Your resource for environmental education updates, workshops, and more.
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Summer 2021
Volume: 31 Issue: 10
Starting June 18, multiple dates
Do you know a new teacher? Are you teaching a new grade in the fall? Sign up for one of our free orientations to learn about all the resources SCARCE has to help you.

Learn about our Reuse Center - a great resource for supplies, books, and more - as well as the teacher trainings, workshops and classroom eco-education programs that we offer.

These are in-person tours at SCARCE. Registration required.
Once again for 2021 our annual design competition for high school students went virtual. Learn more about the winning eco-friendly designs and view all the projects submitted this year. The Sustainable Design Challenge is a program of SCARCE and DuPage County Stormwater Management. Get to know a few of the local organizations that make this competition possible here.
Overall LEED Design:
The Sustainable Squad
York Community High School
Best Stormwater Design:
Environmental Queens
York Community High School
Best Energy Design:
York Community High School
The Sustainable Design Challenge is a program of SCARCE and DuPage County Stormwater Management.
Thank you to the local businesses that make this program possible!
Terracycle, Brita, and Meijer are giving schools the chance to win a garden made from recycled materials!. Vote for your school today and encourage your student's and families to cast their votes! One vote accepted per person, per day now through July 11th.

Food Scrap Compost Sale: Plant Superfood!
Whether for school or home, plants indoors or out - food scrap amended compost is an eco-friendly nutrient boost to help your lawn, garden and houseplants grow strong.

Compost is available at SCARCE for $5 for 5 gallons or $20 for 30 gallons. You must provide your own containers and shovel. Call ahead 630-545-9710. Get it while it lasts!

All proceeds support our education programs and Reuse Center for teachers and non-profits.
New K-12 Recycling Grant Program from ISBE
Attention schools: There is a brand new recycling grant opportunity for Illinois k-12 schools! Get up to $5k toward starting or improving a recycling program. The Illinois State Board of Education recently established a program to provide this funding. View the full details on the recently adopted program here and stay tuned for an RFP announcement from the State Superintendent when funding is available.
Plan ahead: Fall Programs & Sustainability Projects
Start the year off right! Get a jump-start on planning and schedule a program for your classroom, teachers and staff, or the entire school. We offer programs for all ages on water, recycling, zero waste, composting and more. Programs are available in-person and virtually.

We also consult on sustainability projects to help your school or eco-club. It's never too early - give us a call to get started 630-545-9710.
We're open all summer! Come get resources to help your students
Our Reuse Center for schools and non-profits is open all summer long! Stop in to re-stock your classroom supplies, revamp your classroom décor and organization with new-to-you posters, bins and files, and add to your library or textbook inventory - all for only $5 per box of items.

We're open Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm, Saturdays 9am-12pm. You must present a current teacher ID or other proof of employment with a qualifying organization to shop. Learn more here.
Reminder: Schedule your book & supply donations now!
The busy season at our Reuse Center is in full swing! If you or your school have books or supplies to donate, please make sure to schedule an appointment by calling 630-545-9710. Due to high demand, we are booking up well in advance. Learn more about donating to SCARCE.
Upcoming Eco-Events
June 5
June 6
June 10
June 16
June 18
June 29
July 14
July 15
Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

We now have opportunities for individuals that wish to volunteer with SCARCE. Volunteers must be 18 or older. To learn more, contact Rose, our Volunteer Coordinator, at [email protected].

We encourage you to attend one of our Being Green: Behind the Scenes tours to get to know us better.
Our Reuse Center couldn't function without these amazing individuals that dedicate their time each week to sorting, stocking, and organizing.

If you see them when you visit, give them a round of applause!
Mon-Fri: 9am-4:30pm
Saturdays 9am-12pm

Upcoming Special Dates
CLOSED......Sat, July 3rd-Mon, July 5th
Helpful Links
Ripples | SCARCE | 630.545.9710 | [email protected] |
This newsletter was created by SCARCE and funded in part by the DuPage County Board, Daniel Cronin, Chairman,the DuPage County Environmental Committee, Sheila Rutledge, Chair, and the DuPage County Stormwater Committee, James Zay, Chair.
Kay McKeen, founder & director; Jan Breyne, Heather Goudreau, Carrie Horak,
Bev Jaszczurowski, Erin Kennedy, Jean Kent, Grecia Landin, Rose Naseef & Olivia Ryan

Environmental education programs are operated by SCARCE
This newsletter is part of the Teacher Training Program funded by DuPage County.
Our Professional Development Provider Number: 190000000000000
The mention of a specific product or company is not an endorsement by DuPage County's Environmental Education Program.