Right to Life of Michigan PAC Endorses Lisa McClain
On Saturday, June 20, 2020, the Right to Life of Michigan PAC endorsed Lisa McClain for Congress.

Lisa believes in the sanctity of human life and that life begins at conception.Lisa is committed to Life and will always defend Life, from conception to a natural death, when serving in Congress.
Volunteers Deliver Yard Signs Saturday
Morning and Afternoon volunteers crews were out all day on Saturday delivering signs to homes and businesses across Michigan's 10th District.

Thank you to all my supporters - people and businesses - that have requested a sign!

Special thanks to all the volunteers that showed up to help us deliver them all day!
Want a Yard Sign?

We still have some yard signs and larger signs for businesses. If you would like to get a sign for your yard or business, PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Donate Now
Quarter-end Reporting is Coming!
We are getting close to the end of the Quarter and we are six weeks out from the primary. We need someone like Lisa McClain in Congress. She is a Proven Job Creator, 2nd Amendment Defender, Right-to-Life Supporter, and Conservative businesswoman that believes in limited government.

Help send her to Washington. Donate today!
PO Box 380890
Clinton Township, MI 48038