"Don't find fault, find a remedy."
- Henry Ford
Ricky's Report
An Ocean Drive for Residents
The Mayor's Ocean Drive Task Force released its report on January. The Task Force has worked tirelessly for months to find ways to bring residents back to Ocean Drive. One of the proposals includes extending the sidewalk to allow for better pedestrian access, which would eliminate the "gauntlet." Another suggested idea is to activate Lummus Park and make it world class.
White House on Climate Change
Bob Simon from the White House Office of Science and Technology recently came to South Florida to discuss the impacts of climate change in Florida. The biggest challenge we actually face is electing state officials who recognize our sea-levels are actually rising.

Homeless Census
Twice a year the City participates in a nationwide homeless census. I had the honor of going out with our concerned residents, police, and city staff to conduct the survey. Our census indicated that there are currently 156 lives on our streets. That is a 19% decrease from the previous year!
Miami Marathon
The Miami Marathon brought over 24,000 athletes from the US and all over the world to South Florida. The Miami Marathon is on its way to becoming one of the top 5 marathons in the US! It was very humbling running next to the world's fastest athletes.
 54-Inch Redundant Pipe Going Underground

Our Public Works Department is installing a 54 inch pipe on Euclid Ave. Why?  The p ipe will serve as a redundancy to our existing sewer main. That means  if something ever went wrong with our main pipe, we could easily switch over to the redundant pipe without harming our Bay with waste water. If you would like to learn more about the project, please see the advisory linked below.