Hudson River
Fishermen’s Association
March 9th
ZOOM teleconference starting at 7:00 PM.
Login Details

Topic: HRFA General Meeting for March 9 2021
To join the Zoom Meeting click the following link:
Meeting ID: 997 9308 9227
In the words of a famous radio talk show host "It's sick and getting sicker out there". Granted, he wasn’t talking about fishing knots, but the myriad of knots can be just as confusing. With the super lines getting more super and slicker every year, the old standard knots just don’t cut it anymore. Let's get together on Tuesday March 9th at 7 PM and go over some reliable ways to present our hooked offerings to your favorite finny critters, no matter the species. It doesn’t make a difference, if you fish natural baits or lures, it all boils down to the line connections between you and the catch.

You need to be able to tie good reliable knots whether you’re on a rocking boat or on a windy beach with the sand peppering your exposed skin. Also, you want to put the best presentation out there to entice the maximum number of bites. So, join us for some knot tying and rig tying fun. You won’t be disappointed. Some of the knots we will cover are the uni knot, the dropper loop knot, the non-slip loop knot, the Palomar knot, the FG knot, and all other fishing knots.

All are invited to join the meeting 
& share their fishing stories.
PS. Registration for The Fred Rung Memorial Striped Bass Derby is now open. Click HERE, or the poster below, to enter with PayPal.
Next General Meeting
7:00 PM March 9
Guest Speaker
Arnie Ulrich
Executive Meeting
7:00 PM March 2
Under normal times we always meet the 1st Tuesday of every month Ridgefield Park Elks at 7:30 pm
HRFA Officers
Aram Setian
Vice President
Joseph Albanese
Frank Wisniewski
John Malool
Membership Secretary
Arnold Ulrich
Board Members
Chairman Youth Anglers
Wayne Geider 
Hooked on the Hudson
Pete Musse
Gil Hawkins
Miguel Sardinas
Fishing Contests
Aram Setian
Scott Havner
Outdoors Shows
Dave Mercer
Janice Soto
Dan Harrison
Director Emeritus
Tony Evangelista
Antony Carbone (2020)
Ivan Garcia (2021)
Marius Bahr (2022) 
Nominating Committee:
John Golon
Gil Hawkins
Aram Setian
Social Media Committee:
Alex Spindelman
Editor River Views:
Joseph Albanese
Send Comments to:
Want to help us "Fight for the Hudson"? Click here or the striped bass image & make a donation today.
The Hudson River Fishermen’s Association is a group of recreational fishermen who make active use of the N.Y. Bight and the surrounding water system and are concerned with the present and future state of these fisheries. Our objectives are to encourage the responsible use of aquatic resources and protection of habitat. We assist where possible in efforts to abate pollution and promote sportfishing and the management of that recreation. We are a IRS recognized nonprofit 501c3 organization . All donations are welcome and maybe tax deductable. 
Click HERE to become a member of the HRFA or to renew your membership today.
Did you know that back issues (2019 & 2020 only) of River Views, the monthly newsletter of the HRFA, are available for all to enjoy on our website? Click here, or the River Views banner, to go directly there and catch up on your reading.
From our President
Greetings HRFA Members and Friends,

I hope that as of this writing, we find you all well and safe.

As long as the COVID-19 situation persists the Elks lodge will remain closed, and we will continue to rely upon ZOOM video teleconferencing to conduct our general monthly meetings. We have been having remarkable attendance. The second Tuesday of this month we will learn a few terminal tackle tips from our Membership Chair, Arnie Ulrich.

I would like to express our thanks and appreciation to those that participated in the last video conference. There was valuable information on fly-tying presented by Artan Hasanaj, proprietor of Art's Tackle & Fly Shop in Nanuet, NY. Details are below under the heading "Past Events".

We also are still unable to resume our E-Board meetings at the Elks Lodge. We will be conducting the next E-Board meeting at the earliest possibility to review last year and set our 2021 objectives. We are planning to proceed with the programs as the conditions permit.

Currently, we are preparing for the start (Saturday, April 17) of the Fred Rung Memorial Striped Bass Derby. This is strictly a "no kill" fishing derby. On-line registration using PayPal opens March 1st. Registration forms may also be picked up at Ramsey Outdoors, Art's Tackle & Fly, Lee's Sporting Goods and Tackle World. The contest is being organized by Joe Albanese. See details below in the "Upcoming Events" section and look for future email correspondences.

The high point of February was our Ice Fishing Derby. It was initiated and organized by Scott Havner. The event was remarkably successful, even though it was on relatively short notice due to the uncertainty of weather conditions and selecting a suitable safe location with thick enough ice. We had a very enjoyable day, the weather cooperated and there were a number of “trophy” fish caught. Including, Wayne Geider's monster yellow perch shown in this photo submitted by Past President Dan Harrison.
Reports are that 2021 will continue to be a challenging, COVID-19 year. We have early information that the Sportsmen, Outdoors, and Fishing shows, are suspended. At this point, we are likely postponing our activities as well (Hooked on the Hudson, the Annual Award Dinner, and the Annual Auction) that we eagerly look forward to every year. As you are aware, these functions are also used for raising funds. We will be looking for alternatives for generating funds to enable us to successfully conduct the HRFA's very worthwhile programs. We thank you for your help and appreciate your donations.

Be well and stay safe,
Capt. Aram Setian
HRFA 2021 President

Fight for the Hudson
In this month's issue of River Views
Want Ads
HRFA members are welcome to place a WANT AD in River Views. Simply Email a brief description of your item(s) along with your asking price etc. You may include photo(s) too. Be sure to provide your contact information.

Advertising in the WANT ADS section of River Views is FREE to all members! All we ask is that you donate a minimum of 10% of any money exchanged to the HRFA after each transaction is completed.* If it was a simple swap or trade, please contribute your best possible donation as a way to say, "thank you" and support our good works. 

Click HERE to make your donation using PayPal. You may also mail a check made out to "HRFA WANT ADS" to either address: 1.) HRFA, PO Box 421, Cresskill, NJ 07626 - OR - 2.) HRFA, PO Box 421, Piermont, NY 10968

This is a new benefit of HRFA membership which is still just $25.00 a year. Click HERE to become a member of the HRFA or to renew your membership today.

*NOTE: All transactions will be handled directly by the parties involved. The HRFA will not play a role in making those arrangements. Regarding the suggested 10% charitable donations to the HRFA - the "honor system" will be in full force. We trust you to do the right thing.

Click HERE to make your donation using PayPal.
The Croton Yacht Club has many items available for sale like this brand new Daiwa Saltiga Surf Spinning Reel. CONTACT: Dennis Kooney for complete list and asking prices. Phone: 914-907-3622. Email:
Tsunami Shield TSSHD4000 surf reel. Used one season. Good condition. Loaded with 20# braid. (Pairs well with the 9' Tsunami Airwave surf rod below) Asking $50. CONTACT: Joe Albanese Phone: 908-456-2968 Email:
Tsunami Airwave 9' 2-piece surf rod, 1-3.25 oz. Used once. (Pairs well with the Tsunami Shield reel above) Asking $75. CONTACT: Scott Havner Phone: 845-300-1562 Email:
Fly fishing basket with belt.
Brand new. Asking $35 picked up or meet up. CONTACT: Michael Sardinas Phone: 201 232 5988. Email:
Propellers: asking $85 for one or $150 for both. CONTACT: Alex Spindelman, Phone: 845-548-0003 Email:
Red rod, CTS blank, 11', 7 guides +tip, Low rider guides, 1-4oz Asking: $325

Black rod, 12', Century Sp blank , t/c s/u , 5 guides +tip, metal reel seat, casting design, 1-3oz, Asking: $350
CONTACT: Alex Spindelman, Phone: 845-548-0003 Email:
Like new 10 wt salt water fly rod. Built with corrosion resistant hardware. Comes with storage/shipping tube. Asking $80. CONTACT: Michael Sardinas Phone: 201 232 5988. Email:
Follow the HRFA on Social Media
Submit fishing photos & news of interest to Alex Spindelman.
Click on the logos below to visit our FaceBook and Instagram pages.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The full version of River Views is for members only. HRFA Members, if your emailed copy of River Views ends abruptly look for this quote "[Message clipped]  "View entire message" at the bottom of the page. Clicking there will open up the full issue.
 Carl's Corner
Carl Bruger has been a writer for this newsletter educating and entertaining us who read River Views for a long time. Here is his latest gem. Perfectly timed to get you through these trying times of "social distancing" necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
(12 Ways to make old lures, spoons, and spinners more productive for the upcoming season) 
By Carl Bruger
With top quality lure, spoon, and spinner prices going through the roof and many of us trapped any way by Covid “hibernation restrictions”, we might as well doctor up all those beat up lures that saw service over the past angling seasons. Here are a dozen bits of sound advice that will have you catching more fish than ever on gear that you might have thought about tossing.

1) Dirty, grimy, stained lures should first be soaked in hot water and dish soap then scrubbed with a tooth brush to remove the detritus and film. Toothpaste is great for bringing the shine back to spinners and spoons.
2) Plugs that have tooth marks or rock damage should be sanded down smooth with the finest sand paper before paint retouch up.
3) Remove all rusted hooks and split rings and maybe replace them with red blood colored hooks and stainless rings. Also consider adding buck tail or marabou for swim tail shimmy. The goal is added luster, glare, flash = more strikes.
4) Add new eyes! Three good options to super glue on are: a) rattling doll eyes, b) stick on glow eyes, c) profile commercial stick on eyes (go with yellow that match the orbs of prey fish). Do this and you’ll add on to your catch rate!
5) Change the colors of some beat up and faded lures being restored to up your odds. Examples might include adding an orange underbelly, red painted gills, reflective glitter paint for extra flash and glow paint for nighttime attraction.
6) If your lure, spoon or spinner has a single hook be certain it is sharpened to a needle point with a quality hook hone. Always carry a quality hook sharpener with you on the water. Every time I
smack a rock with my fly or lure I try to touch up my offering because a super sharp hook has huge odds of hooking up compared to a blunted barb that a nimrod was too lazy to sharpen.
7) Use a needle nosed pliers to adjust the metal nose ring that may have become bent during use. These pliers can also be used to adjust the metal flaps on Crazy Crawlers or the front cup on the
Arbogast Jitterbug. The key in all this is to make all the lures run true and straight. Testing them by casting over water may be the only way to be sure you have a lure that is performing the way you want. Buzz baits are also adjustable with flaps and spinners and blades slapping louder or
softer depending on the bend applied.
8) Replace old feathers, buck tails, soft rubbers and other back hooks with new and more colorful trailers. As in #3 this project offers myriad creative options on your tying bench plus the option of super gluing soft rubber baits that will draw renewed interest.
9) Super glue in some Bass pro rattles for
additional allure to a lure. Using a hot wax gun glue is a great way to be sure the rattle stays put besides the super glue.
10) Lubricate all joints, metal parts, spinners, swivels, etc. with WD40 especially when you store your renewed lure. It will not only rust protect but also keep the moving parts free moving and serve as an actual fish attracting scent if any is still on the lure when it is in the
11) Glue on rubber band antennae, or add soft rubber legs to put more life and realism in the original plugs. Glue guns again come in here.
12) Have a tool inventory available at your
command. WD-40, toothbrush, tweezers,
needle-nose pliers, sand paper, dish detergent, paint brushes, split ring pliers, hot glue gun, small scissors, tooth picks, paper towels, hook hone, and collection of threads, paints, eyes, hooks, split rings, glitter, feathers, marabou, buck tail, and hook vise.

To Save a buck or twenty compared to
the fly shops buy your paint at the Dollar stores in the nail polish department where for a buck you can get glow colors, belly orange, gill blood red, frog green, perch yellow and every other hue except they don’t label them like that. You need to use your imagination! The same goes for the Salmon eggs that are not over a dollar each but a buck a bag for pompoms that become my lethal Bruger purple nurple flies or versions in orange, yellow, red, and pink. All caught Chinooks last fall! It’s fun to flash photos of 70 pound one day salmon limits caught on painted over spoons or 25cent hand crafted nurple flies
and tell folks they could easily do this too by reading the above article and following the simple tricks this old angler applied. Call me at 973-704-4845 if I can be of any help. CB
From the Internet
NJDEP Division of Fish & Wildlife - Governor's Surf...

Governor's Surf Fishing Tournament Sunday, May 23, 2021 The annual Governor's Surf Fishing Tournament is typically held on the third Sunday in May at Island Beach State Park. In 2021 the tournament will be held Sunday, May 23. GSFT General...

Read more
DEC Proposes Circle Hook Requirement for 2021...

For Release: Wednesday, January 6, 2021 The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) today released a new proposed regulation for public review and comment that would require the use of circle hooks when recreational fishing...

Read more
Emergency Rod Repair: Fix It In A Pinch! - The Fisherman

There are certain things that each and every fisherman will experience if they spend enough time on the water. They can be good things like landing that new personal best or experiencing a breath-taking sunrise, but they also include negatives...

Read more
Upcoming Events
2021 Recreational NJ Summer Flounder Season
March 4th
NJ Fish and Wildlife logo
All minimum size and possession limit regulations will remain unchanged, including the Island Beach State Park and Delaware Bay special management areas.

Attend the virtual meeting of the NJ Marine Fisheries Council to find out the dates of the 2021 Recreational NJ Summer Flounder Season. Will it be 1.) May 22 to September 19 (the same as 2020) or 2.) May 28 – September 28? When available, webinar information for this meeting can be found by clicking HERE.
HRFA's March General Meeting
March 9th

ZOOM in to learn from Arnie Ulrich who will give a live demonstration of knot tying and fishing rigs and leaders for various species.
Break out of your
cabin fever!
Saturday, March 13

Starting at noon there will be free casting demos from Century Rod/Advanced Fishing USA at the old Crab House Pier (now The Yacht Club) in Edgewater, N.J. Come try casting with their entire line of boat, back bay and surf rods. Bring your own rod (striper season opens March 1st) or have a beer/lunch in the restaurant and check out the Manhatten skyline. But, come to see & try some of the very best fishing rods available. Test and compare their performance to your favorite rod(s) and learn why Century Rod has a great reputation.

GPS: 541 River Road, Edgewater New Jersey. Behind the The Yacht Club restaurant on the pier. AKA the old "Crab House" Pier. Parking is free in their lot.
Horseshoe Crabs in NJ
Monday, March 29
Hello Everyone,
The next seminar as a part of our Marine Extension Program Seminar Series (MEPSS) through Rutgers Cooperative Extension will be held on Monday, March 29 from 6:30 - 8:00 PM. 
The featured speakers will be Linda Barry (Senior Fisheries Biologist) and Samantha MacQuesten (Assistant Fisheries Biologist) from New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection's Division of Fish and Wildlife.
This will be a free Zoom webinar open to all who are interested. Please register by March 25 by completing the following registration form:

Thank You,
Douglas Zemeckis, Ph.D. | County Agent III (Assistant Professor)
Marine Extension Agent for Ocean, Atlantic, and Monmouth Counties
The pier has one of the best views of the NYC skyline. From L to R: Al White, Dirk VanEverdingen, Boris Maltsev, Ken Schiels, Arnie Ulrich, Noah & Michael Sardinas
A nice bass caught during last fall's T Pier trip.

GPS Address: Castle Point Skatepark, 9 Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Castle Point "T" Pier
April 17
On April 17, all HRFA members are invited to come and fish off Castle Point T Pier in Hoboken, NJ. The pier stretches out 125 feet into the river and provides an excellent fishing structure.

This trip lines up perfectly with the start of The Fred Rung Memorial Striped bass Derby. Derby prize for largest striper is $600. And I can't think of a better place to catch a large fish. See Derby details below.

Fishing time: 8 am – 12 pm??

Save the date because you don't want to miss this event.

If anyone has any questions on tackle, baits, etc. reach out to Michael Sardinas at 201-232 5988 or
The Fred Rung Memorial Striped Bass Derby
Saturday, April 17 - Saturday, May 15
Our annual catch, tag & release striper derby returns to the Hudson River and its tributaries. The boundaries for the derby range from the Verrazano Bridge north, all the way up to the dam in Troy, NY.

In addition to the grand finale prizes there will be prizes awarded at the end of each week of the 4-week long Derby.

“In memory of Fred Rung, past Vice President and longtime board member, of the Hudson River Fishermen’s Association, and in recognition of his valuable contribution to the establishment and support of Fishing Contests on the Hudson River, we, the President and the HRFA Executive Board, do name the Annual Fred Rung Striped Bass Derby in his Honor. August 15, 2020”
Entry Forms also available at these LOCAL SPONSORS
The big winners from 2019 and 2020
2019: Here is Charles Spindelman who took home many of the prizes in our 1st Annual Catch, Tag & Release Striper Derby. He entered the largest striper in Week-1, which at 25.5" was also the Largest Tagged for the American Littoral Society. Charlie took the prize for tagging the most stripers (44) too. He also had the Largest From Shore.

1st Place Overall went to Mike Banahan whose 35" striper also was the largest entry in Week-3.
2020: Here is Christopher Palmer who was the BIG winner of our 2nd Annual Catch, Tag & Release Striper Derby with this 42.67" entry. This fish won him 1st Place Overall, the Calcutta, Largest from Boat in Week-4 and was the Largest Tagged for the American Littoral Society. Chris also won for the Most Tagged stripers with a total of 21.  
Who will be the
BIG Winners in 2021?
The HRFA Striper Derby Contributes to Science
The HRFA's catch & release derby supports the scientific study of striped bass in three important was:

FIRST As we always have, we encourage anglers to tag fish for the American Littoral Society. That's why the derby awards prizes for the most and the largest striper tagged and released for their program.
The Jeff Dement Awards

This year we will honor the memory of fellow HRFA member and long-time Fish Tagging Director & Naturalist at the American Littoral Society by naming the awards for the most and the largest tagged striper(s) in the Derby after Jeff Dement.

The family requests in lieu of flowers making a tribute gift in their loved one's name to the American Littoral Society. Clicking here will bring you to the appropriate page to make a charitable donation in Jeff Dement's honor to the Society if you so desire.
SECOND Competing anglers may also enter a Calcutta to win additional prizes for the largest striper caught and released. Whether or not the bass was tagged. The purchase of The Fisherman magazine's 3Rs sticker (see image) through the HRFA ($20) when you register is needed to enter the Calcutta. This raises money to support the HRFA's activities and the satellite tagging study being conducted by Gray FishTag Research. Last year we donated $500 towards that initiative. The article below from The Fisherman magazine shows the exciting new knowledge collected from those satellite tags. In 2021 the intent is to tag two more striped bass from the Hudson River.
Montauk To Cape May: The "Independence" Express - The...

If the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, why then must we always assume that striped bass follow a coastal migration path that constantly keeps these fish in close proximity to land? That of course may be one of the biggest ...

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THIRD This year's Calcutta will also contribute to Professor John Tiedemann's acoustic tagging program at Monmouth University. In the video clip Jim Hutchinson of The Fisherman mag joins the Berkely Striper Club and Prof Tiedemann on IBSP to catch, tag and release a few striped bass. The relevant section lasts about 4 minutes starting around the 6:50 and ending at 11:14 minute mark.
Here's another way to become a citizen scientist ...
Hudson River Striped Bass Anglers: DEC Seeks Volunteers

Do you fish for striped bass in the tidal Hudson River? Whether you catch-and-release or take home a keeper, you can be part of the Hudson River Cooperative Angler Program. Share your fishing trip information and help biologists understand and manage our striped bass fishery.

Here's how it works: Fill out a logbook we provide or record your trips on your smartphone using DEC's Hudson River online logbook, whenever you fish on the tidal Hudson River north of the George Washington Bridge, whether by boat or on the shore. Record general location, time, gear used, what you caught (or if you didn't catch anything), and return the logbook when you are done fishing. You'll receive an annual newsletter summarizing the recreational fishery information, in addition to the latest news regarding the Hudson River and saltwater fishing regulations.

In the tidal Hudson River north of the George Washington Bridge, the recreational slot limit is 18” - 28” (not less than 18” nor greater than 28”) and the season is open April 1 – November 30. Visit Tidal Hudson River Regulations for more information.
Join today! For more information on the angler program and instructions on installing the Survey123 App to access the online logbook, visit Hudson River Cooperative Angler or email

Note: If you primarily fish for striped bass in New York’s marine waters south of the George Washington Bridge, please contact the Diadromous Fish Unit at or visit DEC’s Striped Bass Cooperative Angler website. In marine waters, the recreational slot limit is 28” - 35” (not less than 28” nor greater than 35”) and the season is open April 15 – December 15. Visit Recreational Saltwater Fishing Regulations for more information.
Ridgefield Park Earth Day 2021

Currently, due to the CV19 pandemic, there are no planned outings. However, the Ridgefield Park Environmental Commission has set a tentative date of May 1st, 2021, for it’s next Earth Day celebration. If COVID is under control by then, and they have state and local approvals to proceed, the HRFA will conduct a fishing derby for kids at the event.

Want to volunteer?
Just call Youth Angler Program Chair Wayne Geider at
(201) 384-8046.
Jeff R. Dement
1966 - 2021

A celebration of Jeff Dement's life will take place on Sandy Hook on Friday, May 21st. 

Charitable donations in Jeff's name can be made to the American Littoral Society, 18 Hartshorne Drive, Suite #1, Highlands, NJ 07732; The funding will be directed towards the Captain Al Anderson Fund in support of the fish tagging program, as well as educational programming for the Littoral Society. For messages of condolence, please visit Jeff's page of tributes at
Governors Cup

Anglers interested in participateing in the tournament in 2021 can request a brochure by e-mailing
Governors Cup 4
Governors Cup 3
Governors Cup 2
The HRFA is looking forward to partnering once again with The Hackensack Riverkeeper on two great events they have scheduled for 2021:
  1. Riverfest (the Laurel Hill Fishing Derby in Secaucus) for Saturday, August 28th from 9:00am-Noon
  2. The Reservoir Challenge (the Fishing Derby at Oradell Reservoir) Sunday, September 12th.

If you want to volunteer to give kids a chance to fish
in either of these youth-oriented derbies just call our
Youth Angler Program Chair Wayne Geider at (201) 384-8046.
Past Events
February 9th General Meeting
Fly Tying Demo
During Art Hasanaj's fly-tying demo Arnie Ulrich noted in the ZOOM chat box that "He's got George Costanza hands." Should be a new song sung to the tune of Kim Carnes' "Betty Davis Eyes". Yes/no?

Art's Tackle & Fly Shop carries everything one needs to start creating their own flies. He offers in-store fly-tying workshops too!

Thank you Art, and your film crew of Scott Havner, Andy Ward and the brain's behind those two (Andy's son James) for making the ZOOM session a success.
Phone: 845-215-5470
161 Main St. Suites 2-3
Nanuet, NY 10954
February 18th 
Arnie Ulrich and Joe Albanese listened to a webinar presentation "Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Commercial & Recreational Allocation Draft Amendment Hearing" and follow-up comments by many of the attendees who have a vested interest in the titled subject matter. March 16th is the deadline for final comment.

For the uninitiated it was difficult to follow along with the presentation. It was like an alphabet soup of an acronyms. For instance there's ABC (Acceptable Biological Catch) & MRIP (Marine Recreational Information Program), etc. MRIP is a state, federal & regional partnership. It's part of NOAA. That's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (most everyone knows that one). With a little perseverance, actively listening to those who have been engaged in the discussion of fisheries management for a long time, one begins to get the lingo.

The MRIP and NMFS (that's National Marine Fisheries Service, also a part of NOAA) harvest & release/discard numbers of the species being discussed are not easy to comprehend nor are they reliable in the opinion of many who participated in the webinar. Many comments were in favor of maintaining the status quo - especially from the commercial group. One reason for this is that last year, due to the pandemic, was anything but a normal year for fishing. Many want a pause in the proposed changes in regulations until more research is done to gain greater confidence in the stock assessments.

The virtues of Catch-based vs. Landings-based accounting methods were debated.
Some want to eliminate size limits since mortality rates of discarded or released undersized fish have such high mortality rates (80% for commercial catch and 15% for recreational anglers). Many want liberalized quotas (less restrictions) because too many undersized fish are gut hooked, won’t survive and will die a slow death. So, why not allow them to be harvested?

Transfers (reallocation of unrealized quotas between commercial and recreational fishermen) is confusing because it is complex with many unknowns in the data. It will be difficult if not impossible to manage and regulate.
Recreational anglers, for hire charters, party boats and tackle shops are hurting and if stock assessments show a big rebound why not help them by liberalizing regs?

Bottom line? Its complicated
NOAA Outlines 2021 Recreational Fishing Data Priorities...

Today, NOAA's Marine Recreational Information Program published an updated implementation plan that highlights the program's 2020 milestones and its priorities for the coming year. Since the first MRIP Implementation Plan was adopted in 2008,...

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Summer Flounder, Scup, and Black Sea Bass Management Plan

The summer flounder fishery operates from Maine to the North Carolina/South Carolina border. Summer flounder is one of the most sought after commercial and recreational fish along the Atlantic coast. Summer flounder is found in inshore and...

Read more
NJ Fish and Wildlife logo
2021 Recreational NJ Summer Flounder
 Season Options 

By the time you are reading this the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Administration is no longer accepting comments for the start and end of 2021 Recreational NJ Summer Flounder Season. In effect all minimum size and possession limit regulations will remain unchanged, including the Island Beach State Park and Delaware Bay special management areas. The only possible options available for comment are an open season from:

  1. May 22 – September 19 (the same as 2020) 
  2. May 28 – September 28

The management decision will be presented at the March 4, 2021 Marine Fisheries Council Meeting. When available, webinar information for this meeting can be found HERE.
February 21st
Ice Fishing Derby
Joe Albanese
Twenty anglers signed up to compete in the HRFA Ice Fishing Derby organized by Scott Havner. The event raised money to support our club and doled out $100 to Brian Baez for the largest pickerel. Second to Brian's 19" pickerel was Joe Albanese's 18" one. Joe won the Honorable Mention award*. Ice fishing rod and reel combos went to Heather Baez (largest crappie), Stephanie Hess (largest yellow perch) and Linda Havner (largest bluegill). President Setian won the top raffle prize - a primo rod & reel combo. Lots of goodies like tape measures, ice skimmers, even an ice fishing rod and lures made and donated by Meister Carl Bruger went to other participants.
From R. Lloyd Castillo, Christian Hoops, Linda Havner, Pres. Capt. Aram Setian, Scott Havner, Stephanie Hess, Joe Albanese, Tony Carbone and Wayne Geider. More photos from the event are in the HRFA Photo Gallery section below.
DERBY (the movie) . . .
No full length feature film. Just a few video shorts shot with mobile phones on location.

Wayne Geider and Joe Albanese met a couple of surfcasters (apparently lost) walking on hard water with their kids. One of them was Tony Tsai who snapped this selfie with Wayne and Joe. Naturally, photos of their biggest surf caught stripers were shared. Wayne let the children jig a lure with an ice fishing rod, which they really enjoyed even though they did not catch anything. (Just like their mentor.) Tony sent along a short video too. Thanks Tony. Nice to meet you all.
SCENE 1: The Gathering. In this opening scene guest Cinematographer Tony Tsai pans across the lake before turning his attention to the crowd of onlookers gathering in the distance. See, hear & feel the crisp blustery winter air buffeting your face as snowflakes melt on your cheeks and you are THERE, instead of sitting in front of the fireplace with a snifter of cognac where you'd rather be.
SCENE 2: The Triumph. In this video clip, Past President Dan Harrison's camera gets close-up to the gathering and captures all the excitement of this epic struggle between man (the victor) and 18" pickerel (the vanquished). Fish released back into the lake; perhaps to fight again some day.
SCENE 3: Carl's Catch. At a little over 15" in length this barely legal-sized pickerel wasn't so lucky. The future for this keeper is a pickle jar.
Be sure to check out the H.R.F.A. Events Calendar below for this month's member birthday notices, holidays and events.
That's Entertainment!
From our Membership Chair
HRFA Members stuff

Let's welcome our new members this month, Fighting for the Hudson. Eric Puente, Croton-On-Hudson, NY, Desmond Miller, Harrington Park, NJ, and Joseph McCarthy, from Sussex NJ.
                                                                                    Arnie Ulrich Membership Chair
Click on the picture read more.
HRFA Membership Information

Let's get with it folks! HRFA cannot run on wind pudding and air pie. Thank You to those members that have already paid the 2021 HRFA dues. For the rest of us ,please scroll down to the membership application below and renew on line or print out the membership form and mail it in. Any questions please email me or call me @ 201 304 4691.

For those people who join(ed) the HRFA in October (or later) of a given year, their new or renewal membership also is covered for the following new year. There is also a generous grace period for those who are unable to update their membership in January, however paying your dues late puts a strain on the records maintenance and consequently the ability of the executive board’s planning of activities and events.

If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to help (time, skills, or financially) on any particular club projects or events, feel free to email me, Arnie Ulrich ( or call me at 1-201-304-4691.

Membership dues are renewed annually at the beginning of each year.
Fishing Licenses and Saltwater Registry for NJ & NY, Hudson River Regulations, etc.

Click on the buttons below for the:
NOTE: To order your NY State Fishing License by phone call 866-933-2257
NOTE: To get the New York Saltwater Registry you must first register for a free Citizen Access account, then log in and Buy Sporting License(s) (the Saltwater license is free)
HRFA Photo Gallery
Have a photograph and/or fishing story you would like to share with the club? If so, we'd love to hear from you. After all, no one wants to see the same members over and over again. Email it to and we will do our very best to squeeze it into an upcoming issue of River Views.
Scenes from the ice fishing derby ...
Wayne Geider's yellow perch was disqualified because we did not have a tape measure long enough. (It's fake news. Wayne did not catch anything.)
However, this truly HUMUNGOUS yellow perch is photographic proof positive that Wayne does not always get skunked. Photoshop not needed for this one. It's real!
Linda Havner
Ryan Sullivan
Stephanie Hess
Carl Bruger
Scott Havner
Aram Setian
Winners Brian Baez & his daughter-in-law Heather Baez.
Joe Albanese
Christian Hoops & Scott Havner
Stephanie Hess
Linda Havner
Lloyd Castillo
From Fish to Dish
Fish Steak'ums
Pete Musse

With the reopening of striper season March 1st in NJ's back-waters I thought I would share these recipe ideas from On the Water's resident chef Andy Nabresky. While we encourage the use of circle hooks when bait fishing for striped bass (as now required by law) and to practice proper catch & release techniques, there's nothing wrong with bringing home a legal striped bass for the diner-table every now and then.
Recipe: Spicy Striper Steaks

Most people are familiar with salmon steaks, yet for some reason you seldom see whole steaks from other fish in the case at the market. This is a shame! Any large fish is suitable for steaking, and it's a nice way to mix things up when you have a ...

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HRFA Calendar
Calendar | Hudson River Fishermen's Association

Our calendar system is currently being developed. Please check out the most recent River Views newsletter for for our upcoming events.

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The HRFA Surf Fishing Team is now forming to compete in the ASAC tournaments anticipated to return in 2021.

To get in on the fun, learn from experienced surf anglers and compete for valuable prizes contact Joe Albanese or Pete Musse
HRFA Youth Angler Program
Youth Angler Program
By Wayne Geider
Ridgefield Park Earth Day 2021
Currently, due to the CV19 pandemic, there are no planned outings. However, the Ridgefield Park Environmental Commission has set a tentative date of May 1st, 2021, for it’s next Earth Day celebration. If COVID is under control by then, and they have state and local approvals to proceed, the HRFA will conduct a fishing derby for kids at the event.

Want to volunteer?
Just call Youth Angler Program Chair Wayne Geider at
(201) 384-8046.
H.R.F.A. Merchandise

Newly redesigned HRFA baseball caps are now available. Pick one up at the next monthly meeting. Or, click on the photo to order yours today. Wear it proudly!

Other apparel with our logo are also available. Like this handsomely designed and practical UPF shirt. Wear it proudly when fishing and save a little on the sunscreen too. For members only. Ask Ivan Garcia for one. 
Front & Sleeve
The Pride of the HRFA
Project to Save our Historical Heritage
Due to the restrictions imposed on our lives by the CV19 pandemic our plans are on hold. We hope and pray that in the Spring of 2021 volunteers may start working to refurbish Riverkeeper to her former days of glory when she was the world's first and only riverkeeper vessel. To offer your time and talents contact Dan Harrison at
2021 Fishing Contest Leader Boards
(only listing 1st, 2nd & 3rd place)
The HRFA hosts an annual fishing contest which runs from January through December and is open to all HRFA members. You have 30 days from the day you catch a fish to send in your entries. So, the deadline for submissions is January. As a member of the HRFA you and your immediate family are eligible to enter fish in any of our categories. Various divisions are available for prizes presented at our Annual Awards Dinner in March of the following year. Website updated daily. River Views newsletter updates below are done around the first the month. * indicates a new club record.
Saltwater Species
Striped Bass Released
Caught From Boat
(leaders determined by length)
Striped Bass Kept
Caught From Boat
(leaders determined by weight)
Striped Bass Released
Caught From Shoreline
(leaders determined by length)
Striped Bass Kept
Caught From Shoreline
(leaders determined by weight)
Black Sea Bass
Scup (Porgy)
Open Category 
Salt Water
Freshwater Species
Trout  - Local
Trout - Great Lakes
Smallmouth Bass
Largemouth Bass
Open Category 
Fresh Water
Northern Pike
Partial list of Friends & Supporters of the HRFA
(Click on any image below to visit their website.)
HOH Stop n Shop