Many of our best friends are leaving California. If you are in small business, you may have some idea why: property taxes are set to soar, workers compensation and fire insurance is getting difficult to even find, much less afford, and California's absurd overreaction to the "great Commie virus of 2020" testifies to our state's callous disregard for the economy -- which, after all, is a human reality: it's how we feed our children.
There's a lot to hate about California.
The good news -- depending on whether you like or hate Riley's Farm -- is that we're not leaving. We want to re-forest the hills here, build guest cottages, design a hard cidery, and someday a New England style meeting house. We want to make it better, not worse, but there is little value in saving California if we lose America. "Cancel Culture" is making it hard for us to tell children, honestly, that we live in a free country. How many of you feel free, really, to speak your mind?