Happy Fall 2021
ABS Faculty News
Faculty Promotions
Congratulations to Drs. Brian Boyd, Florence DiGennaro Reed and Claudia Dozier for being promoted to Full Professor this fall! Congratulations to Dr. Christopher Cushing for being promoted to Associate Professor!

Dr. Kelley Harrison presented along with an outside colleague at the 2021 Women in Behavior Analysis conference in Nashville. Titled: “I’m Sorry for Apologizing…and Other Insights into Being a Woman in Clinical Leadership.”
Dr. Brian Boyd

Member, Medical and Science Advisory Committee, Autism Speaks, 2021

Vice President (elected), International Society for Autism Research (INSAR), 2021 – 2023
Dr. Claudia Dozier presented an invited address at The Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy (BABAT) titled, “Synchronous Schedules of Reinforcement: Translational and Applied Research”

Dr. Florence DiGennaro Reed, Professor and Chairperson, was the recipient of two awards: the ABAI Outstanding Mentor Award and the KU Louise Byrd Graduate Educator Award. She was also elected the next Treasurer of the Board of Directors for the Behavior Analyst Certification Board.
Dr. David Jarmolowicz was appointed as Associate Editor at the Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior and appointed as a member of the Society for the Experimental Analysis of Behavior’s Board.
He also received an appointment as a Fellow for the Healthcare Institute for Improvements in Quality at the University of Missouri, Kansas City.
Dr. Derek Reed gave an invited presentation at the 2021 Meeting of the Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior entitled "Applying behavioral economics to public health crises: Historical precedence and translational promise." He was nominated for the 2021 KU COVID Research Pivot Award for work on designing incentives for COVID testing and data collection on mask-wearing on campus. Finally, he was also interviewed in the NYT for his work on the behavioral economics of COVID testing: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/02/health/coronavirus-testing-behavior-hesitancy.html
Fall Prosem Schedule
November 5, Malika Pritchett: Behavior Analysis and Equity in Public Education: An Abolitionist Approach
November 19, Kiki Yablon, Amanda Curtright, Jessica Diestel: TBA
December 3, Daryl Stewart, Ky Kanaman: TBA
December 17, Ruaa Hassaballa-Muhammad: TBA

Email [email protected] to get the link to the above Prosems to watch them live!
Fall Events
NOVEMBER 12, 2021 – The 3rd annual “Behavioral Science: Applications to Leadership and Supervision Conference” will be held on the KU campus in the student union. Co-sponsored by the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies and our Department, the conference theme is on the behavioral analysis of leadership skills and best practices in supervision. This year’s speakers are Ray Miltenberger, Lori Diener-Ludwig, Terry McSween, Amber Valentino, Timothy Ludwig, Jomella Watson-Thompson, Pam Neidert, and Claudia Dozier. More information can be found here.
ABS Department News
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Funding Program (Internal Grant) w/ ABS Department

The department awarded Stacha Vera (graduate student) and Dr. Kelley Harrison grant funds to implement a formal diversity, equity, and inclusion training for staff in the Edna A. Hill Child Development Center. The funds were also used to purchase materials for their classrooms that promote diversity and inclusion. Stacha Vera presented this project as a poster at the 2021 Big 12 Teaching and Learning Conference.

A team led by researchers at the University of Kansas has received a $1 million grant from the National Science Foundation to help underrepresented Kansas City youths access enriching out-of-school opportunities. KU is partnering with a number of Kansas City organizations on the project, including the Kansas City Public Library, KC Digital Drive, ThrYve and Keystone Community Corporation, as well as transit, bike and micro-transit providers in the area. Dr. Jomella Watson-Thompson is a con investigator and Dr. David Jarmolowicz is a collaborator on this project.

The department is pleased to announce the publication of an introductory textbook in behavior analysis. ABS faculty, Drs. Derek Reed and Florence DiGennaro Reed, are co-authors with Dr. Gregory Madden.

The book was published through Wiley

Dr. Ed Morris has moved into phased retirement (2021-2024), but is not phazed. He will be teaching his regular graduate seminars -- ABSC 800, ABSC 901, ABSC 931, ABSC 981 -- plus a new one – ABSC 861. Next spring, he will teach ABSC 861 and ABSC 931.
CDC News
Dr. Kelley Harrison would love to give a shout out to all the graduate students and lead teachers who have worked tirelessly to keep the Edna A. Hill CDC running through a pandemic. "We have kept our doors open and have provide practicum experience in person for our undergraduate students since Summer 2020. Their hard work has made this possible and kept all the clients we serve, their families, and all the staff safe and healthy." GTAs include Erika Fiscus, Stacha Vera, Grace Bartle, Ky Kanaman, Marissa Kamlowsky, Laura Camafreita, Bre Roberts, Katie Gorycki, and Kathleen Holehan. Lead Teachers include Alisha Jiwani, Sharyn Serbet, Alex Ewald, Missy Somers, & Anna Gorham.

Shout Outs!

Erin Herschell was recently promoted to Education Program Manager of the CDC.

Claudia Dozier and Pam Neidert who recently were promoted to co-directors of the CDC.

Erin, Claudia, and Pam’s leadership has been vitally important to keeping our doors open through this pandemic.
Graduate Student News
Nicole Kanaman received the 2021 Todd R. Risley Student Award from the Department of Applied Behavioral Science. She is a 2021-2022 Distinguished Scholar for the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. Finally, she passed her Oral Comps this fall!

Congratulations to both Katie McHugh and Marissa Kamlowsky for successfully completing their first departmental professional seminars!

Stacha Vera was invited to represent the Applied Behavioral Science department as a 2021-2022 Program Delegate on the ABAI Student Committee.

Reilly Fullerton, won the Berkshire Association for Behavior Analysis and Therapy (BABAT), B.F. Skinner Foundation Student “Call For Proposals” award, for her master’s thesis, The Effects of Signage on Unwanted Visitor Touching. Reilly will be focusing on the problem of museum visitors touching art pieces that cause damage, and an experimental approach towards assessing different interventions to reduce that behavior.

Tyler Erath received the department’s Baer, Wolf, and Risley Award in May. He graduated with his PhD under the mentorship of Dr. DiGennaro Reed and is now a post-doctoral research fellow with alumnus Dr. Stephen T. Higgins at the Vermont Center on Behavior and Health.
Congratulations to Abigail Blackman and Marren Leon-Barajas who successfully advanced to doctoral candidacy.

Congratulations to Alicia Morgan for successfully defending her master’s thesis Evaluating the Effects of COVID Truancy Prevention and Diversion Program this summer.

Congratulations to Sandra Ruby whose master’s thesis project is available as an advance online publication through Behavior Analysis in Practice. Evaluating the Effects of Technology-Based Self-Monitoring on Positive Staff-Consumer Interactions in Group Homes.

Congratulations to Sophia Ruby who successfully defended her master's thesis titled Evaluating the Effects of Remote Behavioral Skills Training and in Situ Training on Response to Bullying.

Congratulations to Kayla Glover who successfully defended her master's thesis titled A Translational Model of Treatment Integrity Failures During Differential Reinforcement Without Extinction.

Congratulations to Kianna Csolle for defending her master's thesis titled A Descriptive Analysis of Preference for and Delay Discounting of Community Reinforcers in Substance Use Treatment.

Congratulations to Kylie Baima for defending her master's thesis titled The Use of Behavioral Interventions to Improve Olympic Weightlifting Performance.

Congratulations to Cassidy Myers for defending her master's thesis titled The Effects of Pedestrian Gestures on Motorist Yielding.

Congratulations to Kathleen Soyka who successfully defended her master's thesis titled Use and Implementation of Preference Assessments by Special Educators.

Congratulations to Lynette Johnson for defending her master's thesis titled, Effects of Feedback Statements on the Accuracy of Staff Data Collection and Procedural Implementation.

Brett Gelino received the 2021 KU ABS Graduate Award of Excellence in Teaching and Service and
successfully passed his comprehensive examination (under the new systems)!

Fernanda Oda gave invited presentations at NEABA, MABA, and State University of Londrina/Brazil. She also received the 2021 University Women's Club Scholarship.

Allyson Salzer presented at the Annual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society and was promoted to Supervising Mentor of Beyond the Dog, LLC Kansas City.

Robert LeComte defended his thesis titled A Comparison of Resurgence During Three and Four-Phase Procedures. He presented a brown bag talk at the Cofrin Logan Center for Addiction Research and Treatment. He also co-Authored a chapter on “Translating Impulsivity”.

Tadd Schneider co-authored a paper on the neurocorrelates of probability discounting in problem gamblers and co-authored a chapter on the behavioral economics of substance abuse.

ABS New Fall Graduate Students

Braren, J. Turner (Butler)
Hicks, Robert
Kanaman, Ky
Miller, Brandon
Simmons, Bryan

Fiscus, Erika
Blackman, A. L., DiGennaro Reed, F. D., Novak, M. D., & Erath, T. G. (2021 advanced online publication). The efficacy of variations of observation and data recording on trainee performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. https://doi.org/10.1080/01608061.2021.1979708 
Maye, M., Boyd, B.A., Martínez-Pedraza, F. et al. (2021 advanced online publication). Biases, barriers, and possible solutions: Steps towards addressing autism researchers under-engagement with racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically diverse communities. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-021-05250-y
Harrop, C., Dallman, A. R., Lecavalier, L., Bodfish, J. W., & Boyd, B. A. (2021). Behavioral inflexibility across two neurogenetic conditions: Down syndrome and fragile X syndrome. American journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 126(5), 409–420. https://doi.org/10.1352/1944-7558-126.5.409
DiGennaro Reed, F. D., Pellegrino, A. J., Blackman, A. L., Erath, T. G., Ruby, S., Harbison, M. J., & Maguire, H. (2021). Advancing OBM practice and research within IDD service settings. In J. K. Luiselli, R. M. Gardner, F. L. Bird, & H. Maguire, Organizational Behavior Management (OBM) Approaches for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Routledge. (Invited)
Erath, T. G., DiGennaro Reed, F. D., Ruby, S. A., Blackman, A. L., & Novak, M. D. (2021). Experimental research methodologies in organizational behavior management. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 41(2), 150-181. https://doi.org/10.1080/01608061.2020.1869137
Erath, T. G., DiGennaro Reed, F. D., & Blackman, A. L. (2021). Training human service staff to implement behavioral skills training using a video-based intervention. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 54(3), 1251-1264. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaba.827

Fite, P. J., O’Dell, C., Doyle, R., & Tampke, E. C. (2021). Proactive and reactive aggression towards siblings versus peers. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 43,12-20. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10862-020-09849-w

 Fite, P. J., Williford, A., Griffith, R. L., & Parker, K. (2021). Peer victimization among detained youth: The impact of callous-unemotional traits. Child and Youth Care Forum, 50, 569-585. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10566-020-09593-y

 Gelino, B. W., Erath, T. G., & Reed, D. D. (2021). Going green: A systematic review of proenvironmental empirical research in behavior analysis. Behavior and Social Issues, 1-25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42822-020-00043-x

Harsin, J. D., Gelino, B. W., Strickland, J. C., Johnson, M. W., Berry, M. S., & Reed, D. D. (2021). Behavioral economics and safe sex: Examining condom use decisions from a reinforcer pathology framework. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior116(2), 149-165. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeab.706
Jowett Hirst, E. S., Dozier, C. L., Juanico, J. F., Kamana, B. U., & Harper Briggs, A. M. (2021). The effects of reinforcement magnitude during token gain and loss on procedural efficacy and preference. Behavior Analysis: Research and Practice. https://doi.org/10.1037/bar0000182  
Jess, R. L., & Dozier, C. L. (2020). Increasing handwashing in young children: A brief review. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 53(4), 1219-1224. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaba.732
McHugh, C., & Zane, T. (2021, Fall). Vitamin D supplementation: Is there science behind that? Association for Science in Autism Treatment (ASAT) newsletter. URL

Madden, G. J., Reed, D. D., & DiGennaro Reed, F. D. (2021). Introduction to behavior analysis. Wiley. https://www.wiley.com/en-us/An+Introduction+to+Behavior+Analysis-p-9781119126546
Ruby, S. A., & DiGennaro Reed, F. D. (2021 advanced online publication). Evaluating the effects of technology-based self-monitoring on positive staff-consumer interactions in group homes. Behavior Analysis in Practice. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40617-021-00651-y