Fellow Citizens,
As you all know by now we have been actively speaking out against the November 3rd Rochester School Levy which will raise 9 million dollars a year for 10 years. Also publishing letters and flyers to help inform the public.
We want to inform you of a recent attack against the Rochester Tea Party Patriots by the Rochester Public School District. We have received an intimidation letter from the School Districts lawyers saying we must 'cease and desist' from making false claims against district spending. Furthermore, using the district flier layout, as it infringes on their intellectual property.
Over the last 7 years the RTPP has been fighting for smaller government, fiscal responsibility, and free markets. We have never had the City, County, State or School District try to intimidate us with a letter from their lawyer. Until now!
We want you to be aware, as we always do, we have the facts and proof for all the information we have put out and will not be intimidated by any government or non-government body trying to silence citizens.
We will not be removing our information and we will not back down. Help us spread the real facts by printing off this flyer or forwarding this email to your families, neighbors and coworker. Do let Superintendent Munoz and his staff intimidate this community. We are also encouraging everyone to contact each of the School Board Members and Superintendent Munoz. Ask them what gives them to right to intimidate members of the community who wish to express their first amendment right of free speech by simply asking questions and stating facts.
It might be a good time for an old fashion protest! Stay tuned!!!!
Rochester Tea Party Patriots