Rick Monroe and The Hitmen, featuring Bobby Perkins on guitar, Alan Beeler on bass and Jason Bohl on drums stick with their trend for producing songs that keep their audience on their toes. “World’s Gone Crazy” follows up their previous releases, “God’s Ear”, which has over
100,000 views and “Best of You”, their country rendition of the popular Foo Fighter’s song.
The group’s ability to create fresh and modern sounds that blur the lines between genres is once again a success. “World’s Gone Crazy” reminds people to take a minute to really look around; it encourages everyone to get out of their bubble, to pay attention. The current events that are being shoved towards consumers every day matched with the sheer amount of straight insanity humans see, process, and entertain is staggering and yet so many remain oblivious or simply passive to it all. Monroe says, “In such a hyper partisan world, we really tried not to take one angle but show the whole lot of us are coming off the rails”. "World's Gone Crazy" is upbeat and fun while carrying a strong message that calls for an awakening.