Jesus Mosaic (based on a Byzantine icon, made up of more than 1,000 different images of Jesus)   
from the film The God Who Wasn't There (2005)  

Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation

In the Beginning

Sabbath Meditation

Saturday, February 15, 2014

In the Beginning

Salvation is happening to the whole of creation. (Sunday)

Jesus is the microcosm of the macrocosm, and his role is to hold together matter and spirit inside of one concrete person. (Monday)

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We are thus “co-operators with God” (Romans 8:28), joining in the “repairing of the world.” (Wednesday)

If we could not see the sacred in nature and creatures, we soon could not see it in ourselves, and finally we would not be able to see it at all. (Thursday)

There is nothing that is not spiritual for those who have learned how to see. (Friday)

Rest: Wilderness Wandering

Go to a place in nature where you can walk freely and alone, ideally some place where human impact is minimal—a forest, canyon, prairie, bog, mountain. Tell someone where you will be and how long you expect to be there. Take adequate water and clothing for the conditions.

Begin your wandering by finding or creating a conscious threshold (perhaps an arched branch overhead or a narrow passage between rocks). Here offer a voiced prayer of your intention and desire for this time. Step across the threshold quite deliberately and, on this side of your sacred boundary, speak no words, but only expect!

Let the land, plants, and creatures lead your feet and eyes. Let yourself be drawn, rather than walking with a destination or purpose in mind. If you are called to a particular place or thing, stop and be still, letting yourself be known and know, through silent communion with the Other. Before you leave, offer some gesture or token of gratitude for the gift the wild has given you.

When it is time to return to the human world, find again your threshold and cross over. But now you have learned to expect God in all things.

For further study:

Soul Centering through Nature, disc 2 (CD, MP3 Download)
A New Cosmology: Nature as the First Bible (CD, MP3 download)
The Soul, the Natural World, and What Is (CD, MP3 download)

Gateway to Silence:
God is all in all


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