Yellow and black butterfly on some small green leaves with purple flowers, dirt and plant debris in the background

    Image: 28_Jesperhus, by ariadna on   

Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation

Seven Themes of an Alternative Orthodoxy

Fifth Theme: The separate self is the problem, whereas most religion and most people make the shadow self the problem. This leads to denying, pretending, and projecting instead of real transformation into the Divine (Transformation).

The Problem of Goodness

Meditation 53 of 53

We are not so at home with the resurrected form of things, despite a yearly springtime, healings in our bodies, the ten thousand forms of newness in every event and every life. The death side of things grabs our imagination and fascinates us as fear and negativity always do, I am sad to say. We have to be taught how to look for anything infinite, positive, or good, which for some reason is much more difficult.

We have spent centuries of philosophy trying to solve “the problem of evil,” yet I believe the much more confounding and astounding issue is “the problem of good.” How do we account for so much gratuitous and sheer goodness in this world? Tackling this problem would achieve much better results.

Adapted from Immortal Diamond: The Search for Our True Self, pp. x-xi

The Daily Meditations for 2013 are now available
in Fr. Richard’s new book Yes, And . . . .


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with purchase of Intimacy: The Divine Ambush
Exploring and Experiencing the Naked Now

Intimacy: The Divine Ambush -- and -- Exploring and Experiencing the Naked Now

Richard Rohr and James Finley help us solve the problem of our separation—from each other, from God, from this present moment.

Special combined offer only at (through September 30).

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