Your resource for environmental education updates, workshops, and more.
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September 2021
Volume: 31 Issue: 12
The annual Pumpkin Smash is coming up the first Saturday after Halloween (November 6th, 2021). Get the word out to your students and help them be involved in a great environmental event.

If your school isn't hosting its own event, check out this blog for other ways your students can be involved!
We are OPEN for shopping on Saturday, October 9th and Monday, October 11th over the Indigenous Peoples' Day holiday. Now that you've settled into your classrooms, come pick up the things you're missing at SCARCE! Our Saturday hours are 9am - 12pm and Monday is 9am-4:30pm. See you then!
Are you looking to help your school implement more environmental practices and show your commitment to protecting the environment? Then the Earth Flag program, founded by SCARCE and supported by the DuPage County Environmental Committee, is perfect for you!

Here's the basics of how your school can earn their Earth Flag:
  1. Host a staff training
  2. Educate students at an assembly or program
  3. Complete 1 waste reduction activity
  4. Implement a comprehensive recycling program
  5. Create a PowerPoint presentation documenting your actions
For specifics, download the school steps here. Once complete, your school will receive their earth flag at a special ceremony! Contact SCARCE for details.
In the same vein as the Earth Flag, we also have a Water Quality Flag! Here's the basic steps to help you school earn one:

  • Host a staff training session
  • Educate students at a student assembly or school program
  • Paint a rain barrel
  • Participate in two activities that improve water quality
  • Create a power point with photos to document your actions

Check out our website or contact SCARCE at [email protected] if you are interested in earning your Water Quality Flag.
Plan ahead for Wednesday, September 22 - it's World Car Free Day! Think of how you can avoid your car all day - it may be more difficult than you'd think. Rally your students to walk to school, carpool, or take the bus. Consider incorporating this date into your lessons, whether it be related to health, science, social studies - anything - we should educate children about this day across the globe.

Avoiding cars to reduce emissions on World Car Free Day is important, but use the experience to think of how you can lessen the use of your personal vehicle year-round. Small actions by lots of people will make a big difference in our global emissions.
Upcoming Eco-Events
Proper Recycling Seminar - 6pm-7pm REGISTER
Pumpkin Smash
Thank you to all our volunteers!
Our Reuse Center couldn't function without these amazing individuals that dedicate their time each week to sorting, stocking, and organizing.

If you see them when you visit, give them a round of applause!
Mon-Fri: 9am-4:30pm
Saturdays 9am-12pm

Upcoming Special Dates
OPEN October 9th and 11th for Indigenous Peoples' Day!
Helpful Links
Ripples | SCARCE | 630.545.9710 | [email protected] |
This newsletter was created by SCARCE and funded in part by the DuPage County Board, Daniel Cronin, Chairman,the DuPage County Environmental Committee, Sheila Rutledge, Chair, and the DuPage County Stormwater Committee, James Zay, Chair.
Kay McKeen, founder & director; Jan Breyne, Rachel Carlson, Heather Goudreau, Bev Jaszczurowski,
Erin Kennedy, Jean Kent, Rose Naseef, Carina Ruscitti, & Olivia Ryan

Environmental education programs are operated by SCARCE
This newsletter is part of the Teacher Training Program funded by DuPage County.
Our Professional Development Provider Number: 190000000000000
The mention of a specific product or company is not an endorsement by DuPage County's Environmental Education Program.