Learn from the comfort of your own home or office. Interact with your instructor and engage in live Q&As. For questions or more information contact : Phillip@BirminghamRealtors.com .
The Results Are In – Almost 900,000 Reached!
During May and June, we ran our "That's Who We R" campaigned focused on the counties served by the Birmingham Association of REALTORS ® . The campaign promoted REALTORS® as the real estate experts in local communities who fight for homeownership and property rights. Through print, radio, social media, and digital marketing, we drove consumers to the BAR website to search for a local REALTOR ® .

We are excited to announce that we reached 878,186 people in the Central Alabama area!
An auction offering the latest technology for the working REALTOR ® and fun entertainment when it's time to play.
More details coming soon!
For more information, contact: 
The market, regulatory, valuation, and more. Check out this month's RealTrends report. Click here to read the report.
Would you like to serve your association? Log into your member portal and click on  "Elections"  to nominate yourself or others. BAR is  taking applications for
Board Director  and  Executive Committee Secretary.  D eadline July 15th at 11:59 PM.
Would you like to serve the Greater Alabama MLS? GALMLS is taking applications for  Board Director and Executive Committee Secretary . Click here to apply today!   The deadline for nominations is   July 15th at 11:59PM.
Would you like to join a committee?
Go to your member portal and log in. Click on "Committees" to see all available positions available for nomination. The deadline to apply is September 30th. Click here to go directly to TheBarPortal.com
Do you know someone who exemplifies the REALTOR® spirit and image? Tell us about them. The deadline to nominate is July 31st. Click here to apply!
Benefits include convenience, no missed payments, avoid service disruption, time- saving, and more. Click here for a printable info sheet & instructions.
S ave the Date for the Awards and Elections Program
Mark your calendar for September 3rd.
Questions? Contact Stephanie at BAR.
It's a high-risk time for cyber-crime. Make sure your business and clients are covered with CyberPolicy's comprehensive cyber liability insurance. Click here to learn how to keep your business secure.
I'm thankful for this opportunity to serve my fellow REALTORS ® .
If you need me, just reach out.

Thank you for your support!
2020 BAR President
David Lucas
For the Latest Info! Follow BAR on Social Media!