Rock the Week for November 24
Your Wednesday Dose of Shadow Rock News
Update on the Elham Family

It's happening! The Elham Family will be arriving in the Valley in the wee hours of Sunday morning. We appreciate everyone who's sprung into action to make sure that we are prepared. Continue to stay tuned, Beloveds. As Navid, Shajia, Yosef, and Omar begin to settle in, our work of welcome and accompaniment will unfold and grow. Additionally, we are still seeking financial support to meet our sponsorship commitment.

In our work today, we found the need for these supplies:
  • 1 new pillow
  • 2 new child-sized toothbrushes
  • 1 queen-sized mattress pad
  • 1 twin-sized sheet set (fitted and flat sheets, pillowcase)
  • 1 waterproof crib mattress protector
Please email Sharon Haynes if you are donating these items and make plans to bring them to Shadow Rock Sunday morning!

In the meantime, we celebrate that our prayerful patience has begun to bear fruit. Thanks be to God!
Season of Gratitude

We celebrated on Sunday the close of our budget and stewardship campaign for 2022. If you've completed a pledge card, thank you for your commitment and love for Shadow Rock. If you have not, the button below has all the information you need for completing an estimate of giving for the next year. All givers and all gifts are valued as expressions of connection and care.

We've said so often in these strange times, "our ultimate stewardship is our care for one another." That's still true. If you have questions about giving and stewardship, please contact our financial officer Heidi Zinn.

Compassion and Sharing During the Thanksgiving Season

It was awesome to see so many folks toting in donations to Ktizo's outreach program serving unhoused people. A little peanut butter, a piece of fruit: a concrete acknowledgement of our shared humanity. If you gave, know that it was appreciated.

Thanks to Jerry and Susan Waddell, Marilyn Rampley, and Janice and Tim Morrison for delivering our donations to Ktizo UCC!
Small Group Ministry in Advent

Small Group on Zoom returns in December: 7:00 pm on December 6, 13, and 20. We'll take a long and meditative look at the Christmas narratives in Matthew, Luke, and John. All are welcome - no prior experience with Bible study or meditation is needed. Just click the button below to join or email Karen Richter for a reminder and link in your inbox.
~Advent and Christmas Preview~
As a church family, we look forward to Advent and the Christmas Season. While some aspects of our shared holidays are still being planned, we are ready to share these dates and opportunities with you!

  • Advent Decorating in the Shadow Rock Sanctuary is happening this week! Look for sparkle and loveliness on Sunday.
  • Our campus partner St. Teresa of Avila is hosting an Advent retreat on Saturday December 4. The retreat will use the classic film "The Wizard of Oz" as a lens through which to view the Advent season. Register via St. Teresa's events website.
  • Thanks to the care and thoughtfulness of the Safety Team, we're planning a Coffee Chat for December 12 immediately following worship. If you would get some joy by helping make this happen, please email Lois Beberniss in the Shadow Rock office. We are excited about the possibilities of fellowship together.
  • We will have two Christmas Eve worship opportunities: 5 o'clock and 10 o'clock. Our early evening Christmas Eve service will be at 5:00 pm. This will be a traditional service incorporating candlelight and a choral reading. This service will be available in person and on Zoom. Our late Christmas Eve service will be at 10:00 pm. This is a new kind of service, an outdoor candle vigil. This can be experienced in person and via Facebook Live.
Just for fun... catch this glimpse of the Shadow Rock Preschool Thanksgiving Feast from Tuesday. We're so grateful for our preschool students and families.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
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