-a-Delic” summer music favorites, and some very special surprises. Proceeds will support the community service work of FirstServe, and we’re so glad to be welcoming this event back onto the FLCS Campus.

Reopening Carefully -- Along with in-person worship, we continue to broadcast Sunday services each week through Facebook (@FLCS.Torrance/videos). Bible Study and other fellowship groups are back on campus, and FirstServe programs meet in person and through Zoom to meet people’s needs. Please continue to keep our community in prayer as we do all we can to safely and prudently reopen the many ministries our First Lutheran community relies upon.
Youth Ministry Update
Upcoming High School Youth trip, and thanks for the community's support
 Hey there First Lutheran Family!

I hope that you all are having a great summer so far. I wanted to give you an update about where we are with our High School “Summer Paradise” trip, and the “144 Envelopes” Fundraiser we’ve been holding to offset the costs of this trip. 

First and foremost, thank you to each and every one of you that have donated to this project on behalf of our youth. This fundraiser had the potential to raise over $10,000, and at this point we have reached a halfway point in raising the funds -- having raised a total of $5,280 as of the end of June. We are going to bring this fundraiser to a close – although we certainly would welcome any additional support anyone would like to offer. Gifts can be mailed or brought to church, and please indicate “Youth Trip” to make things easier for our Finance Office. 

So now we’re preparing for “Summer Paradise,” our weeklong trip for High Schoolers taking place at the end of July. This trip will take us to Palm Desert, for a great week that will combine fun with faith formation and spiritual growth. The youth are filled with so much excitement about the experiences they will have, along with gratitude for your support. They can't wait to tell you all about their trip on their return. 

Again, thank you so much for all of your support. See you all on the other side of our “Summer Paradise” trip, and stay tuned for all sorts of youth events and activities this summer and beyond. 

In Christ,

Tyra Dennis :)
FLCS Youth Ministry Associate
Visit the FLCS Campus Center!
On Sundays and weekday mornings, a place for gifts, books and inspiration
Among the impacts of the pandemic last year was the closure of our Campus Center. Thankfully, our gift and bookstore is open once more – with a lovely selection of decorative gifts, books for all ages, Bibles and devotional resources, apparel, and much more! And now that Sunday Coffee Hour is back at FLCS, with Coffee and Tea are now available in Fellowship Hall after services, the Campus Center is ready to provide a sturdy earth-friendly thermal mug for $10. 

One very special feature of the Campus Center is the variety of Bibles, worship books, and biblical study resources. Whether you’re looking for a Bible Atlas, a copy of our Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal, or a Study Bible, the center has a good selection. And with the holidays fast approaching, our selection of gifts items is sure to meet your needs for a special devotional book, wall hanging, card or jewelry item for that special someone.
Whether at Coffee Hour or during weekday mornings, our staff member Lora Murphy is looking forward to welcoming you. There’s a lot to discover at the Campus Center!
Please save the date and join us for these upcoming events happening at First Lutheran and in our community.  

For more information on upcoming events happening at First Lutheran Church and School, please check the website, our newsletters, or call the church office at 310-320-9920.
O Lord, Hear Our Prayer
One important way to express our companionship in Christ is to pray daily for the church, the world, and all those in need. Click here for the latest prayer list. If you wish to make a request for prayer, click here

Into your hands O Lord, we commend all for whom we pray, trusting in your mercy, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
FLCS Ways to Give
There are so many ways to express our thanks to God and our generosity toward others, and at First there are many methods to support our ministry. In addition to weekly offerings through envelopes, online giving methods are available.
Vanco Giving App
With the new Vanco App, you can use your smart phone for all sorts of contributions, and even to buy tickets to campus events. Download the free app from your phone's app store. Search for "First Lutheran Church and School," or by zip code "90503"

Debit and Credit Giving
More good news is on the way, to allow for easy and direct debit and credit card gifts. Stay tuned for the new “Chedder Up” app, which will work like Venmo and Zelle options that banks are offering.
FLCS Online Giving
The FLCS Online Giving page offers these various options -- Automated Giving, Credit or Debit Card, recurring gifts, and the like. Click here to visit the Online Giving page.
Ways to Connect
Would you like more information about giving? Contact Stewardship leader Patty Masai here or Treasurer Grant Axton here to learn more.
Ways to Connect
Social Media Links
Don't forget to use the hash tags: #flchurch or #flcs on your social media accounts! We look forward to you sharing what is happening at First!
First Lutheran Church & School
A caring community of Christian faith for all people
Our Mission:
We welcome all God's children to embrace the grace of Jesus Called and sent to serve and speak God's love in daily life

About First Lutheran Church and School:
First Lutheran Church and School is a mission and ministry partner of the Southwest California Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA).