WHIMS January 2017

Happy New Year!

Hoping you and yours had a safe and happy 2016.
Here's looking forward to a prosperous and fun 2017 at Riley. 

Calendar updates
January 2017 

☕️ JOIN US for COFFEE in the Gallery, 
Friday January 13th at 8am
Come as you are! Bring your mug and enjoy conversation and discussion with other Riley families.  Parent Coffee meetings are typically held on the first Friday of each month.

Friday, 26th: Evaluations emailed

�� Sunday, 29th: Fireside chat in the Library at 4pm. Questions or topics of interest? Jot them down and submit them in advance to Becky.
February 2017 

Wednesday, 1st:  Founder's Day

☕️ JOIN US for COFFEE in the Gallery, Friday February 3rd at 8am

Friday, 17th: Winter Festival

Monday-Friday, 20th-24th:
 NO SCHOOL! Winter Vacation

Monday 27th: Financial Aid Applications Due

Community Events

Sunday, January 29th:  Camden Winterfest Ice Carving Demo and Instructional Workshop at 1pm at the Camden Public Library.

Saturday, February 4th:  Camden Winterfest Ice Carving Community Event from noon to 3pm at the Camden Public Library (or Sunday the 5th in case of inclement weather).

Free Car Seat Checks:  Third saturday from 9am-1pm. PBMC Child Passenger Safety Program at Fuller Auto Mall, Camden St., Rockland. FMI call 921-8711.

Fiber Arts Group: First & third Tuesdays from 3:30-5pm at the Rockport Public Library. FMI call 236-3642 or visit rockport.lib.me.us.

Help spread the word 
Riley's enrollment season is upon us!

  • Put a sticker on the car... come by the office for a decal (vinyl removable!)
  • Bring friends... help us recruit!

  • Please bring WARM clothes and changes of footwear and socks.
  • We need volunteers for Friday Activities! If you have time to spare please come and help out.
  • If you have not yet submitted the Mid-year Parent Survey, there's still time! Please tell us what's on your mind. Your feedback is important. The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete and provides you with a chance to reflect on your experience while providing the school with a chance to learn from that experience.
  • Evaluations will be sent out very soon. Please let us know if you need them printed out, otherwise they will be sent electronically.
  • The Lower School is looking for a few items for projects...
    shoe boxes and padlocks with keys.
  • Flat Styrofoam trays (from packaged mushrooms/veggies/lunch)
  • We will use to teach printmaking techniques
  • Various Gauged Wire or old wire hangers for Sculptures
  • Dyed or Undyed natural wool for felting
  • Paintbrushes for children's use
  • Art Drying Rack or shelving
  • Bubble Wrap
  • Twine
  • Yoga mats
  • Square carpet samples for sitting
  • Any odds and ends you think could be repurposed for art.

    Many thanks to you all!
Midcoast Pecha Kucha 
Featuring one of our own, Todd!

"So glad to finally announce our Jan. 27th presenters! We have Kim Bernard, artist; Aaron Lincoln, schooner captain; Todd Martin, educator (Riley School); Erica Moody, metalwork design; Dave Morrison, writer & musician; Alex Rheault, artist; Sarah Rice, photographer; Tom Ulichny, Midcoast Music Academy - and emcee: Mary Bumiller. Can't wait to hear their stories!"

Friday, January 27 from 7-9pm at the Rockport Opera House

Show Todd your support, RSVP on Facebook!

Giving Tree
The Giving Tree was a huge success thanks to our Riley community. Together, we made Christmas special for a couple of local families... 

I had the privilege of delivering directly to one of the families and I have to say there is nothing better than seeing the reactions to such kindness, a quality  which is needed more than ever these days. The mother wrote me later to thank Riley School for being so thoughtful. She said it brought tears to her eyes as she went through the package. "It couldn't have come at a better time, thank you!" What a valuable reminder to young and old, the joy of giving.

The Riley families did a wonderful job representing our school as a positive  influence in our community. Thank you all for coming together at one of the busiest times of the year to make this happen. It is the little things in life that make a huge difference, whether it's as simple as paying for a strangers coffee, holding the door for someone even if you are in a hurry, smiling at someone and saying hello, spread cheer and positive energy wherever you can.

Keep the Christmas spirit alive year 'round,
Jessie Thompson

Did you know? 
Riley has an ice-carving team at the Camden Winterfest!

Above you can see the 2016 carving. Come join us in 2017 and help carve. Ice is nice!

Ice Carving Demo and Instructional Workshop
Sunday, January 29th at 1pm at the Camden Public Library. 
Dress warmly! Learn how creative you really can be with this "cool" sculpture medium.

Camden Winterfest 2017 Community Ice Carving Event
Saturday, February 4th (in case of inclement weather it will be held on Sunday, February 5th instead)
Time: Noon to 3pm (teams arrive between 10 and 11am)

To register, please get in touch with Nina in the art room, at pick up, or at nina.devenney@gmail.com.

Parent Corner

I'm a Riley mom, looking for a room or small office space in or near Rockland.

We live in Bristol, an hour south of the Riley School and I'm looking for a place to work during the day while my son is at school, Monday - Friday, 8 - 3.

I'm looking for something from now until the end of the school year, (and next school year, if possible). I have checked out Sharp's Point South, but it's more than I can spend.

I'd be grateful for any leads at all, & I'd be willing to share a space.

Please email me at alkortemeier@gmail.com.

Thanks so much!
Angela Kortemeier, Conrad's mom.

Remember, it's your Whims!

Get involved and communicate with other parents here... What do you need? What are you trying to sell? What are you involved in that other families might like to know about?
Please contact us with your news 
or to correct inaccuracies: 
director@rileyschool.org or 

Guess who? 
Write in to tell us who is pictured above!

We'll spill the beans about who's who in the next Whims. Until then, guess away!

Amazon will donate .5% of every
purchase  to the Riley School if you go to 
and choose Riley as your charity,
at NO additional cost to you! 
The Riley School | P.O. Box 159, Rockport, ME 04856 | 207.596.6405

In its employment and admissions practices, Riley is in conformity with all applicable federal and state statutes and regulations. We do not discriminate on the basis of sex, age, race, color, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, creed, ancestry, national and ethnic origin, or physical or mental handicap. Riley is a nonprofit organization, gifts to Riley are tax deductible 
The Riley School guides children to become independent, lifelong learners and innovative thinkers. Founded as a Progressive, ungraded elementary school in 1972, Riley recognizes each child's unique learning style. The individualized curriculum challenges children to express themselves and develop their own intellectual and creative capabilities through doing, questioning and by discovery. We foster a sense of responsibility towards our natural world, our community, and each other. We value cooperation over self and honor the balanced development of social, emotional and physical with academic growth.