General Synod 2020
The ASSOCIATE REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH meets each year to discuss how to glorify God and win the world for Christ!
Click this link to hear from pastor Mike at this event!
New Members Class
November 1st & 8th at 10:30a.m.
Here at Risen City, we believe that we are objects of God’s love by grace through Jesus Christ. By grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone we are saved. This love and grace is dynamic and personal, transforming us from people who are naturally preoccupied with ourselves into a community of Christian believers committed to loving others with the same love we have received from God.
We're so excited you're interested in learning more about who we are and joining the family!
Sign up for this class and learn more about WHO WE ARE! See sign up at CLASS SIGNUP or in church lobby or call the church office 727 599-4555.
Worship in the Park
WORSHIP & ENJOY A FREE THANKSGIVING DINNER! November 20, 2020 at 10:30a.m.
Invite that one person you have been praying for to be saved. Come celebrate Christ together in beautiful Horan Park on St. Pete Beach.
Worship begins at 10:30a.m.
Thanksgiving meal begins at 12noon
Join the youthfulness of a game of kickball, bag toss, etc. See sign up at church (or sign up Genius coming soon) for what you might bring for a side dish, drinks, etc.
Weekly Bible Reading Schedule
Read (or LISTEN to) the Bible this Week beginning on Saturday. Stay in God's Word through this amazing website resource called The Gospel Coalition. This will take you to "Today's Reading" where you will see D. A. Carson's commentary, then four selections from the Bible. Really solid stuff for you to feed upon!
Risen Life Groups
NEW RISEN LIFE GROUPS can still be joined this fall. Check out these offerings:
WEDNESDAY-"Justified by Faith Alone"
THURSDAY-"Last Days According to Jesus"
FRIDAY-"Teachings w/R. C. Sproul"
SUNDAY-"The Parables of Jesus"
Go to or see sign up at church on Sunday or call office 727 559-4555.
Weekly Sunday Worship
at 9 a.m. OCTOBER 25, 2020
In this Sunday's sermon from John 16:4b-15 tells us the importance of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. The Holy Spirit is God, but here He is described as our Helper. He frees us from trying to live the Christian life in our own power. We live this not by "doing more and trying harder”; rather, it is by “seeing Jesus and surrendering to the Spirit.”
The Holy Spirit constantly draws attention to Jesus. To see and enjoy grace is the supreme work of the Spirit, as he bears witness to the truth and comfort of God’s Word in our hearts.

ADULT Men's study in Ephesians and Women's study w/Nancy Guthrie "The Word of the Lord."
YOUTH Teen's study the New City Catechism
CHILDREN Bible memorization, choir cantata.

You are welcome to join some of the leadership for 15 minutes of prayer for our worship. Located in the Upper Room opposite the Youth Room.

Robert VanLandingham-continued recovery; Heather Chermak-surgery & recovery; God's saving mercies on our nation, the election, and His people! Growth, unity, and health of his church; for one friend to trust Christ before the end of the year.
Giving a Helping Hand
Help us bless a family in our Church. Paul tells the church at Galatia, "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Would you consider giving any amount to help us provide food for a family in our church?
Just go to pantry to enter any dollar amount. Every offering will help us care for a family and honor God. May we glorify God in all that we do. If you have questions you may call the church office at 727 599-4555