Yellow and black butterfly on some small green leaves with purple flowers, dirt and plant debris in the background

    Image: 28_Jesperhus, by ariadna on   

Richard Rohr's Daily Meditations

Seven Underlying Themes of Richard Rohr's Teachings

Fifth Theme: The separate self is the problem, whereas most religion and most people make the shadow self the problem. This leads to denying, pretending, and projecting instead of real transformation into the Divine (Transformation).

Make Sure You Are Hungry

Meditation 13 of 53

Christ is the bread, awaiting hunger.   — St. Augustine

Eucharist is presence encountering presence—mutuality, vulnerability. There is nothing to prove, to protect, or to sell. It feels so empty, simple, and harmless, that all you can do is be present. In most of Christian history we instead tried to “understand” and explain presence. As if we could.

The Eucharist is telling us that God is the food and all we have to do is provide the hunger. Somehow we have to make sure that each day we are hungry, that there’s room inside of us for another presence. If you are filled with your own opinions, ideas, righteousness, superiority, or sufficiency, you are a world unto yourself and there is no room for “another.” Despite all our attempts to define who is worthy and who is not worthy to receive communion, our only ticket or prerequisite for coming to Eucharist is hunger. And most often sinners are much hungrier than the so-called saints.

Adapted from Eucharist as Touchstone (CD, MP3)

The Daily Meditations for 2013 are now available
in Fr. Richard’s new book Yes, And . . . .


INTIMACY: THE DIVINE AMBUSH -- Master teachers Richard Rohr and James Finley help us rediscover our longing for union.  Learn the ways of surrendering to Love.  Discover how God breaks through our defenses in the same seductive way as lovers do.  --  approximately 9.5 hour audio recording available as CD set or MP3 download.  -- Order at

Master teachers Richard Rohr and James Finley help us rediscover our longing for union. Learn the ways of surrendering to Love. Discover how God breaks through our defenses in the same seductive way as lovers do.

Available as a CD set or MP3 download at

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