Yellow and black butterfly on some small green leaves with purple flowers, dirt and plant debris in the background

    Image: 28_Jesperhus, by ariadna on   

Richard Rohr's Daily Meditations

Seven Underlying Themes of Richard Rohr's Teachings

Fifth Theme: The separate self is the problem, whereas most religion and most people make the shadow self the problem. This leads to denying, pretending, and projecting instead of real transformation into the Divine (Transformation).

Slamming Doors

Meditation 10 of 53

We don’t teach meditation to the young monks. They are not ready for it until they stop slamming doors. Thich Nhat Hanh to Thomas Merton in 1966

The piercing truth of this statement struck me as a perfect way to communicate the endless disguises and devices of the false self. There is no more clever way for the false self to hide than behind the mask of spirituality. The human ego will always try to name, categorize, fix, control, and insure all its experiences. For the ego everything is a commodity. It lives inside of self-manufactured boundaries instead of inside the boundaries of the God-self. It lives out of its own self image instead of mirroring the image of God. It is that superior self-image which must die.

The ego is constantly searching for any solid and superior identity. A spiritual self-image gives us status, stability, and security. There is no better way to remain unconscious than to baptize and bless the forms of religion, even prayer itself. As long as I am going to church, it is really meaningless whether I close the door quietly or slam the door. A spiritual master would say, “first stop slamming doors, and then you can begin in the kindergarten of spirituality.” Too many priests, bishops, and ministers are still slamming doors, so how can we expect the laity to be any better?

In the name of seeking God, the ego pads and protects itself from self-discovery, which is an almost perfect cover for its inherent narcissism. I know this because I have done it all myself.

Adapted from Contemplation in Action, pp. 79-80

The Daily Meditations for 2013 are now available
in Fr. Richard’s new book Yes, And . . . .


INTIMACY: THE DIVINE AMBUSH -- Master teachers Richard Rohr and James Finley help us rediscover our longing for union.  Learn the ways of surrendering to Love.  Discover how God breaks through our defenses in the same seductive way as lovers do.  --  approximately 9.5 hour audio recording available as CD set or MP3 download.  -- Order at

Master teachers Richard Rohr and James Finley help us rediscover our longing for union. Learn the ways of surrendering to Love. Discover how God breaks through our defenses in the same seductive way as lovers do.

Available as a CD set or MP3 download at

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