North Millsboro Bypass, US 113 to SR 24
Project Description: This work includes a two-lane connector road between US 113 and SR 24, north of Millsboro. The new alignment starts at US 113 and extends eastward, bridging Fox Run Road, the Norfolk Southern Railroad, the Millsboro Pond, and Gravel Hill Road. The new road will connect to SR 24, west of Mountaire Farms. The project will also consist of a grade-separated US 113/SR 20 intersection.
Project Phase: Design/Right of Way
Projected Construction Completion: 2025
Project Update: The project has been split into two projects consisting of the grade separation and the connector road. Construction has started for the connector road and is in Phase 1. Phase 2 is expected to begin this summer. The grade-separated project is anticipated to begin later this year.
Bridge 3-402 on US113, Scour Countermeasures
Project Description: This project involves placing rip-rap between the footings for the three-sided concrete frame experiencing scour. Rip-rap will also be placed at the upstream and downstream openings.
Project Phase: Design
Projected Construction Completion: July - September, 2024
Project Update: The project is in the bid process.
*HEP SC, SR 54 at Hudson Road Roundabout
Project Description: This project will install a roundabout at the intersection of SR 54 and
Hudson Road.
Projected Construction Completion: TBD
Project Update: The design work is underway.
US 113 Widening, Dagsboro Road to Hardscrabble Road
Project Description: This project will create an additional lane to US 113, northbound and
southbound, from Hardscrabble Road to Dagsboro Road. Crossover modifications along US 113 will be made throughout the project limits. Multimodal facilities will also be incorporated.
Projected Construction Completion: TBD
Project Update: The design work is progressing.
*HEP – Hazard Elimination Program