River Road Reconstruction 7.11.23
Good afternoon,

River Road reconstruction project will be starting Monday, July 17th. R.G. Huston will be the contractor, they are working on Windsor Road right now. They will be starting near ABS Global and working their way north. Access will be limited during working hours, but after work hours the Contractor will make the road accessible. Residents and business owners that live on River Road will have access to your driveways and the roadway at all times. There may be times where there maybe a delay, but the Contractor will get out a quickly as possible.  Access to Pinseekers and ABS will be best coming from the south (Innovation Drive) and child care facility and ABS rearing barns from the north (South Street). The work on the road consists of storm sewer installation, new road base, curb and gutter, and a multi-use trail on the east side of the road.  Completion of the project is roughly November 1st, with good weather the project could get done earlier. Click here to view a detour map.

Residents with garbage and recycling on River Road, please put your carts out as normal and the Contractor will make sure they get emptied. Mail should be able to be delivered during the entire project, if this changes we will notify the effected properties. If there are any questions or concerns please give me a call 608-807-7023 or email [email protected].


Greg Hall
Public Services Operations Supervisor
Village of DeForest
DeForest, Wisconsin
Village Hall
120 S. Stevenson Street
DeForest, WI 53532
(608) 846-6751
Growing the Good Life