Did you ever play Risk?
I remember playing the board game, Risk, as a teenager. It’s a strategic game with strategic locations…and Kamchatka, Russia is one of those places. 
Over the last ten years, locations on that board game have become realized in new ways to me. I’ve visited Russia twice since 2013, and even met with the Bishop of the Pentecostal Church of Russia who is over the eastern side of Russia. Kamchatka is the far eastern peninsula of Russia. 
And this week, that geographical location came up again, but this time in a conversation with Pasha (our Country Leader for Russia). 

A focus of our conversation: God is at work in eastern Russia! Pasha recently spoke at a conference in Siberia where there were over 800 youth and youth leaders in attendance. He will be returning there in September to continue the training he began with leaders who were introduced to JFYM at the conference. The result? Eight new regions of Siberia will soon have leaders who have completed their training in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry! And, there are leaders in Kamchatka who are now being trained! 

What about western Russia? Travel west over 5,000 miles and you are in Moscow. In August, Pasha will be in Moscow working with a church that is beginning to apply the principles they have learned in JFYM. He will also be speaking and training a large gathering of churches there in Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry! 
There are a variety of reasons why ministry has been more difficult in Russia since 2020. But, churches are increasingly expressing a desire to reach the younger generation, and through indigenous leaders who have been trained and resourced by ROYS, we have feet on the ground ready to help! This impact is significant! 

This week I met Dasha. She was the interpreter on my call with Pasha. A year and a half ago, she was not a believer. But, she was invited to a Christian club, heard the story of Jesus, attended an evangelistic camp hosted by Pasha’s team, was saved, baptized, and now serves as a college leader in a church in Kaliningrad. And, this week she used her linguistics degree to help Pasha and me as we discussed life and ministry together via zoom. 
Thank you for praying and giving as we continue to reach out to the multitude of “Dashas” who live in Russia!
Jesus is Lord, 
Randy Riggins, President
Reach Out Youth Solutions