Right at Home of Central New Jersey
Congratulates Ellen Burke, Our Caregiver Recharge Grant Award Winner!

The right people, doing the right things, 
the right way, for the right reasons. 
Right at Home.

We're very proud to announce that our social media and client satisfaction manager, Ellen Burke, has been awarded a Caregiver Recharge Grant for her care for her mother, Eileen (a former Right at Home of Central New Jersey client who relocated to another state a few years ago).

The Women's Alzheimer Movement (WAM) was founded by Maria Shriver whose father was diagnosed with the disease in 2003. Her nonprofit organization raises awareness about the disease and educates the public about lifestyle changes they can make to protect your brain health.

WAM offers Caregiver Recharge Grants for people who are the primary caregivers for their family members. The recipients of the grants receive 2 full days of home health care for their family member so the family caregiver can take a break, get some rest and "recharge"! Only 100 of these Caregiver Recharge Grants are awarded across the country by WAM so it is a very special and unique honor!

Ellen has been taking care of her mom for about 18 months since her Mom had a fall and then subsequently developed a myriad of other medical conditions. As she continues to work for us at Right at Home of Central New Jersey remotely, she also coordinates all aspects of her mother's care including medication management, driving to doctor appointments, doing errands for her, bathing her, cooking for her, providing much needed companionship and all the other activities of daily life.

Ellen submitted an essay for the grant citing that it was a blessing to care for her mother, who had done so much for Ellen and her sisters when they were growing up. She also talked about how she knows that because she was raised by her parents who taught her with love and compassion and caring (and living as part of a multi-generational household), she was dedicated to making sure that her mother would have the best possible care from her every hour of every day.

Ellen has told us that it is the lessons she learned and the quality of care and dedication that Right at Home of Central New Jersey provides to its clients and their family members, under the leadership of Beth Sholom, Owner/Executive Director, that has helped her become the best possible caregiver she can be.

We are so proud of Ellen and her contributions to our work at Right at Home of Central New Jersey with our clients and caregivers and equally proud of her new and rewarding career as the caregiver for her beloved Mom.

About Right at Home of Central New Jersey  – Right at Home offers in-home companionship and personal care and assistance to seniors and disabled adults who want to continue to live independently. The Right at Home of Central New Jersey office is a locally owned and operated franchise office of Right at Home, Inc., serving the communities of Middlesex and Northern Monmouth Counties.