Every day I am getting many questions about the COVID 19 injections and it is clear that a large percentage of people are looking for more information in order to evaluation the safety of these new biologic agents as well as how to evaluate whether or not the individual should get the procedure done or not. So I thought I would compile a list of resources and information that you may not have access to through the mainstream channels, who seem to only be presenting a rosy picture of safety and effectiveness. Regardless what you choose to do, I believe you should be fully educated about all aspects of that choice.
You have a right to Informed Consent: Informed Consent is a basic right of any patient undergoing a medical procedure, as mandated by the Nuremberg Code. This means you have the right to know both the benefits and all potential risks before consenting to it. You also have free choice to refuse. All medical drugs and procedures have risks and benefits. A vaccine or immunization is an invasive procedure (i.e. it punctures the skin and introduces its contents directly bypassing all your body’s normal defenses) and, as such, should be held to the informed consent standard. Sadly, it appears that patients are not being provided with full, balanced information prior to receiving the injection and, even worse, any information that there may be side effects, both immediate and long term risks is being censored.


Safety and Efficacy: Most of the readily available information comes from the CDC, public health departments, hospitals or the drug companies themselves, stating that all three “vaccines” are safe and effective. If you have not already heard the glowing TB & radio ads or read the vaccine pro’s, please visit one or more of these websites to educate yourself on that side of the equation.

However, these statements of such high safety and efficacy give me considerable pause, based on a few thing.

1) It takes an average of 5 years to get a new vaccine approved and these were “approved” in just a few months with minimal trials.

2) Animal safety trials on these new mRNA agents were bypassed. (More on this later.)

3) How can efficacy be accurately determined in such a short time and small sample sizes?

4) The flu vaccine, which is heavily promoted every year, is only about 10% effective. This research by the Cochrane Report has been published in the highly respected British Medical Journal not once, but FIVE TIMES.

As a basic rule in my practice, I never prescribe or recommend a new drug, especially a new class of drugs or biologics, until the product has been on the market for at least 2-3 years. I have actually had patients who were doing well die when another doctor prescribed a new drugs that had just been introduced. So watchful waiting is a prudent strategy, in my opinion.

Understand the risks and potential side effects: There are a number of facts about these experimental injections that you need to know:

1) Pfizer & Moderna products are not vaccines.
a) These fall more correctly under the category of gene therapy or chemotherapy, and do not fit the CDC or WHO criteria for a vaccine, which is why I do not refer to them as” vaccines”. They contain messenger RNA, a totally new experimental biologic agent untested previously in humans.
b) They are not FDA Approved; they are only provisionally allowed under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). In order to qualify for that EUA waiver, there had to be NO OTHER TREATMENT OR OPTION for COVID 19 (which is why we have witnessed the censorship of all scientific studies and clinically experience, including in my own practice, that there are other therapies that are indeed effective.)
                                i.   https://anh-usa.org/fda-ensures-pharma-profits-on-covid/

                               ii.   https://www.consultdranderson.com/elementor-247647/?mc_cid=1e5fb93b3b&mc_eid=aae137934b

c) Previous mRNA gene therapy attempts failed to be approved, due to severe and lethal results in animal safety trials. https://vaxxter.com/covid-vaccines-part-2/
d) These agents markedly upregulate the immune system, increasing the potential for cytokine storm when re-exposed to the coronavirus, which is why up to half the animals in the safety trials died. Cytokine storm is the immune system’s dysfunctional response that causes the severe form of COVID 19. Anyone who has a pre-existing immune upregulation such as an autoimmune disease or severe allergies should keep this in mind when considering their options. One study tested the antibodies formed from the mRNA vaccinated person again 55 different human tissue types, which caused reactions against 28 of the tissues (i.e. autoimmune reactions) These agents also turn on the “attack” macrophages while inhibiting the “clean-up” macrophages, meaning once the inflammation starts, it is difficult to shut it off. https://vaxxter.com/covid-vaccines-part-2/
e) There are at least 10 different mechanisms by which these agents can adversely affect your health.
2) Johnson & Johnson’s version is an actual vaccine, utilizing DNA technology. One concern is that it does contain adenoviruses, which have been associated with cancers in the past. (eg. Simian virus 40 in polio vaccines, leading to increased incidence of breast cancer https://anh-usa.org/whats-different-about-the-jj-vaccine/

Weighing the statistics: The CDC has already reported over 1,600 deaths in the US from the vaccine (and well over 25,000 adverse reactions). https://thevaccinereaction.org/2021/03/cdc-reports-1637-deaths-following-covid-19-vaccinations/  Generally, the numbers that patients and physicians report to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) represent only a small number of actual events. There already have been many reports of severe reactions and deaths after this vaccine, where the connection to the vaccine has been questioned by the CDC and conventional medicine. https://thevaccinereaction.org/2021/03/why-is-death-after-covid-19-vaccination-always-assumed-to-be-coincidental/
With the global coronavirus’ mortality rate at 0.03%, the vaccine actually has a higher mortality rate (0.05%), which makes me wonder…why do we need a “vaccine” at all?
(NOTE: The CDC has admitted that has been inflated by up to 94% in the US due to its own changing death certificate reporting requirements as well as CARES Act financial incentives for hospitals to label deaths from other causes to COVID-19 which has falsely inflated the US mortality rate. )

Some possible risks you may not have considered:
Due to the experimental, emergency approval of these “vaccines”, you may not be eligible for relief if injured.
I am also starting to hear reports of health and life insurance companies denying claims within 12 months of receiving these experimental new drugs.
I hope that I’ve given you something to think about. Please do not be overwhelmed. Do your own research and come to your own conclusions, then check those conclusions with your “GUT FEELING”. 

My next newsletter will focus on the proactive ways you can decrease your risks, especially with Vitamin C and D3.

Until then, BE WELL!

Dr Robban Sica

PS: If you share some of my concerns, you may want to read the Vaccine Bill of Rights by America’s Frontline Doctors:

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