Hudson River
Fishermen’s Association
February 9th
ZOOM teleconference starting at 7:00 PM.
TITLE: Intro to Fly Tying
GUEST SPEAKER: Artan Hasanaj
SUMMARY: Art will have his shop set up to do a live demo of fly tying. He creates works of Art. Pun intended.
All are invited to join the meeting
& share their fishing stories.
Login Details
To join the Zoom Meeting click the following link:
Meeting ID: 968 7273 4619
One tap mobile
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What Do Fly Fisherman Do in the Winter?
Fly fishing is exciting and tests your limits, it can be fruitful and at times reward you in colossal ways. But what do fly fisherman do in the Winter when they are waiting for the season to start? We've put together a list to help you get ready...
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Circle Hook Video NJ
Effective January 1, 2021, non-offset (inline) circle hooks must be used when fishing for striped bass with natural bait in all waters.
Using non-offset (inline) circle hooks significantly increases the survival of released striped bass.
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Next General Meeting
Guest Speaker
Artan Hasanaj
Executive Meeting
Date TBD
Under normal times we always meet the 1st Tuesday of every month Ridgefield Park Elks at 7:30 pm
HRFA Officers
Aram Setian
Vice President
Joseph Albanese
Frank Wisniewski
John Malool
Membership Secretary
Arnold Ulrich
Board Members
Chairman Youth Anglers
Wayne Geider
Hooked on the Hudson
Pete Musse
Gil Hawkins
Miguel Sardinas
Fishing Contests
Aram Setian
Scott Havner
Outdoors Shows
Dave Mercer
Janice Soto
Dan Harrison
Director Emeritus
Tony Evangelista
Antony Carbone (2020)
Ivan Garcia (2021)
Marius Bahr (2022)
Nominating Committee:
John Golon
Gil Hawkins
Aram Setian
Social Media Committee:
Alex Spindelman
Editor River Views:
Joseph Albanese
Send Comments to: editorriverviews@thehrfa.org
Want to help us "Fight for the Hudson"? Click here or the striped bass image & make a donation today.
The Hudson River Fishermen’s Association is a group of recreational fishermen who make active use of the N.Y. Bight and the surrounding water system and are concerned with the present and future state of these fisheries. Our objectives are to encourage the responsible use of aquatic resources and protection of habitat. We assist where possible in efforts to abate pollution and promote sportfishing and the management of that recreation. We are a IRS recognized nonprofit 501c3 organization . All donations are welcome and maybe tax deductable.
Click HERE to become a member of the HRFA or to renew your membership today.
Art's carries fly tying starter kits and a full range of things you need to get into this great winter hobby.
Did you know that back issues (2019 & 2020 only) of River Views, the monthly newsletter of the HRFA, are available for all to enjoy on our website? Click here, or the River Views banner, to go directly there and catch up on your reading.
Greetings HRFA Members and Friends,
I hope that as of this writing, we find you all well and safe.
First, I would like to express my sadness with the loss of my dear friend Mike Cargill. I spent time fishing with him on his boat and sharing his sailing and fishing experiences. He is remembered as one that was always friendly and ready to participate, encourage, teach, and motivate the young fishermen at the HRFA Youth Program events. For his contribution to our association, he was awarded the prestigious Pete Barrett Award. He will be missed.
Next, I would like to congratulate Scott Havner, the recipient of the Pete Barrett Award for 2020. He exhibits what is expected of our younger dynamic members. His enthusiasm and dedication to HRFA resulted in organizing, participating, and conducting events, continuing the tradition. His consistent friendly and humorous attitude help motivate and engage new and potential members. I greatly appreciate all he is doing and encourage him to continue in good health.
Congratulations also to all the winners of our 2020 HRFA Fishing Contest. Scroll down to the bottom of this email to see the list of happy anglers. Now accepting entries for 2021!!!
As the COVID-19 situation continues and the Elks lodge remains closed, we are still forced to conduct the HRFA General Meetings using video teleconferencing. I would like to express our thanks and appreciation to those that participated in the last video conference. This was a remarkable, well timed (season-wise), presentation on ice fishing by Scott Havner and Andy Ward. We had excellent attendance and I know that there was valuable information for all.
We were still unable to resume our E-Board meetings at the Elks Lodge. However, we did not conduct our December and January E-board meeting for safety consideration. We will be conducting the next E-Board meeting at the earliest possibility to review the past year and set our 2021 objectives.
We are trying to conduct programs as the conditions permit. Currently we are considering an Ice Fishing Derby in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, the ice conditions in the local lakes are inadequate currently. Dedicated ice fishermen, willing to travel , are reporting rewarding catches further north. Also in January, some striped bass were unintentionally caught showing their presence in both the Hackensack the Hudson River throughout the winter.
Unfortunately, the Elks Lodge is still not opened to allow conducting the general meetings at this time. Also, we will be unable to conduct one of the traditional activities, the HRFA Year End Auction, however we will have a video teleconference, as described below.
Reports still indicate that 2021 will continue to be a challenging, COVID-19 year. We have early information that the Sportsmen, Outdoors, and Fishing shows, are suspended. At this point, we are postponing our activities, the Annual Award Dinner, and the Auction, that we eagerly look forward to every year. As you are aware, these functions are also used for raising funds. We will be looking for alternatives for generating funds to enable us to successfully conduct the HRFA very worthwhile programs. We thank you for your help and appreciate your donations.
Be well and stay safe
Capt. Aram Setian
HRFA 2021 President
Fight for the Hudson
In this month's issue of River Views
Please consider promoting your business in River Views. Click here to make a $50 donation and we will publish your business card, with a link to your company website, for 12 full months of River Views.
We will use your donation to support the mission of the HRFA to “Fight for the Hudson”, our Youth Angler Program, College Scholarship Fund, etc.
Well, if you've read this far you know we opened this issue with info on this month's ZOOM meeting on fly tying and President Setian's letter to members & friends of the HRFA. Next is our new Want Ads section, available for all, before we go to those sections that are for members only.
After our call to follow us on Social Media we have "February" an article from Michael Sardinas with tips for surfcasters to help prepare for the season ahead. Then we have Carl's Corner entitled "Catch by Cannibalism". Then its From the Internet sharing articles found online on NJ's best ice fishing spots, update on circle hooks, about FBW and the Hoboken waterfront and ice fishing tips from On the Water magazine's website. Under the heading Upcoming Events we announce the 2021 Fred Rung Memorial Catch, Tag & Release Striper Derby including the role it plays in supporting research efforts that advance knowledge and protection of the species. Other upcoming events are scheduled on-line fishing seminars, HRFA General meetings, the Rutger's IFISSH program series and more.
After all of that we cover Past Events (including the link for NYDEP's webinar recording on stripers and eels in the Hudson River), That's Entertainment, From our Membership Chair, H.R.F.A. Photo Gallery, From Fish to Dish, the HRFA Fishing Contest winners and more.
As always we hope you enjoy this month's issue. Please email comments, photos, articles, news and other things of interest to members to care of The Editor.
The Editor
River Views
HRFA members are welcome to place a WANT AD in River Views. Simply Email editorriverviews@thehrfa.org a brief description of your item(s) along with your asking price etc. You may include photo(s) too. Be sure to provide your contact information.
Advertising in the WANT ADS section of River Views is FREE to all members! All we ask is that you donate a minimum of 10% of any money exchanged to the HRFA after each transaction is completed.* If it was a simple swap or trade, please contribute your best possible donation as a way to say, "thank you" and support our good works.
Click HERE to make your donation using PayPal. You may also mail a check made out to "HRFA WANT ADS" to either address: 1.) HRFA, PO Box 421, Cresskill, NJ 07626 - OR - 2.) HRFA, PO Box 421, Piermont, NY 10968
This is a new benefit of HRFA membership which is still just $25.00 a year. Click HERE to become a member of the HRFA or to renew your membership today.
*NOTE: All transactions will be handled directly by the parties involved. The HRFA will not play a role in making those arrangements. Regarding the suggested 10% charitable donations to the HRFA - the "honor system" will be in full force. We trust you to do the right thing.
Click HERE to make your donation using PayPal.
The Croton Yacht Club has many items available for sale like this brand new Daiwa Saltiga Surf Spinning Reel. CONTACT: Dennis Kooney for complete list and asking prices. Phone: 914-907-3622. Email: dennis@kooney.net
Tsunami Shield TSSHD4000 surf reel. Used one season. Good condition. Loaded with 20# braid. (Pairs well with the 9' Tsunami Airwave surf rod below) Asking $50. CONTACT: Joe Albanese Phone: 908-456-2968 Email: joealbanese2@gmail.com
PENN 706Z surf reel. Brand new. Asking $125. CONTACT: Pete Musse Phone: 201-233-3119 Email: petemusse@gmail.com
SOLD! $10 donation to the HRFA
Tsunami Airwave 9' 2-piece surf rod, 1-3.25 oz. Used once. (Pairs well with the Tsunami Shield reel above) Asking $75. CONTACT: Scott Havner Phone: 845-300-1562 Email: fishon7231@verizon.net
Fly fishing basket with belt.
Brand new. Asking $35 picked up or meet up. CONTACT: Michael Sardinas Phone: 201 232 5988. Email: Masardinas@yahoo.com
Propellers: asking $85 for one or $150 for both. CONTACT: Alex Spindelman, Phone: 845-548-0003 Email: a.spindelman@gmail.com
Red rod, CTS blank, 11', 7 guides +tip, Low rider guides, 1-4oz Asking: $325
Black rod, 12', Century Sp blank , t/c s/u , 5 guides +tip, metal reel seat, casting design, 1-3oz, Asking: $350
CONTACT: Alex Spindelman, Phone: 845-548-0003 Email: a.spindelman@gmail.com
Like new 10 wt salt water fly rod. Built with corrosion resistant hardware. Comes with storage/shipping tube. Asking $80. CONTACT: Michael Sardinas Phone: 201 232 5988. Email: Masardinas@yahoo.com
Follow the HRFA on Social Media
Submit fishing photos & news of interest to Alex Spindelman.
Click on the logos below to visit our FaceBook and Instagram pages.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The full version of River Views is for members only. HRFA Members, if your emailed copy of River Views ends abruptly look for this quote "[Message clipped] "View entire message" at the bottom of the page. Clicking there will open up the full issue.
February can be a tough month for the Surfcaster in the Northeast. Cabin fever sets in around the third week in January for me, but there are many ways to stay productive during the offseason and ways to improve your angling skills.
I have put together a list, geared to help you get through the winter.
1: Get in shape! That’s right. Get your butt outside and go for a walk or join a gym. Working out will help build stamina, and you will no longer think twice about taking those long walks to those hotspots. Plus, you will be able to fish longer without feeling fatigued.
2: Make a list of 3 new spots to fish for the up and coming season. Go and visit those spots during low tide and make a note of the structure you find. Come up with a game plan on how you plan to fish the structure you identified during your scouting trip.
3: Replace those rusty hooks on lures. Try different hook configurations; for example: inline hooks. Switching from using treble hooks to inline single hooks has become popular this past year. The purpose of using single inline hooks is to reduce damage to stripers and to make a catch and release easier. VMC Inline hooks are a popular choice.
4: Repair your waders; no need to spend that extra cash on a new pair. Aquaseal makes excellent products to perform repairs.
5: Check the guides on all your rods and make the necessary repairs. You can find all your rod repair needs at Mudhole.com.
6: Read; two books I recommend are Striper Surf by Frank Daignault and Surfcasters Guide to the Striper Surf by DJ Muller. Reading a good book or two on surfcasting will accelerate the learning curve and cut it in half; you will learn real and proven techniques and gain wisdom that can take years to acquire on your own.
7: Get yourself a journal; the information you write down will be invaluable.
Fishing trip entries should include the date, location, tide, weather, wind direction, and bait or lure used. After gathering enough data, you will connect the dots. For example, you’ll figure out which locations produce best during a specific tide and/or wind direction.
Use your time wisely, and before you know it, you'll be standing waist-deep in the suds, listening to screaming seagulls and making long casts to breaking fish.
-Tight Lines.
Carl Bruger has been a writer for this newsletter educating and entertaining us who read River Views for a long time. Here is his latest gem. Perfectly timed to get you through these trying times of "social distancing" necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Catch by Cannibalism"
By Carl Bruger
Twenty-five years ago I wrote a column in River Views under the same title. As gross as this concept is, nature in her own cruel way, still operates in this same inexorable manner and we, as savvy anglers, can utilize this tendency to catch more fish. Well over half a century of fish cleaning has demonstrated to this angler that the stomach contents of predator fish often
contain the hapless remains of their smaller relatives.
Cannibalism on the brine is a typical feeding pattern in the food web of nature. I have gutted fluke with baby flounder inside, gorilla blues have spilled out fresh snappers, and one nice twenty eight pound striper had a couple of first year class kin lodged in her belly.
Sweet water examples are plentiful too. A
trophy pike split open revealed scads of pencil pickerel replicas inside. A bucket mouthed largemouth between four and five pounds was digesting a nine inch
smallmouth bass as a major feast! Lastly a twenty pound channel catfish spilled out more 1” baby bullhead catfish than I cared to count.
Plethoras of other examples are available, but you, my wise readers know this is typical behavior for every foraging predator that swims. If a food fish, egg,
or edible portion of that creature (edible protein) presents itself, then the predator will instinctively feed on it or face the stark alternatives of growing weakness,
starvation, and death. Along the way there is also the possibility of being devoured by a larger fish or sea mammal. Fish, with this behavior, instinctively know how to apply the concept of “survival of the fittest” to the game of life.
Knowing all this we have the tools to use
against our target species so we can catch more and enjoy our sport to a greater degree. On the fresh water front my bass strategy using bobber suspended baby
sunfish can be expanded to the brine. Not only will largemouth and smallmouth bass gobble up their cousins from the same family with alacrity, the bluegills and pumpkinseeds can be kept in an aerator and brought to the ocean and used as bluefish bait. I coat them with bunker oil and lightly hook them so they swim wildly
for a while in the foreign salt water. Their profile and insane gyrations attract bluefish strikes if they are anywhere near! I won two pools and filled many coolers
back when blues were plentiful. I bet this still works now that old yellow eyes is in decline and there is a three fish limit. Of course a snapper blue can be the easier to use bait you employ to catch the cannibal
gorilla blue that you put on the grill or in the smoker.
Back to fresh water walleye fishing and cousins for bait, we find the poor yellow perch fitting the bill of fare as a perfect menu item of old marble eyes when hung suspended under a bobber especially at dusk and at night. Perch eyes alone,(popped out from your earlier catches), when tipping a jig, are lethal baits when
fishing for their brothers under the ice of Lake Ontario and for that matter every frozen pond and lake in the Northeast.
The entire salmonid family falls victim to their proclivity for eating the eggs of their rivals. Single eggs like those sold in the ubiquitous Uncle Josh type jars come in every color of the rainbow and every flavor and scent that a human could imagine. Spawn sacks also account for huge catches of Coho and Chinook salmon
during their fall seasonal runs.
Belly flaps from pickerel and pike can be
skittered over lily pads and other weeds to nail exact clones of the meat being dragged over the vegetation. This technique goes back over a century and started with cane poles.
The same concept but in salt water and with fluke belly has landed many a doormat for the savvy angler who kept those strips from an earlier catch and
wisely salted them away. Live or dead mackerel are lethal baits for their larger cousins. King mackerel taken on drifted mackerel was one of the best fights I ever
experienced in salt water! The speed of the quarry made the line scream as it tore through the water at 40 mph. like a living torpedo!
Take advantage of this grotesque quirk of
nature by using baits that are your target’s relatives or parts and I’ll bet that your catch rate will improve.
New Jersey | Top Ice Fishing Spots - On The Water
New Jersey doesn't jump out when you think of ice-fishing destinations. When I tell coworkers and other non-fishing friends that I go ice fishing in New Jersey, most of them are surprised. But, make no mistake, aside from exceptionally warm...
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DEC Proposes Circle Hook Requirement for 2021...
For Release: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today released a new proposed regulation for public review and comment that would require the use of circle hooks when recreational fishing...
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FBW is working to complete a contiguous public park along the Hudson River and promote development that meets the highest standards of urban design.
The HRFA played a significant role in of the original design ideas for the as yet still uncompleted Hudson River Walkway. Read about that piece of our club's history under the heading "Take a Hike" below.
Planning Principles: What Would Jane Jacobs Do?
Successful waterfronts are public waterfronts: in 2016, FBW reviewed the three principles that are the cornerstone of a better waterfront.
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Ice Fishing Tips for Beginners - On The Water
As I set my last trap, the sun begins to show, illuminating the vast sheet of creaking ice that lies beneath my feet. I can no longer hear the booming, echoing hoots from the barred owl that resides along the shore of the small cove.
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Groundhog Day
(again, and again and ...)
(February 2, 2021)
Ice Fishing Seminar
(February 3, 2021)
The New Jersey Outdoors Program is offering an hour-long virtual ice fishing workshop tailored for women on Wednesday, February 3 at 7:00 p.m. Participants will receive a workshop packet that provides a hands-on aspect to the workshop. Click HERE for more information visit the link below.
HRFA's February General Meeting
(February 9, 2021)
ZOOM in to watch and listen to Artan Hasanaj, the owner of Art's Tackle & Fly Shop in Nanuet, NY as he gives an introduction and live demo of fly tying.
HRFA's March General Meeting
(March 10, 2021)
ZOOM in to learn from Arnie Ulrich who will give a live demonstration of knot tying and fishing rigs and leaders for various species.
Introductory Fisheries Science
for Stakeholders (IFISSH)
(February 16 - April 20, 2021)
Hello Everyone,
Registration is now open for the 2021 Introductory Fisheries Science for Stakeholders (IFISSH) course offered through Rutgers Cooperative Extension (RCE).
The objective of this course is to educate stakeholders of New Jersey's commercial and recreational marine fisheries so that they will better understand and make progress on issues impacting their industries, including the science, management, and responsible stewardship of fishery resources.
Class sessions will meet weekly on Tuesday evenings (6:30 - 9:00 PM) from February 16 through April 20. All classes will meet via Zoom webinar during the COVID-19 pandemic and will include a mixture of presentations with Q&A and open discussion periods. Additionally, as circumstances surrounding the pandemic allow, there will be two optional field trips during the summer of 2021.
Please see the attached flyer for additional details including a list of topics and invited speakers.
There is a $25 program fee for this course and registration is open to all who are interested. Please feel free to share this email and flyer with anyone who you think might be interested.
If you have any questions, then please contact me via email or phone (732-349-1152), or contact Kelly Jurgensen (Administrative Assistant, RCE of Ocean County: kjurgensen@co.ocean.nj.us | 732-349-1152).
Hopefully we'll see many of you on the webinar in February!
Happy holidays and best wishes to you and your family.
Douglas Zemeckis, Ph.D. | County Agent III (Assistant Professor)
Marine Extension Agent for Ocean, Atlantic, and Monmouth Counties
The Annual Fred Rung Striped Bass Derby
Saturday April 17 - Saturday May 15 Our annual catch, tag & release striper derby returns to the Hudson River and its tributaries. The boundaries for the derby range from the Verrazano Bridge north, all the way up to the dam in Troy, NY.
In addition to the grand finale prizes there will be prizes awarded at the end of each week of the 4-week long Derby.
Details to follow.
“In memory of Fred Rung, past Vice President and longtime board member, of the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association, and in recognition of his valuable contribution to the establishment and support of Fishing Contests on the Hudson River, we, the President and the HRFA Executive Board, do name the Annual Fred Rung Striped Bass Derby in his Honor. August 15, 2020”
2019: Here is Charles Spindelman who took home many of the prizes in our 1st Annual Catch, Tag & Release Striper Derby. He entered the largest striper in Week-1, which at 25.5" was also the Largest Tagged for the American Littoral Society. Charlie took the prize for tagging the most stripers (44) too. He also had the Largest From Shore.
1st Place Overall went to Mike Banahan whose 35" striper also was the largest entry in Week-3.
2020: Here is Christopher Palmer who was the BIG winner of our 2nd Annual Catch, Tag & Release Striper Derby with this 42.67" entry. This fish won him 1st Place Overall, the Calcutta, Largest from Boat in Week-4 and was the Largest Tagged for the American Littoral Society. Chris also won for the Most Tagged stripers with a total of 21.
The HRFA Striper Derby Contributes to Science
The HRFA's catch & release derby supports the scientific study of striped bass in two ways. As we always have, we encourage anglers to tag fish for the American Littoral Society. That's why the derby awards prizes for the most and the largest striper tagged and released for their program. Secondly, we offer competing anglers a Calcutta prize for the largest striper caught and released. Whether or not the bass was tagged. The purchase of The Fisherman magazine's 3Rs sticker (see image) through the HRFA is needed to enter the Calcutta. This raised money to support both the HRFA's activities and the satellite tagging study being conducted by Gray FishTag Research. Last year we donated $500 towards that initiative. The article below from The Fisherman magazine shows the exciting new knowledge collected from those satellite tags. In 2021 the intent is to tag two more striped bass from the Hudson River.
Montauk To Cape May: The "Independence" Express - The...
If the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, why then must we always assume that striped bass follow a coastal migration path that constantly keeps these fish in close proximity to land? That of course may be one of the biggest ...
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JANUARY 12th General Meeting
Ice Fishing 101
Scott Havner (hidden behind his co-instructor Andrew Ward in this photo) gave us a great 45-minute intro to ice fishing. Scott's outdoor garage was all set up for show-and-tell. They covered safety first, staying warm, equipment, techniques, bait & lures, ice shelters and the rest of the need-to-know things to get started enjoying this winter pastime. Interested in going ice fishing? At the end of the virtual session they graciously offered members an invitation to join them out on the hard water.
Fish of the Hudson River Estuary
Northern pike Lined seahorse. Northern pike. Striped searobin. Naked goby. Which of these fishes is found in the Hudson River? The answer is all of the above. These four species are among more than 200 fishes that have been found in the Hudson...
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Focus on Hudson River Striper & Sturgeon Populations
The NYDEP's January 20th "Women In Science Winter Speaker Series - Not All Scientists Wear Lab Coats" webinar focused on fish in the Hudson River. Specifically, Fisheries Biologist Jessica Best shared her scientific research and knowledge of stripers in the river. Amanda Higgs did the same for sturgeon in the river. Click on the the link for the ZOOM recording then enter the passcode. The webinar will be available until mid-February.
Then enter Passcode: u&Pj2!Pz
Be sure to check out the H.R.F.A. Events Calendar below for this month's member birthday notices, holidays and events.
From our Membership Chair
HRFA Members stuff
Let's get with it folks! HRFA cannot run on wind pudding and air pie. Thank You to those members that have already paid the 2021 HRFA dues. For the rest of us ,please scroll down to the membership application below and renew on line or print out the membership form and mail it in. Any questions please email me kavester@aol.com or call me @ 201 304 4691.
Arnie Ulrich
Membership Chair
HRFA Membership Information
For those people who join(ed) the HRFA in October (or later) of a given year, their new or renewal membership also is covered for the following new year. There is also a generous grace period for those who are unable to update their membership in January, however paying your dues late puts a strain on the records maintenance and consequently the ability of the executive board’s planning of activities and events.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to help (time, skills, or financially) on any particular club projects or events, feel free to email me, Arnie Ulrich (kavester@aol.com) or call me at 1-201-304-4691.
Membership dues are renewed annually at the beginning of each year.
Fishing Licenses and Saltwater Registry for NJ & NY, Hudson River Regulations, etc.
Click on the buttons below for the:
NOTE: To order your NY State Fishing License by phone call 866-933-2257
NOTE: To get the New York Saltwater Registry you must first register for a free Citizen Access account, then log in and Buy Sporting License(s) (the Saltwater license is free)
Have a photograph and/or fishing story you would like to share with the club? If so, we'd love to hear from you. After all, no one wants to see the same members over and over again. Email it to editorriverviews@thehrfa.org and we will do our very best to squeeze it into an upcoming issue of River Views.
The last fishing trip for 2020 aboard the XTC with Capt. Scott (Dec. 30th) was a bit chilly, but rewarding. In fact, the gang limited out on black fish. Here is HRFA President Capt. Setian with a nice keeper. Dirk VanEverdingen was the organizer.
Ringing in the new year on the Niagara River Stephanie Hess fooled this beautiful steelhead.
Scott Havner submitted the first photo for the new year. This nice lake trout was landed from the shore of the Niagara River.
What to do after completing the prerequisite Ice Fishing 101 ZOOM meeting put on by HRFA members Scott Havner and Andy Ward. Simple. Go ice fishing and put all that learning into practice!
The Editor of River Views snapped the photo of this sign last week while hiking (okay "strolling" may be a more apt term) along a section of the Hudson River Waterfront Walkway in Edgewater.
People should know that the HRFA played an important role in the development of the walkway. The following is taken from the club chronology available on our "old" website:
"7/13/93 HRFA members Tony Evangelista and Ray Marione escort Mr. Bill Neyenhouse of the NJ DEP along the shoreline of the Hudson discussing his Walkway Project."
I asked past Presidents Capt. Chas Stamm & Sergio Radossi for a little additional club history on the walkway initiative. Here is what I learned from them:
Hi Joe,
I may be able to help a little here.
Early on, in the walkway there were a number of signs we designed for the Walkway to inform visitors that fishing was available in a particular area. This sign shown, was an option that Bill Neyenhouse liked. It has our HRFA logo in the lower left side with three stripers in it.
Bill Neyenhouse used to offer driving trips along the river once a month. Ray Marione used to attend most of them. I attended a few and in the attached photo I shot shows Al White and Wayne Geider along with one of the ladies from Clean Ocean Action standing with Bill Neyenhouse. This was at Veterans Park in Edgewater.
Bill would drive us up and down the construction sites along the river in an effort to insure all the requirements of building the walkway were being adhered to. Many construction sites did not want us going in for fear that Bill would find something they were not doing properly and issue them a fine. Several times Bill would have to bring out his badge to gain access. He had the authority to make them open their gates to us.
The next photo is of the area where the Binghamton Ferry restaurant was parked. The municipality had taken care of this portion of the walkway.
The final shot is of me, Ray, Tony and Jim Campbell probably talking access points.
Capt. Chas Stamm
The Binghamton Ferry Restaurant is but a distant memory.
From L. to R. Capt. Chas Stamm, Ray Marione, Tony Evangilista and Jim Campbell
Hello Joe,
This project was started by the HRFA in the late 80s / early 90s. Reference the the Liberty State Park Walkway and fishing access fight.
The original plan was for a river walkway from Bayonne to the NY state line. The DEP adopted the project and hired Bill Neyenhouse be the state’s voice on site. HUGH!
Unintended consequences;
When the HRFA saw the state take over, the active participation changed to cheering Bill on from the sidelines. Once the developers realized river access advocates (HRFA) got the state actively involved, Bill was given an offer he couldn’t refuse without losing his DEP job and pension benefits. Bill was relocated to South Jersey. Needless to say Bill had a gag order to follow in order to save his job. State involvement in the Walk Way project went the way all DEP Projects are handled today.
As you might except there is no documentation on this, other than Bill’s relocation and what is in the files I gave Aram.
Best regards,
Sergio Radossi
PS. Current aerial photos of the public access pier at northern end (which is very difficult to get to) and the pier that was rebuilt (after severe ice damage) at southern end, did not know they did this ….kudos to whoever pushed for this. Good fishing
North end: Public Access Pier.
South end: Lincoln Harbor Park
Pickled Pickerel
Pete Musse
On January 23rd, the coldest/windiest day of the year so far, I went ice fishing with Wayne Geider and Joe Albanese. As I anticipated, all we managed to catch on Lake Wandea near Livingston Manor were pickerel. Not especially desirable table fare for many people because of the many small bones that remain in the filets. However, Wayne just loves them! He grinds them up to make fish cakes. His latest culinary delight is pickled pickerel. He took home a couple of keepers to do just that. I don't have his exact recipe but here is one I pulled off the internet.
Wintertime Recipe: How to Pickle Pickerel
By Gerry Bethge
January 30, 2013
SOURCE: https://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/gone-fishin’/2013/01/wintertime-recipe-how-pickle-pickerel/
Sadly, there was no ice fishing season last winter in my corner of the Northeast. Even sadder, it meant that my friend, Cliff Horton, failed to provide me with any pickled pickerel--a wintertime favorite.For three seasons of the year, we consider pickerel to be a nuisance fish (don't hate me). Though they taste just fine, pesky Y-bones make them a chore to fillet, so we just mostly cuss and throw them back. Come wintertime, however, pickerel are somehow transformed into the target species. Their flesh is decidedly firmer in winter, but I think it's due largely to Cliff's pickling recipe, which is simple to make and results in an awesome anytime snack. The best part, however, is that you don't have to mess with the Y-bones at all. They're dissolved through the pickling process. So here goes. Try it this winter.
Pickled Pickerel
2 tsp pickling spice
2 ½ tbs kosher salt
¼ cup sugar
1 onion
white vinegar
1) Cut fillets in to chunks
2) Fill 1-quart Ball jar approximately ¾ full with fish
3) Add, salt, sugar, pickling spice and sliced onion
4) Fill jar with white vinegar
5) Shake until all dry ingredients dissolve
6) Refrigerate 5 days [give it a shake the 3rd day]
7) Eat it right out of the jar or mix with a little sour cream and eat on a cracker as you would pickled herring
Calendar | Hudson River Fishermen's Association
Our calendar system is currently being developed. Please check out the most recent River Views newsletter for for our upcoming events.
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The HRFA Surf Fishing Team is now forming to compete in the ASAC tournaments anticipated to return in 2021.
To get in on the fun, learn from experienced surf anglers and compete for valuable prizes contact Joe Albanese joealbanese2@gmail.com or Pete Musse petemusse@gmail.com.
HRFA Youth Angler Program
Youth Angler Program
By Wayne Geider
Ridgefield Park Earth Day 2021
Currently, due to the CV19 pandemic, there are no planned outings. However, the Ridgefield Park Environmental Commission has set a tentative date of May 1st, 2021, for it’s next Earth Day celebration. If COVID is under control by then, and they have state and local approvals to proceed, the HRFA will conduct a fishing derby for kids at the event.
Want to volunteer?
Just call Youth Angler Program Chair Wayne Geider at
(201) 384-8046.
H.R.F.A. Merchandise
Newly redesigned HRFA baseball caps are now available. Pick one up at the next monthly meeting. Or, click on the photo to order yours today. Wear it proudly!
Other apparel with our logo are also available. Like this handsomely designed and practical UPF shirt. Wear it proudly when fishing and save a little on the sunscreen too. For members only. Ask Ivan Garcia for one.
Project to Save our Historical Heritage
Due to the restrictions imposed on our lives by the CV19 pandemic our plans are on hold. We hope and pray that in the Spring of 2021 volunteers may start working to refurbish Riverkeeper to her former days of glory when she was the world's first and only riverkeeper vessel. To offer your time and talents contact Dan Harrison at dharrison@cdtresources.com.
2021 Fishing Contest Leader Boards
(only listing 1st, 2nd & 3rd place)
The HRFA hosts an annual fishing contest which runs from January through December and is open to all HRFA members. You have 30 days from the day you catch a fish to send in your entries. So, the deadline for submissions is January. As a member of the HRFA you and your immediate family are eligible to enter fish in any of our categories. Various divisions are available for prizes presented at our Annual Awards Dinner in March of the following year. Website updated daily. River Views newsletter updates below are done around the first the month. * indicates a new club record.
The photo above comes from the pages of the Winter 2020 issue of UNDERWATER NATURALIST; the semiannual publication of the American Littoral Society. The paragraph shown is part of Jeff Dement's Tagging Report for 2019. In summary it says that the winner of the 2019 Jersey Coast Angler's Fluke Tournament won with a doormat fluke that was previously caught, tagged and released in 2017 by the HRFA's own Howard Lemann. Nice work Howie!
2020 HRFA Fishing Contest Winners
Saltwater Species
- Striped Bass Released Caught From Boat: Rick Englesbe - 50.5″
- Striped Bass Released Caught From Shoreline: Carl Hartmann - 41"
- Striped Bass Released Caught From Shoreline: Joe Albanese - 41"
- Striped Bass Kept Caught From Boat: Aram Setian - 12 Lbs.
- Striped Bass Kept Caught From Shoreline: Charlie Spindelman - 20 Lbs 8 oz
- Bluefish: Alex Spindelman - 4 Lbs. 5 oz.
- Fluke: Rick Englesbe - 9 Lbs. 0 oz.
- Blackfish: Wayne Geider - 6 Lbs 4 oz.
- Flounder: Butch Pawson - 1 Lb. 12 oz
- Scup (Porgy): Al Miller - 3 Lbs. 3 oz.
- Black Sea Bass: Wayne Geider - 4 Lbs. 8 oz.
- Open Category Salt Water Species: Joseph Marchese - Halibut 36 Lbs.
Freshwater Species
- Catfish: Carl Hartmann - 12 Lbs. 8 oz.
- Largemouth Bass: Austin Havner - 6 Lbs. 10 oz.
- Trout Local: Scott Havner - 3 Lbs. 14 oz.
- Salmon: Todd Schmitt - 21Lbs. 13 oz.
- Open Category Freshwater Species: Capt. Aram Setian - Northern Pike 6 Lbs. 8 oz.
Striped Bass Released
Caught From Boat
(leaders determined by length)
Striped Bass Kept
Caught From Boat
(leaders determined by weight)
Striped Bass Released
Caught From Shoreline
(leaders determined by length)
Striped Bass Kept
Caught From Shoreline
(leaders determined by weight)
Black Sea Bass
Open Category
Salt Water
Trout - Great Lakes
Smallmouth Bass
Largemouth Bass
Open Category
Fresh Water
Northern Pike
Partial list of Friends & Supporters of the HRFA
(Click on any image below to visit their website.)