Rock the Week for September 1
Your Wednesday Dose of Shadow Rock News
Our photo scavenger hunt is so fun! Last week's first correct guess was Gene McWhorter, who correctly identified the base of the wedgeblade (crafted by local artist Rodger LaBrash) located near the steps that lead to Smith Hall.

Guess the location of this week's photo. Be the first to correctly identify what's in the photo and be recognized in the following week's Rock the Week.Submit your guess by clicking the button on the left. It's great to hear from so many Shadow Rockers mid-week!
Our Whole Lives Update
It's Our Whole Lives time! This past Sunday, August 29, we welcomed 23 youth and 4 adult facilitators to the OWL classroom. We spent 4 hours together learning about values, circles of sexuality, language, culture, anatomy, and body image. After a long weekend, we'll be back together September 12 for an activity-packed program that runs right up to Thanksgiving.

This is life-saving, life-enhancing ministry, made possible by your faithfulness. If Our Whole Lives sounds like fun, talk with Karen about ways to get involved.
What is Spirituality?
Heavy question, right?

Several Shadow Rockers (Ron Heisner, Peg Hesley, and Karen Richter) have formed a steering committee to explore sponsoring deeper discussions on spiritul subjects for our greater community, and any others who may be interested. We are looking to the Baha'i Spirituality Cafe as a possible model. Their community is known for open honesty, warm acceptance, and depth of discussion.

If this sounds like an adventure you would like to share, talk with any steering committee member. To get the link to Saturday's Spirituality Cafe gathering, email

Financial Celebrations
If you were in worship this past Sunday, you heard from our financial officer, Heidi Zinn, about Shadow Rock's PPP loan and new funding available for Shadow Rock Preschool. If you missed it, never fear! Check it on via YouTube here.
PJD This Fall
Profound Journey Dialogue is a weekend formation event for adults. In film clips, small group discussions, and interactive reflections, participants explore our shared ideas and their own experiences and values.

Save the date now - October 15-17. If you're curious about Shadow Rock's theology and culture, our covenant, or our symbolic life together, PJD is a must. In the meantime, check in with Pastor Ken to share your questions.
We've taken our time on Sunday mornings since July Sabbath... easing into the routine of worshiping together. This "ramping up" process continues on September 12, with the beginning of 9 o'clock spiritual formation for adults. Our first topic is Wading Into Theology, an exploration of different ways of imagining Spirit and ultimate reality. Later in the fall, look for a new series on Women In Scripture and special opportunities during Advent. We are continuing in a hybrid format, with participation both on campus in the multipurpose room and via Zoom.

Monday small group also returns in September. This fall's small group is "Breathe, Write." We'll allow words and breath to energize and deepen one another. We'll gather online at 7 pm, beginning on September 13 and will continue for six weeks (ending October 18).

As always, all are welcome. Willingness to show up and readiness to share are the only requirements.
We continue to hold in prayer families arriving to the US from Afghanistan. Catch up on local news regarding immigration and stay tuned for a response from faith communities.
Rock the Week is published each Wednesday. 
To submit content or offer comments, please email