Grace Church  
in Salem
The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector
385 Essex Street
Salem, Massachusetts 01970

25 September 2024

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Bible Study

Wednesdays at

5:00 pm

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Calendar for the Week



9:00 am

Morning Prayer

5:00 pm

Bible Study

7:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal





9:15 am

Choir Rehearsal

10:00 am

Holy Eucharist

4:00 pm

Celtic Evensong

5:00 pm

Kitchen Fellowship


8:45 am

Morning Prayer


7:00 pm

Knitting Group



8:45 am

Morning Prayer

5:00 pm

Bible Study

7:30 pm

Choir Rehearsal



The Reverend Debbie Phillips, Rector

Assisting Clergy

The Reverend E. Clifford Cutler

The Reverend Manny Faria



Ryan Patten,

Sr. Warden

Barbara Layne,

Jr. Warden

Lisa Duffy, Clerk

Joanne Moar, Treasurer

Melissa Barnes

Marianne Cannon

Lisa Duffy

Joanna Troy

Susan Tweed

Matt VanHamersveld

Holly Willis


Mark N. Peterson, Music Director

Tom and Karen Tucker, Sextons


Cheryl Robinson, Bookkeeper


Anti-racism Team

Maureen Bingham

Marianne Cannon

Cliff Cutler

Kourtni Patten

Jane Thompson

Angela Williams

Debbie Phillips


Joanne Moar

Barbara Layne


Gavin Watson-Bertrand 

Altar Guild

Laura Beasley-Topliffe,


Lisa Duffy

Caroline Ogah

Holly Willis


Flower Committee

Deb Papps, Chair

Jane Thompson

Maureen Joyce


Celtic Meditations Team

Ryan Patten, musician

Kourtni Patten

Eric Wagner

Paul Massari

Christine Reichert

Kathleen Tone


Director of Church School

Melissa Barnes


Ministry Team

Tom Gaither

Debbie Papps

Ad Hoc Fundraising

Peggy Carter

Melissa Barnes

Joanne Moar

Kourtni Patten


Deb Papps

Tom Tucker

Jason Barnes

 Creation Care

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Louise Faria

Tom Gaither

Jane Stewart

Garden of Life

Jason Stonehouse


Convention Delegates

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Joanne Moar

Eric Wagner, Alternate

Deanery Delegates

Laura Beasley-Topliffe

Joanne Moar

Thought for the Week

One thing I love about Church is that there is a rhythm to the day and year. We have seasons that enable us to focus on different aspects of our life in God.

We are concluding our "Season of Creation" this week. On October 6th, we will have our Blessing of Animals services at both the 10:00 am and the 4:00 pm. During this season, we have gotten into the rhythm of the Creator and deepened our awareness of how interconnected we are with all other creatures great and small. Many of you have shared with me concrete ways this season has deepened your spiritual lives and given you a chance to look at your personal relationships and the people that matter to you in a more authentic way.

Speaking of our spiritual lives, this Sunday also starts our program with RenewalWorks which begins with everyone taking a Spiritual Life Inventory. The link will be sent out Sunday afternoon. This anonymous inventory will enable us to see where we are collectively on our spiritual journey as a worshiping community so that we may be led ever closer to the heart of God. Please take the inventory when you receive the link. The church may be involved in alot of things, but the real reason we are here is to grow our faith and bring more meaning to our lives.

In the Way of Love,


This Sunday

At our 10:00 am Holy Eucharist, Jim Harrison will lector, Lisa Duffy will chalice, and Tom and Karen Tucker will usher. The Church School will continue with their Bible story and then harvest their Abundant Life Garden. Light refreshments and coffee will be offered in the Lobby.

At 4:00 pm, we will offer the Celtic Service with Communion. Paul Massari will assist with the readings, Ryan Patten will offer the reflection and Marianne Cannon will read the prayers. Marianne Cannon will usher. Kitchen Fellowship follows.

Services will be broadcast this week on our Facebook page. Leaflets may be found on our website.

Please join us wherever you are 

in your search for meaning. 

Everyone is welcome at any and all services at

Grace Episcopal Church

Parish Prayer List

Please keep the following in your prayers:

For Nancy and Christine, Paul, the peaceful repose of the soul of Cardinal, Claire Smith, Heather and Prescott,, Ariana, Sheridan, Faith Aroko and Family, Jesse Hurst and Family, Angela Williams, Neal and Maureen Joyce, Arthur, Jane Thompson, Deb Young, Cindy Rhodes, Ron, Gerald Tucker, Allison Mascolo, Melissa Glassman, Max Joyce, Marc Britt and Francie Hill, those battling cancer, especially Faith’s friend and the Princess of Wales, for Mel, Corey MacNeil, Dianne, Michael Towey, Jenny, Loretta and Kris, Deb Papps, Derek Fuller and Family, the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and their ministries, for Ukraine and Haiti; the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Salem, the Salem Public Schools and for an end to racism, war, anti-Semitism, gun violence and oppression. In thanksgiving, we pray for our Fundraising Committee, for this beautiful day, for rest and refreshment, and for creation.

If you have prayer requests, please email by Tuesday at noon for publication

in that week's e-news.



We are all invited to participate in the RenewalWorks program, a set of workshops designed to deepen our spiritual growth both individually and corporately. To assess where we are now, the Episcopal Spiritual Life Inventory is an important first step in our new Spiritual Life Initiative. Grace Church has been invited to join other Episcopal churches nationwide who have participated in taking a comprehensive survey of spiritual life that can help provide valuable information to the Parish on our faith journey as a congregation. The inventory was created by RenewalWorks, an Episcopal organization charged with advancing spiritual growth, and is intended to be thought provoking for your own faith journey. RenewalWorks is partnering with Episcopal churches of all sizes and demographics, so while some of the questions may not resonate with you personally, or our community, they will form the basis for a broader study for the national church. Regardless of where you are on your faith journey- satisfied or seeking a new direction- we want to hear from all adult members of your household. Your results will be completely anonymous and confidential. A link for the inventory will be sent out the week of September 29th. We suggest that you set aside about 20-30 minutes to complete the inventory. We recognize that your time is valuable and it is important to note that once you start the inventory you must complete it - it is not possible to take part of the inventory and resume at later time. Due to the subject matter, it is intended to be completed in one sitting, to allow you to reflect on your faith in important ways. All completed online inventories will be automatically tabulated by RenewalWorks.


Thank you for your time and contribution to our Spiritual Life Initiative,


The Vestry

The Rev. Deborah Phillips, Rector

October Events


The Fundraising Committee is looking for help/donations in connection with our October fundraisers! If you can donate and/or help, please email or speak with one of the following Fundraising Committee members: Peggy Carter, Melissa Barnes, Joanne Moar, or Kourtni Patten. Our Senior Warden, Ryan Patten, is also a contact for questions and volunteering.


St. Francis Day Pet Treat and Pumpkin Sale: 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM Sunday, October 6, 2024

We need folks to bake dog or cat treats, donate pumpkins, and/or help with set-up and break down. In addition, financial donations towards supplies and startup costs are always appreciated.


Silent Movies in October 2024: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at 7:30 PM on Saturday, October 12 and Nosferatu at 7:30 PM on Saturday, October 26.

We need folks to help with checking in attendees/selling tickets at the door, selling popcorn and water and other goods, and answering attendee questions (e.g., where to find restrooms, etc.).  


The Rector is available Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays for regular business.

Please continue to contact her for pastoral emergencies as they arise.

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