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Building Bridges of

Inclusion, Justice, and Spirituality

Rock The Week

20 March 2024

Breath Deep and Settle Into the Rhythm of Lent

The Stones Will Cry Out!

Make Us Part of Your Chosen Spiritual Family

This Palm Sunday at 10:15 A.M.

No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey,

you are welcome here!

Palm Sunday is loaded with theological significance. There is also a very practical side. Thank you Gene McWhorter for making your yard look great and providing our palm fronds for this coming Sunday.

This Sunday at Shadow Rock

9:00 am

  • Spiritual Formation/Sunday School for adults or children, 9 a.m.
  • Childcare on Sunday is in the Blue Room, 9-11:30 a.m.
  • Spiritual Play for 3 (potty-trained) - 8, 9-11:30 a.m.
  • Kindlings (parent group), 9 a.m.

10:15 a.m.

  • Worship in the sanctuary.

11:15 a.m.

  • Sermon Reboot will not happen this Sunday after worship. We will be joining forces for good at the Transition Team Town Hall.

Holy Week Happenings

Maundy Thursday, March 28 at 5:30 pm

with St. Teresa’s

Good Friday, March 29 at 5:30 pm

with St. Teresa’s includes Stations of the Cross and liturgy in the Sanctuary


Easter Morning, March 31

8:00 am Early Service, Festival Garden

8:45 am - 9:30 am Easter Hospitality in Smith Hall

9:45 am Egg Hunt on the playground

10:15 am Worship Celebration


We look forward to sharing Easter joy with you!


Happy Birthday Sharon Thurman!

Sharon Thurman turns 85 on March 30! We are collecting birthday cards and Thinking of You cards in the church office. We can also share her home address with you if you call the church office. She worked in our preschool and as a custodian for may years. Just counting preschool teaching we can truthfully say she worked here more than half of her life.

shadow rock preschool logo

Registration and School Tours Are Happening Now!

Register Here!

Schedule a tour here!

Our Governing Board is hosting Easter Brunch!

If you would like to make a contribution of food or service to our brunch, please contact Susan Wadell.

Your contribution could be an egg casserole, fruit, juice, hard boiled eggs, peeps, or a giant ham! Let Susan know.

Thank You!

Transition Team Corner

From time to time we will use Rock the Week to communicate the thinking, planning, and actions of our Transition Team.

The scope of their work is to oversee the process of moving Shadow Rock UCC into an organizational model that is sustainable and adaptive, with the motivation that the preservation and promotion of our core values, vision, and mission are key to the survival and thriving of Shadow Rock.

The team members are doing a lot of reading. The link below is an example. Contact Marilyn Rampley if you have questions or want to help.

Transition Team Article

Transition team Town Hall

Catch up with your friends on the Transition Team at their Town Hall in the multipurpose room after worship, March 24th!

Shadow Rock Work Morning April 6

Please join us for a morning of clean-up and fix-up for our campus, April 6. We will begin at 8 am and end before noon. Feel free to join us anytime in the morning.

The projects include creating a drainage path, cleaning/blowing sidewalks, cleaning the patio, and some tree trimming. Some light work and some heavier work. Something for everyone!

Department of Economic Security Audit Submitted

COVID precipitated millions of dollars of grants to help preschools and families to survive the uncertain times. Our preschool has benefited from the grant programs and now DES wants accountability.

The request for an audit and our needed response was fast and furious. The documentation gathered and submitted was a combined stack of paperwork over 8 inches high.

Thank you Heidi for all the extra work!!






If you want to be part of the art show leadership contact the church office. At this time, the church staff is gathering information and collecting names of interested persons.

We want to have our team in place by March 31st.