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April 12, 2011
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Sherlock Holmes Murder Mystery at Riley's Farm

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Riley's Farm Events

The Sherlock Holmes Murder Mystery Dinner at Riley's Farm


BBQ Chicken or Steak
Live Music
3 Acts of Interactive Murder Mystery!

April 29 & 30
6-9 PM

Buy Tickets


Dear Friends of Riley's Farm:

Sherlock Holmes

Bustle dresses, Deerstalker caps, and Meerschaum pipes are being readied for the first ever Sherlock Holmes Mystery Dinner at Riley's Farm this April 29th and 30th. It's not often you get to go on a hayride with Watson or take to the dance floor with Holmes, so don't miss this original Riley's Farm incarnation of the mystery experience.

Watson..and while we can't guarantee today's absolutely gorgeous weather, the farm is looking beautiful this spring, so make sure to make a day of it soon.

And here's something new for those of you who love great music. On June 25th, Riley's Farm will host fifers and drummers from all over the country in the Great Western Fife and Drum Muster. The music is something grand! Save the date!



  Your Humble Servant,

James Riley

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