Exciting Things to Come!
Your Monthly Update From Lead-Free NJ

January 24, 2022
Smiling school children sitting at a lunch table.
Lead-Free NJ logo
A Message from Your Lead-Free NJ Program Manager
As we move on to the next chapter of Lead-Free NJ, let us not forget our purpose: to center our attention and efforts on the people who are most affected by legacy lead hazards, ensure that serious lead exposure is eliminated for future generations, and develop policies that will ensure that New Jersey’s children are free from lead poisoning and our environment is lead-safe.

I am excited to share with you our new community platform, Mighty Networks. Members can visit Mighty Networks to receive LFNJ information, communicate with other members, and post about the great things they are doing in their community and at their organizations.

As we work to #Get The Lead Out, let’s continue to stay connected and invite new members to join us in this collaborative work.

Our monthly newsletter will continue to provide you with insider updates on LFNJ’s work, information about how you can get involved, details about upcoming events, and more.

Feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Thank you!
Tasha Humphrey
Join Us on Thursday, Jan. 27
Lead-Free NJ January Membership Meeting on Jan. 27, 2022 at 5:30pm via Zoom.

Join us to network and discuss lead policy with others, learn more about LFNJ’s recent work to get the lead out, and find out how we can work together to make change.
Take Action!
Take Action! Sign on to this letter: LFNJ members are asking New Jersey leaders to allocate $600 million from American Rescue Plan funds to remove lead from water and paint.
LFNJ Highlights
LFNJ members at Congressman Frank Pallone’s Press Conference on “Progress to Improve Water Infrastructure and Access to Safe Drinking Water”
On Dec. 17 at Bayview Park in Perth Amboy, members Gary Brune, Andy Kricun, and Yvette Jordan spoke about LFNJ and the potential impact of infrastructure legislation on all New Jerseyans.
“The New Jersey Congressional delegation, under Rep. Pallone’s outstanding leadership on this important issue, continues to push for safe clean water,” said Lead-Free NJ Advocacy Coordinating Committee Co-chair Yvette Jordan. “Lead-Free NJ supports these efforts and recognizes that our work is not done. By actively supporting the Build Back Better Act, we can help to insure its passage through the Senate. We press on.”

Lead-Free NJ Community Hubs are working.

LFNJ Community Hubs are working to Get the Lead out of New Jersey. They are canvassing neighborhoods and knocking on doors to spread the word.
Newark: Homes for All Newark 
LFNJ, along with New Jersey Future staff, met with Syd Chan in Newark.

Homes For All Newark (HFAN) would like to spotlight our first monthly meeting of 2022, which featured board elections and a presentation from LFNJ Program Manager Tasha Humphrey about the collaborative. 

The HFAN strategic planning virtual retreat will be held on Saturday, Feb. 5 at 10am to plan the direction of HFAN for the next few years. Those who would like to attend should email [email protected]

Join HFAN at our next monthly meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 8 at 6:30pm, also via Zoom. We will provide project updates, and we plan to feature a speaker from NJ Bike-Walk Coalition presenting on bicycle and scooter-share safety.
Trenton: East Trenton Collaborative
The East Trenton Collaborative community hub has been putting together lead packages with information about lead remediation and which organizations to contact for help. We are working with other organizations in NJ to engage in clean-up efforts and raise awareness about high lead levels in NJ and lead’s harmful effects. We have been knocking on doors and giving out applications for lead line replacements applications that are 100% subsidized for East Trenton neighborhood resident homeowners and 50% subsidized for renters. A huge thank you to our full-time lead-free advocate Ms. Gwen Grier, who is a long-time resident.  

The East Trenton hub has designed t-shirts with the slogan
"Let's get the lead out of Trenton" and a QR Code on the back directing you to a website about lead and its harmful effects.

Stay Tuned: On Saturday, Feb. 19, 2022 (11:00am - 12:00pm), the Trenton hub has planned a launch party. The launch will be held at Trenton Water Works on Girard Ave. Follow us on Facebook for more information.
LFNJ Represents
On Jan. 12, 2022, the Community Planning & Advocacy Council hosted its Annual Leadership Education Advocacy & Development (L.E.A.D.) Forum. LFNJ members Elyse Pivnick (Isles) and Shereyl Snider (East Trenton Collaborative), as well as LFNJ Program Manager Tasha Humphrey, presented via Zoom. Pivnick spoke about the harmful impacts of lead, especially in children. Snider provided information on how to get your community involved. “The call to action is for equity. All children should proceed through life unburdened by lead,” Pivnick said.
Calling all Lead-Free NJ members!
Lead-Free NJ members are vital to the collaborative’s success. The collaborative comprises individuals and organizations of all shapes and sizes, including policy advocates; healthcare, water, and childcare practitioners; community organizers; affected community members; and others—who are all passionate about removing lead from New Jersey’s environment.

In 2022 let’s challenge ourselves to increase our membership.
Ready to take the next step and join as a member?
It’s FREE and easy to sign up.
Upcoming Events
Share your news with us!
Do you have a lead-free event, opportunity, or highlight you’d like to share? Email us with the details and get it featured in the next newsletter!
Staff Contact Information
Tasha Humphrey
LFNJ Program Manager
New Jersey Future