This monthly newsletter will contain information and tidbits to help you prepare for the 2023 Tour des Trees. For more information, visit www.treefund.org.

Tires, Trees, and Tahoe!

Great things are happening at this year's Tour des Trees and more and more details are being finalized every week. We have a great crew of over 60 riders already. As these weeks go by, be sure to check for updates on our Resources page so you can plan your trip and see what we have coming up. Information on there is updated as often as we finalize things, so more will be added and updated now that summer us upon us.

Important dates:

Registration: Now until July 31

Rider Cancelation Date: May 31

Jersey Order Deadline: August 6

Event Dates: September 26 to October 2

Rider Fundraising Deadline: October 2

Campaign Ends: October 18

Fundraising Pages:

There are still a few folks that have not created their fundraising pages. The sooner you do that, the quicker you can get started on your fundraising and hit your minimum. Be sure to create your page at www.tourdestrees.org. If you need instructions on how to set up your fundraising site, click here and scroll to the bottom of the page. Be sure to go back in via the edit function to add yourself to a chapter or team, connect your Strava to your profile, add your photo, and more.

Jersey and Gear Orders:

Shortly after you registered for this year's ride, you should have received an email from Voler with instructions on how to order your official jersey and other gear. If you have not yet done so, you must complete your order by August 6 on our Voler site. If you need your email instructions resent, please email Jonathan and he'll get you your info.

Stay Engaged:

We want you to connect with our other riders! If you have not yet joined our Strava group or liked the Tour des Trees Facebook page, be sure to do so now and prep for this year with everyone else.

TdT 350/350 Challenge:

We have 31 people signed up for our new TdT 350/350 Challenge already! Thank you to everyone that has gotten on board. Getting your cycling miles is always easier with a group, so be sure to share this information with all your friends and colleagues and get them to sign up, too. Then, you can schedule group rides and hit your goals together! Details with rules and instructions can be found here. After you hit your distance and fundraising goals, Jonathan will send you a link to order your shirt.

Welcome New Riders!

We love to see new riders join our awesome group! Here are the four more new riders that will be riding with us. Please join us in welcoming:

Melissa Cook (Carbondale, CO)

Alexandra Akemann (Northville, MI)

Julie Ledford (Howell, MI)

Ryan McElhinney (Penfield, NY)

Safety First!

Once again, RoadID has provided our group with a nice discount on their products to help keep our riders safe during their training and during our ride. Use the link below to get a 20% discount on RoadID identification tags and accessories. It will ask for your email and name and direct you to a code to use when you order.


A Note From Paul:

First, I want to thank and congratulate each of you for choosing to participate in the 2023 Tour des Trees! I consider the Tour to be one of those BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) Events. Certainly, riding almost 400 miles and climbing over 30,000 feet plus raising $3,700 can be considered a Big & Audacious Goal!

We are lucky to have such a passionate and dedicated contingent to join us each year. While a significant number of our riders are veterans of the Tour, our pack generally consists of more than 25% new to the Tour riders. While most people who sign up for such a BeeHag event are pretty experienced cyclists, the Tour is still a stretch for most of our riders. 

In last month's newsletter I introduced this year's ride, specifying the daily mileage, elevation gain, the altitude concerns on Day’s 1 & 2 and also highlighting the most challenging climbs along the way. This month, I want to begin to identify some of the best training practices you can use to ensure your successful completion of the 2023 Tour des Trees. While this year's route is not quite as challenging as the 2021 Colorado TdT, it does have similar challenges. Here is what I wrote then about preparing for that Tour.

Preparing for a multi-day event like the Tour des Trees is considerably different than a training for a single day century or Gran Fondo. The demands that riding consecutive long days place on the body require that your preparation focus on building durability and are more mindful of fueling and recovery. The most effective way to build the required durability is to incorporate blocks of 2-3 consecutive days of endurance rides so that you get accustomed to riding with a bit of fatigue. These blocks also present an opportunity to hone your fueling and recovery strategies which play a much bigger role in the success of multi-day rides than a single day event. The Tour is likely 2-3 times your normal training load for most of our riders so coming into the event as fit as possible is the best strategy for ensuring a successful and enjoyable expense. Simply put, the Tour is more fun when you are fit!

We are over four months away from the kickoff of the Tour, so currently the best strategies for training would be:

1. The single best way to prepare for an upcoming multi-day cycling event is to ride consistently.

2. Slowly increase your mileage w/ a ramp rate of 5% or so per week.

3. Focus mostly on Sweet Spot intensity at this point as you build your base fitness.

4. Find a group ride or recruit a few friends to help push you a bit on your longer weekend rides.

5. Remember to have fun!

I really love the sport of cycling and spend a fair amount of time reading articles and listening to podcast about the best practices for endurance athletes. A few of my favorites are FasCat CoachingTraining Peaks, & the Time Crunched Cyclist.

I am heading out for my first reconnaissance of the 2023 route in June and look forward to reporting my findings from the road.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions you have about training. I am happy to offer advice or simply lend an ear.

Ride On!


Paul Wood- Tour Director

Black Bear Adventures bicycle tours

[email protected]

And Finally...

Thom Kraak- Tour des Trees Safety Coordinator and volunteer extraordinaire's- daughter Amy recently graduated from Iowa State University. Thom sent this picture of Amy shaking the hand of another familiar face, long-time Tour rider and professor at ISU, Dr. Jeff Iles, along with the following note:

"Years ago, a question was asked why we participated in the ride. 

This photo was taken moments ago and says it all."

Click here to register and for more information

Thank you to our

Crown Level Partners! 

Visit treefund.org/partners to see

all of our partners

Connect with us

This email has been sent to all current and some previous registrants of the Tour des Trees. It is not a confirmation of event registration.

Contact info:

Jonathan Cain

Community Engagement Manager

Send Jonathan an email


1755 Park Street, Suite 200

Naperville, IL 60563


Paul Wood

Tour Director

Send Paul an email

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