The Cultivator - May 2022
Rhubarb Crisp
Two Invasive Plants
Original and Mini CobraHead Giveaway
The CobraHead Newsletter
Hello gardening friends! May has been a busy month for us both in the garden and in the office. Andy and I have been spending a lot of time trying to stay on top of orders, and Noel has been spending a lot of time taking advantage of the (finally) warm weather.

Not much else for us to say this time. Read on below for our favorite rhubarb crisp recipe and information about a couple of invasive plants that we're dealing (or rather not dealing) with.

Don't forget to enter our monthly giveaway (just reply to this email and request to be entered). As always, feel free to leave us any additional comments when you do!


One of our Springtime favorites is rhubarb crisp. Judy shares how she uses this perennial vegetable used as a fruit to make a delicious dessert.

Dame's Rocket and Garlic Mustard are two invasive species that are giving Wisconsin gardeners a headache. Noel's approach is to let them live as they are too difficult to control.

Andy's Photo Corner
A couple of weeks ago, Noel's nephew visited Madison for the first time. We decided to dine at an outdoor restaurant that features views of our gorgeous State Capitol building. I took a few shots at different times of the day, highlighting how great it looks both in the sunlight and when lit up from below after dark. Construction on the Capitol was completed in 1917 after the first two Capitol buildings burned down. It features the largest granite dome in the world.


Wisconsin State Capitol Building
Wisconsin Capitol Building at dusk

This month three lucky readers will win a CobraHead Mini and CobraHead Original - a package with a value of $49.95

As usual, all you have to do to enter is to reply to this email and request to be entered into the drawing. If you want to leave any additional comments for us, we love to read them.

We'll do a random drawing of all responses received by Monday, June 6th.

Our winners of the April giveaway were Carolyn from Boca Raton, Florida, Phyllis from Portland Oregon, and Karen from Plainview, Nebraska; who each received a CobraHead Mini and a CobraHead Long Handle. Thank you to everyone who entered, and we encourage you to try again this month! It is as easy as it gets.

If you are outside the US, we may ask you to pick up extra shipping charges if you want to participate.
Please forward this announcement and our newsletter to your gardening friends.

Questions? Please let us know.