Radishes often fly under the radar. With Lou Vue and Vang Family Farm back at our markets with their crisp white daikon, it’s the perfect time to put them in the spotlight. Over a hundred varieties of radishes exist, ranging in all shapes, sizes, and flavor profiles. Here are a handful to look for at the Berkeley Farmers’ Markets and some tips for how you can use them at home:
White Daikon are crisp, mild, and subtly sweet. Try subbing them in for carrots, either shredded into salads or sliced into matchsticks to dunk in peanut sauce. You can find these at Riverdog Farm, too.
Purple Daikon: One of the most beautiful of them all. Slice them thinly to elevate a salad.They’re also perfect for pickling! Available only at Riverdog Farm.
Red Radish: The classic, round variety you’ll find sliced with your taco order, or in bunches at Oya Organics, Golden Rule Organics, Avalos Farm, Dirty Girl Organics, Narci Organics, ALD&Y Organics, Happy Boy Farms, and our newest North Berkeley vendor, Tanahashi Farm. The greens are also edible with a quick saute.
French Breakfast: The small, oblong, white-tipped red guys. Although not part of a typical French breakfast, they’re enjoyed as a snack, dipped in salt or on a buttered baguette in France.