August 1, 2022

Community Highlights

Volunteer with your community organization!

Host a Neighborhood Plan conversation!

The River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan is in the final stage of the project. After years of gathering community input for the visions, goals, and policies in the Neighborhood Plan, the project team is excited to share the draft Neighborhood Plan back out to the community.

For the month of August, the project newsletters will be highlighting the five topic areas in the River Road-Santa Clara Neighborhood Plan each week – Community, Transportation, Parks and Natural Resources, Economic Development, and Land Use. This week’s focus is on the Community topic area.

The Community Vision:

The River Road and Santa Clara Neighborhoods exude a strong sense of place. They are welcoming and inclusive neighborhoods for people of all backgrounds. River Road and Santa Clara celebrate and nurture community unity and diverse cultures and honor the rich history of farming in the neighborhoods. The community recognizes the value of natural assets, such as the River and thriving shared spaces, such as parks, schools, and local businesses. Our neighborhoods are safe, resilient, and engaged, with strong social networks and reliable public services.

The Neighborhood Plan policies (statements adopted to provide a consistent course of action and move the community toward attainment of its goals) for Community focus on:

  • Supporting and advocating for neighborhood services and opportunities, such as:
  • affordable housing
  • public art
  • library and cultural services
  • emergency preparedness

Implementation of the vision for Community will rely on:

  • building community support and participation
  • collaborating with the City, County, and other local service providers
  • supporting current work being done by the River Road Community Organization (RRCO) and the Santa Clara Community Organization (SCCO) and their related committees

Do you want to be a part of this work?

Help work towards the Community Vision by: 

  • building community and resiliency
  • developing and fostering relationships
  • welcoming new neighbors
  • collaborating on community projects

Check out some of the projects RRCO and SCCO already have underway!

River Road Community Organization:

RRCO committees:

RRCO volunteer opportunities:

Santa Clara Community Organization:

SCCO active projects:

We're looking for volunteers!

We’re also looking for volunteers to help get the word out about the Neighborhood Plan! Interested in hosting a conversation about the Neighborhood Plan with neighbors and friends to help gather feedback? Use the meeting toolkit to help guide the discussion. Sign up and staff will contact you with more information and to provide materials. 

Sign up to volunteer here!

Have questions?


For more information, project updates, and important dates visit the RRSC Neighborhood Plan project website and the Engage Eugene project page
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