Northwest/Alaska/Hawaii Area of the Chevron Retirees Association

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Robert Grant (Bob) Wallace Obituary (Chevron)

June 30, 1935 - January 18, 2024


Robert "Bob" Wallace was born in Bakersfield, Calif

and resided in Redwood City, Calif.

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The above information provided by the Northwest/Alaska/Hawaii Area of CRA is for general information purposes only.  The author of this information is solely responsible for its content.  The Chevron Retirees Association (CRA) and Chevron Corporation (CVX) do not express an opinion as to its accuracy.  The CRA & CVX reserve the right to amend, change, or terminate any of their benefit & insurance plans at any time.  The information provided is not individual advice.  Before making any transactions or taking any other actions, you should consult with your own qualified advisor.
Chevron Retirees Association is not a subsidiary of Chevron Corporation, but an independent organization of retired employees of Chevron or its predecessor companies.  
You may contact the Northwest/Alaska/Hawaii Area of the Chevron Retirees Association by sending an email to [email protected] CLICK with any questions or comments.